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Dear Ownbey Class,
The teacher for Sunday, April, 20, will be Ken
Garfield, talking about a topic of his own choosing.
The only birthday for the following week
Janie Jones, 4/26
Our proposed Care Team for Betty Campbell 's
transportation is in the hands of Susan Mobley. She will contact all
who signed up.
Covered Dish Supper is next Monday, April 21,
at 6:00 in Jubilee Hall. If you know of any prospective class members,
especially young people, please invite them to be our guests.
Rea Baxter is now in the "rehabilitation section
where she is to have physical therapy to improve muscle condition. She
might be there for about two weeks, otherwise she is doing well."
Ted Bryan had surgery on Monday but seems to be
doing well.
Both Rea and Ted ask that we remember them in our
See you in Sunday School..