United Methodist Distinctives
We believe in the centrality and
authority of Scripture.
We believe in free will.
We believe in the grace of God.
That grace is
• prevenient
- it goes before us, calling us into a relationship with God even
before we are aware of God;
• justifying
- through Jesus Christ we are transformed, receive pardon from sin
and liberation from guilt;
• sanctifying
- enables us to live lives of holiness.
Thoughtfully and critically review your sources.
Much popular religious literature
is based on the fundamentalist tenet of the inerrancy of Scripture. This
concept is not a tenet of United Methodist belief. Teachers need to use
discretion and good judgment when accessing such resources.
Much popular literature also
contains a determinist slant which is often in direct opposition to our belief
in free will. Once again, teachers should use good judgment and discretion with
such resources.
A large body of well-known and
popular literature deals with Biblical prophecy, end times, rapture, and other
beliefs of a dispensationalist nature. These beliefs are not basic to Christian
belief and should never be taught as such.
When reviewing material, consider
the answers to these three basic questions:
• What does this material say about
• What does this material say about
human beings?
• What does this material say about the
interaction of God and human beings?