Trains in NC
This address is
Link to 73 and 74
Link to 79 and 80
Here is info about checking Train Status/arrival times
You can call 1 800 872 7245 and ask for info on
the status of a train. This way you can plan on when to meet it, etc.,
at about the time you hear on the telephone that it
should arrive. That will save you lots of phone calls back and forth to
famiily and friends for
1>You will call 1 800 872 7245
2>When automated Julie answers (no kidding) say train status
3>she will ask if you know the train so you say yes
4>and she will ask train # and then destination
5>The train is 80 - or whatever - (say or input on phone)
6>and she asks for destination
7>say Cary North Carolina - or whatever
8>and she should tell you the time the train is scheduled originally to arrive in Cary or where ever
9>and the time it looks like it really will get there.
10>On 8/6/08 for example train #80 was 24 minutes late arriving in Cary and I knew it from the telephone call. It is especially helpful for the late train into Charlotte which often is an hour or so late.
Here is a link to Amtrak
Link to Trains on Don's Smugmug
Link to 73 and 74
Link to 79 and 80