Subject: Update
From: "Eleanor Harris"
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 16:03:03 -0400

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Dear Ownbey Class,
Birthdays for this week are as follows:
Heathy Walker 9/18
Joyce Witherington 9/18
The  teacher this Sunday is Don Hammer, using The Reason For God by Timothy Keller.
The Nominating Committee is as follows:
Janie Jones, Chairwoman
Reatha Andrew
Wilma Miller
Tom Stinson
We very much appreciate the doughnuts brought by Don Redding and Linda Myers last Sunday.  I hope lots of people had some.  I'm sorry that I got busy and didn't have any or announce it to the class.
The Ownbey Class Barbecue is on September 26th at 6:30 at the Copelands, 2044 Sherwood Ave.  Your check is your reservation.
Put checks in the envelope on the clipboard on Sunday.
Our time to provide lunch and snacks for Habitat is 9/29, but thanks to Ann Copeland the food has been planned.  She, Wilma Miller, and I will deliver it on Monday the 29th.
See you in Sunday School.