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April 25, 1991


John F. Redding

P 0 Box 1628
Asheboro, NC 27203

Dear John,

I just can’t tell you how excited I’ve been over your phone call. I called my Aunt Gerry in Seattle briefly and told her of your call. She is just as excited as I. So happy and satis­fied to really know where we came from!! ! I sit here now and try to just picture the Redding Farm in Scotland and what it must look like. I have some questions after digesting all that you told me. Am also enclosing what I wrote up after talking to you. Would like you to look it over and see if I wrote it up accurately, and if I need to change anything, and maybe you’ll see a spot where you can add a bit more.
Also enclosed are the charts I promised you. Expect to have more to add to them after I receive a few more replies.
Going to get this letter right off to you, but next time I write I’ll tell you more about myself and family. Will gather a picture or 2 to send you of us alit by then also.
You mentioned alot about nephews, but never children. Am wondering if your married and have kids? What are you involved in being on the Historical Board. Do they have a special project each year? I feel for the family being in textiles right now. Have been reading articles about it in the paper for months. My father all his life has been very strict about buying only USA made things. I try to all I can, too. Although I must admit sometimes I don’t. America has hurt themselves and I have to wonder when they’ll all wake up!

So when you went to Scotland did you find everything yourself, or was it some kind of tour? How many times have you been and when was the last time. I so hope that you have pictures. Maybe I could get a few copies, or if you got brochures could get a copy of them. When Auntie Gerry and I came last fall, we were at the copy place copying and Lazering photos alot. Spent more on that than gas for the trip, but we have such treasures to look through in our books now, so well worth every cent!!!

Wondering now who owned Joseph T. Redding’s property before you. Has the property been split up alot. Was it split up some when you purchased it or were you able to get the whole thing. I don’t know how much there was to start.

Oh,I for sure wanted to know how they spell Redding in Scotland. So many spellings here, and oldest records I’ve found mostly spell it REDING, and Robert’s line still spells it that way. Their family passed down to be sure always spelled that way and then they’d know for sure who they were related to..