How does she do it-- “Impresario Barb” --She has booked us Old Salem, in full Holiday Garb!

What a pluperfect day -- with so much for to see --Toy Museum, Lights Festival, Candle Tea --

Not to mention great lunch -- and some wonderful shopping --The whole scene left us awe struck -- our eyes all a’ popping!

What a gracious, quaint place -- full of charm, full of grace --Those Moravians know how to dress up a place!

The weather was fine -- fellow tour-goers super --Not a grumble or gripe -- not one bad party pooper!

And of course our favorite driver, Sir Bob --For the day, Barb tore N. Holmes away from her job!

Good folks, good climate, good times and good singing --You really could start to hear Christmas Bells ringing!

'Twas a wonderful way to kick off the season — And thru it all, hopefully, we recall the real reason --

Yes, Jesus, we do love your Birthday --

And we’ll try to remember it each coming day!