Myers Park United Methodist Church
(704) 376-8584
(Received 11/22/01)


Class of 2001: Dave Lank, Martha Cushman, and Gerry Hieronymus
Class of 2002: Roland Elliott and Don Redding
Class of 2003: Robert Dartnall and Elizabeth Edwards
Class of 2004: Allison Warren and John McIntosh

FROM: Julian Aidridge, Staff Liaison

Exciting news about an experiment towards improving accommodation of our overflow crowds
during these forthcoming holidays! Called “Service at the Table,” staff members will be
overseeing a table setting environment in the Fellowship Hall during the 11 AM sanctuary service
of worship. Rather than accommodate overflow with chairs in a lecture setting, persons will be
invited to sit at round tables where coffee, spice tea, and English muffins will be available. Persons
will share in the worship service via the large video screen.

This concept of upgrading our overflow crowd with “Service at the Table” emerged out of
discussions in our Hospitality Ministry Team and Evangelism Ministry Team, where there was
concern the message, “we are full,” given to latecomers to sanctuary services, was communicating
a negative rather than positive environment. Now, ushers can say, “Please join ‘Service at the
Table’ in the Fellowship Hall where you will be seated and able to join in the service.” This
sounds so much better than, “We are full. You will have to go to the overflow room!”

During December, staff members will be overseeing this experiment. John McIntosh, who will
serve as facilitator of our Worship Ministry Team in 2002, was involved in staff discussions and
preparations for launching this upgrade on Su.nday, December 2. John will be calling a meeting of
the Worship Ministry Team after the first of the new year, at which time an agenda item will be a
review of “Service at the Table” and consideration of how our ministry team might insure its
continued effectiveness.

“Service at the Table” will begin Sunday, December 2. You may find it helpful to drop by the
Fellowship Hall during an 11 AM service or to attend the service in that environment to see how
it serves the intent of improving a hospitable environment for those who either can not find
seating in the sanctuary or simply prefer a more informal setting for their participation. We on the
staff are excited about the prospects this holds for improving the hospitable environment we
communicate to those who join us on Sunday mornings!

My only other thought! I wish I could preach “from the table” with a cup of coffee in one hand
and an English muffin in the other! What about that?!
