is the Oral Family History of the Reding/Redding family known by John F.
Redding. Some has been physically proven.
this date John Redding is 74 years of age. He lives on the property previously
owned by his Great Uncle Joseph T. Redding, who was married to Sarah Trogdon
and later Mary Hammer. Joseph proceeded Mary in death, and she lived on
there until her death. Note: Mary Hammer was the 2nd cousin of Sarah Trogdon.
John Redding’s address is: John F. Redding
& Ann Reding purchased property alongside or near Joseph and Jean Reding
in Randolph Co. But Robert and Ann didn't stay long, they moved onto Davidson
County Tennessee. Nobody knows if Ann had died in Randolph or if she died
later in Tennessee. When Robert left he left debts and so his property
went up for sale on a Sheriff's sale in which Joseph & Jean Reding
purchased it. John F. doesn't know if Joseph kept it very long.
of John and Martha Reding’s Sons were, Joseph T. Redding, and Thomas Redding.
Thomas was somewhat of a poor farmer, although he did own a slave. But
because of strong influence from the Quakers, he freed his slave. Thomas
was wed to Elizabeth (Steed). Joseph T. Redding had a large portion of
land, located on Back Creek Township. This is also where the Redding Cemetery
is located.
On the note of religious beliefs and politics, this is the knowledge handed down. The Redding’s were Whigs, later Republicans, with a true sense of patriotism. Not sure of religious beliefs of the ancestors in Pasquotank, but later Methodist. The Quaker influence was high in the late 1600’s through 1800 in Randolph, but the Methodists were present from the 1700’s on. It is thought all the Redding’s were Methodists except for Joseph T. Redding who was Quaker for he married into the Trogdon Family who were devoted Quakers. Solomon Trogdon Redding, son of Joseph T. was one of the original Trustees of Bethany Methodist Church. He helped to chart the beginnings of this church.