Put memory card into  adapter
It should  begin to upload or give you choice (if not, I need other instructions)
(To be able to send to Smugmug, you will need to know where the new
picture files are.)Try to notice where it puts the file directory and what the
name is. Probaly will not be able to do this, so after it uploads try to find the
newest directory and file by using Microdoft (MS) Search / Find.
To start MS Search / Find, push Windows Key and F.
Mess with MS Find and try to find a place to tell it to search for the date and
put in today's date. Search all directorys.
It should find files and directories. If you can tell which directory you just
created by the upload remeber it. If you only see files, notice ones with JPG
extension on the end after the dot and notice what directory it is in
Now open Smugmug on line. Enter your email address and password .
In 10 seconds you will be logged in.
Click NEW GALLERY.  Enter / create a title such as  Shatley Springs. Put it in
a category such as TRAVEL and in a SUBCATEGORY such as TRIPS. (You
can create more categories and sub categories elsewhere if you ever want)
Leave THEME alone right now, but do look at the drop down menu now - later
you can chage the theme or what the pages look like but let's not do now, use
Make it PUBLIC so all can see easily.
AT the next screen you have options of ADD PHOTOS CUSTOMIZE DELETE GALLERY
and select ADD PHOTOS.
Now you need to know how to find your files.
Here goes . .
Click Add PHOTOS
Now I am not sure what your screen looks like. Lets assume it  is a screen
that shows you have not selected an uploader and called ADING MEDIA TO
Lokk at trhe bottom of the box for LEGACY UPLOADERS and select
Now you really need to know where your files are
Click either SELECT FOLDER or SELECT FILES. Let us assume we want
to send all the pictures up, so SELECT FOLDER. Here is probably the hard
part as you need to know the folder / directory your picture files are in. (You
determined that by the  MS Search / Find, push Windows Key and F
discussed above; I assume you have done that and loccated the folder but if
not or you forgot where they are, you could do now / again). (You could have
selected SELECT FILES and selected each file individually which takes longer.)
Select the folder by opening the + marks until you find your folder. Then click
SCAN and it will put a lot of files in the  window. Notice you can remove any
you want.
NOw it will take a while without RoadRunner to upload but let it do it.
After it appears they are loaded, click on YOUR PHOTOS found on top line
right center above.
Go to the Shatley . . . Gallery and look at your pictures.