Subject: Many Things
From: "Eleanor Harris"
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 14:59:00 -0400

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Dear Ownbey Class,
I'm so sorry that some of you are getting this twice, but about ten people didn't get the first one so I'm sending it again. Some of my e-mail addresses had vanished.  I'm sure I inadvertently did something wrong. I know there is one incorrect name in the list which I will change later.
We voted last Sunday to have a covered-dish supper on April 21, which is a Monday, in Jubilee Hall.  Harriette will pass around a sign-up sheet next Sunday, and we will start calling those without computers within the next few weeks.  Please put   that date on your calendar.
On Sunday, April 27, The Ministry of Adult Education of the church is plannning an Adult Sunday School Fair from 8:00 a.m. until 12:30p.m.  Chick and Reatha will provide the leadership.  We eill abe asked to man the display table from 8:00 until 1:00 in perhaps 30 minute shifts.  We will start asking for volunteers on Sunday.
Harriette has also arranged for a garden party at the Gossetts on either May 18 or May 25, which are Sundays.  We will vote on the most desirabledate next Sunday also.
We have only one birthday next week:
Nancy Pack  4/5
Our teacher will be Jim Hatfield introducing us to Heaven.
See you in Sunday School,