Brief recollections and comments offered by class members.






The church is a family; our class is a close family. United by the common recognition of Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are all brothers and sisters.

And, for a time, and the Ownbey C/ass arid Myers Park United Methodist Church is our home.


Like every human family,

Our church family is formed and reformed over time; as members are born, as they die, as members are adopted into our family, and as they leave our class and church for a new home,a home in a different place.


For a time, Ginny and Wes, have lived with us. We have shared with each other good times and bad, we have shared each other’s joys and sorrows, we have lightened each other’s heavy loads. Together we have laughed and cried,

together we have worshiped and praised God, together we have lived.



We feel sorrow in your leaving,

yet we rejoice with you in anticipation of this new phase of

your life,

We will miss your love and support,

yet we know you will add much to the lives of those who will be your new church family, as you have added much to our lives.






We will pray for you and for the whole family of God.


Let us pray:




0 God, you are the strength and the protector of your people. We humbly place in your hands, Ginny and Wes of this class who are about to leave us.

Keep and preserve them, 0 Lord,

in all health and safety, both of body and soul; Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Go in the peace of Christ. Our prayers go with you. Amen.