Usher - Hospitality Tips

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Usher Intructions (2002 revision by Bryan)
Usher Intructions (draft from 1999)
Assignments by Bryan
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Myers Park Methodist
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Usher Team February
Usher Team  May

Handout #1 Hospitality Tips

1. Practice the 10 Foot Rule: Speak to everyone who comes within 10 feet of you.

2. Practice the 3 Minute Rule: Look for someone you don't know and speak with them within three minutes before or three minutes after classes or worship.

3. Avoid "Holy Huddles," or huddling up with people you know and closing out and ignoring others.

4. Practice the greeting, "Hi. I'm Terry Stone." You don't need to ask if they are
a member. Just say "hello." And don't worry if they have been going here several years... they like to be greeted, too.

5. Practice the FRAN Invitation: Invite Friends, Relatives, Associates, and neighbors to church events.

6. Consider sitting near the center of a pew. At many of our events, seating is at a premium. The closer you sit near the center of a pew, the easier it is for others to get a seat. (Also do not sit in the same place at every service or meeting, as you will find new people this way.)

7. Consider giving up your seat to another person. Tell the usher as you go in that you are willing to move, go to the closed circuit room, if attendance overflows. Most first timers come just as an event begins. They are not used to coping with parking difficulties and it takes them more time to find where to enter the buildings. Make their visit more pleasant by offering them a seat.

8. Become familiar with the church and with where to find directions. Offer assistance to people who are newcomers.

9. Remember the questions people are asking: Is there anyone here like me? Is there anything here for me?

10. Have greeters for your group meetings, and station them outside the doors if possible.
Handout #2 Do I want to be Welcoming?”

1. Why do I attend Myers Park United Methodist Church?
    Why do I think other people might like this church?

3. How would I want my guests to be treated?

4. How can I help others - whether they are strangers, invited guests or members - feel comfortable and welcome?

5. What is God calling me to offer to strangers?

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