Hi there Tom Sorensen
Tom Sorensen <tsorensen@charlotteobserver.com>
Tom, not sure I should send this but you (10/05) said to go ahead. I
think ncstate has not done as well as folks think against unc and
I will try to support this premise by commenting in your "expect"
vs "hope" format.
Summary: Unc expects to win always against
ncstate and usually does. ncstate's main goal is to beat unc over all other
teams and usually they have failed for hundreds of years - well at
least since 1894 in football and since 1913 in basketball.
Excel and Expect?
Maybe you meant your article to be broader than unc vs ncstate but
I took at least part of it to be a state/unc thing. You say unc does not
want to excel in football. You indicate UNC fans do not expect to
win. You say ncsate expects to win. As far as specifically unc vs. ncstate
is concerned I think otherwise
I have been a Wolfpack Club member since 1967
or 1974 (I forget)
and been to many Wolfpack Club meetings.
ncstate is obsessed with beating unc over anyone else. ncstate HOPES
to win - at least against UNC - and that is their number one goal
- nothing else seems to matter; the record is clear however about who has
done the most winning over the years against the other. Go to one of their
meetings - they are crazy over the success of unc - especially Amato and
Yow - and I bet most of nc state's football coaches are fired because
they can't beat unc. The meetings are a discuss Carolina event. At unc's
ram's club meetings ncstate is barely mentioned. Check it out yourself
- do the same in all sports. So which team does it appear expects to win
- and which team DOES win?
UNC expects to beat ncstate always and has done it consistently for over
100 years in football (in total unc has won 62 times and state 27) and
for 92 years in basketball (UNC has won 130, state 74) plus in all the
other sports. Just thought, check the Sears Cup standings to see
where state is overall. UNC does not "hope" to beat state, UNC knows it
will beat state and the record proves it. That is my definition of "expect."
I and many of my friends give lots of money and effort to the unc
program. I endowed a scholarship, I gave money to help build the
new facilities, I have not missed a home football game since 1953 except
for a couple when I had 3x by pass surgery and a few games when my
son played little league ball on saturdays. I have served as a ram rep and to encourage
others to give. I meet with my scholarship holder and offer support and
encouragement to him to excel in athletics, academics, and life.
Many other fans do the same. We put our money where our mouth is;
sure ncstate spends money too, but unc was the leader. (Is all this
spending "good," that is another discussion as I might have done
better to put the money in the stock market or more charitable causes.)
I raise cain about the academic and court record of some of our athletes.
How you can say unc fans do not want to excel is discouraging and surprising.
I do want us to excel and I try to make it happen with my support - money
and otherwise.
(Re the scholarship I give, today I received a thank you note from the
player at UNC who my scholarship supports and it reminded me
that I never got this letter back to you. He is a neat kid, so young as
they all are, and a substitute who has been switched from wide receiver
to the secondary. He said my help to him was a blessing and that
choked me up. I think we forget about some things in our quest for
the BCS Bowls etc., and the fact that some kids do get an education
or chance at one is sometimes overlooked. Anyway, I care fiercely about
winning and am putting my money where that part of my heart is but it is
kinda nice to hear this message from a young man in the middle of a tough
year.) See him at http://tarheelblue.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/bethea_bryan00.html
going back, unc has won vs. state - from 2006 to the beginning, for
example, unc has won 11 out of the last 18 games back to 1987
three out of three (2006, 2005, 2004)
three out of four (2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 and etc to the beginning of the ACC)
- 3 out of 5,
4 out of 6,
5 out of 7
6 out of 8
7 out of 9
8 out of 10
9 out of 11
10 out of 12
11 out of 13
11 out of 18
12 out of 19
12 out of 20
13 out of 21
14 out of 22
15 out of 23
16 out of 24
17 out of 25
18 out of 26
19 out of 27
19 of 28
20 of 29
20 of 30
20 of 31
20 of 32
21 of 33
21 of 34
22 of 35
23 of 36
23 of 37
23 of 38
23 of 39
24 of 40
25 of 41
25 of 42
26 of 43
26 of 44
27 of 45
27 of 46
28 of 47
28 of 48
28 of 49
28 of 50
29 of 51
30 of 52
- 31 of 53
32 of 54 (beginning of ACC)
>From 1894 to 1951 state won 5 games and lost 31 to unc.
Anyway, these are my comments for what they are worth. Now that
I "know" you, your articles have a special meaning to me. Just doing this
short email reminds me how hard it is to write! Thanks
Thank you
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