MPUMC now offers 3 levels of
classes that
your divine purpose within the body
of Christ
or how you’re...
Wired 4 Ministry 101: Discover
Your Spiritual Gifts
A 50 minute format offered monthly during the New Members Discovery
Class. W4M 101 gives a basic foundation of how we are all gifted for ministry
and called to be in ministry within the body of Christ. Participants discover
what their individual God-given spiritual gifts may possibly be.
Wired 4 Ministry
201: Discover Your S.H.A.P.E.
This two-hour format can be presented in two consecutive sessions or one
two-hour session. Once we discover our God-given spiritual gifts, we need
direction on where, with who, and how to use those gifts. Our individual
S.H.A.P.E illustrates how each of us is uniquely wired for ministry.
Your S.HA.P.E. is comprised of your:
(S) — Spiritual Gifts (H) Heart (A) Abilities (P) — Personality style
(E) Experiences By understanding one’s S.H.A.P.E., persons can get a clearer
picture of how their ministry can be effective and fulfilling. This is
accomplished through a variety of exercises that the participants complete
either before or between the classes, depending upon the format. Great for
Sunday School classes, Circles, Ministry Teams, or any other small group.
* For
those opting for the two session format, it is strongly encouraged that
participants plan to attend both weeks and that Sunday School classes allot as
much time as possible.
Wired 4 Ministry 301: Discover
Your Paassion Empowering Purpose (P.E.P.)
An eight-hour small group format, this class offers an opportunity for in depth exploration into one’s unique
calling from God. Our Christian vocation empowers us for meaningful and
fulfilling ministry. Participants gain a deeper appreciation of their unique
God-given S.H.A.P.E. through weekly exercises, personal reflection and group
sharing and will begin to discover their Passion Empowering Purpose.
* Offered
dunng Wonderrul Wednesdays and Autumn Academy. Four-week classes throughout the
year are available for groups of 5-6 people. Get a group together!
Interested in
scheduling a 2 hour ‘W4M 201” class for your Sunday
School class, Ministry Team, Circle, or small group?
Contact either:
David Dulin (H) 704-366-5597 (W) 704-377-5177
Carol Tate