Hi Ownbey Email folks:
October 17, 2002, Thursday
This message also at Sunday
School Email 10/17/02 or go to http://donredding.com/021017ownbey.html
This is longer than I bet you like, but I decided on one email
instead of several.
Included are comments on
De fib ri la tor, Christmas
Party and Breakfast, Schedule Changes,
(ex), Green Sheets,
Lost now found
Name Tags, Photos, Class Notes,
Board Minutes, Alpha MPUMC Web Site Index, Wonder
Defibrillator (De fib ri la tor).
We collected for several Sundays. Last Sunday the 13th was the last.
Bob Lumadue said we received "over $500,"
and if you still want to contribute send to Bob or the Church office.
Mark check "Ownbey - Defib Contribution."
Great! Thanks, Class.
Christmas party is Sunday, December 8 at
3:30 p.m. at the Maxwells.
More info later. Mark your calendar.
Thank you Ann and Allen.
Christmas breakfast changes to Sunday, December 15
at the Thompsons. Mark your calendar. Times to come later.
Thank you Syd and Harriette.
Schedule changes
So far we have 37 former Ownbey presidents identified.
I am impressed so many have served. Thanks. We want to get you a pension.
With the class nearing 50, we are missing some, although a few of
you served more than once.
Let me know after you check the list if you think of more names (and dates!)
and tell me if I have some listed that should not be.
Tell me if I am wrong, but I have as ex-Presidents the following:
Andrew, Bledsoe, Booker, Campbell, Carriage, Copeland, Culbreth, Elkins,
Gage, Gosset, Gourley, Grogan, Guthery, Hackney, Hammer, Hamrick, Hargett,
Hatfield, Hauersperger, Hawn, Heintzelman, Jones, Kirk, Lumadue,
McCullough, Miller, Needy, O'Neil, Owen, Rasberry, Schrum, Soule, Sparling,
Thompson Syd, Thompson Chick, Walker, Webb, Witherington.
You can see the names and dates I have at http://donredding.com/presidents.html
Thanks especially to Ken and Anne Buker who came up with lots of names.
Of interest, Paul Guthery answered the question about when he served by
answering, simply and immediately, "1960" just as I would have
said today is Wednesday. He gets the prize for remembering. I forget what
the prize is, already.
Green Sheets - A followup on getting
info current has been mailed to the members who have not responded.
We have about 10 not responding. Please mail the sheets back
if you have not. Thanks.
By the way, we have received some suggestions with the green sheets,
and we will discuss them later.
We received suggestions for officers / committee leaders for next
year (but not enough), and I am passing those on to President Hammer for
consideration by a Nominating Committee.
If you did not make already a recommendation or offer to serve and
have ideas, pass them on to Don Hammer for consideration by a Nominating
Found by Barbara 10/17/02 - Our nice wooden name
tag holder has been found.
Some folks like the idea of using name tags as we find even members of
long standing do not know each other. Also we could help visitors and new
members know folks if we used them.
Preference is for clip on tags instead of the ones with pins if we decide
to do this.
Some folks say we will not do it because "we have been coming XX years
and know everyone." Well some of us do not know other's names, take my
Let us know if you know who made the wooden frame. Several credited Bob
Lumadue, but he says he did not.
- Sunday, October 6, we were out of 8:30 communion service
early, and I was able to get a bunch of photos of the class including Gaston's
kin (and also Lou's from the next week).
Let me know if any should be removed.
Find the link on our Ownbey web page and click on Photos or to go directly
by clicking
here. When at Photo Island click on the left on "A Ownbey
02 .." which should be the third menu item. Remember slideshow is best
at one second refresh rate the first time through.
(You also can see photos of Adults Plus trip to Lake Junaluska last
week at "A Lake Juna ...")
Be patient, be patient, takes too long to load
There is a visitor limit of 10 a day , so it it does not work, check another
on Classes. - Many items come up in class and it is hard to
remember what we did or decided - who served offices, is their an endowment,
where did we have socials and when, what trips have we taken, etc.
I have started making notes of some class actions and comments.
If someone else wants to do this, I would welcome the help.
We will try it for a while and decide if it is worthwhile. Later, let me
Such notes I hope will be a record of what we do but also give folks who
miss a chance to keep up.
You can see what I have been doing for a couple of months on the Lesson
Schedule Sheet at http://donredding.com/2002B.html#current.
If you see some comments needing change let me know.
Let me know if you want to be the one making these notes.
Board Minutes - I sent an email earlier telling you the minutes
are available from the 10/14 meeting.
You might be interested in the sale of property recently netting the church
in the high six figure amount.
The next meeting of 11/11 wil be a Charge Conference when the Board members
and other leadership positions will be elected. If you want to serve or
have recommendations, let Dr Aldridge know soon.
Link is http://donredding.com/admbd.htm
Alpha MPUMC Web
Index - A new web committee has been formed, and I expect the MPUMC
web site to improve in the next few months.
As some of you know, I have been frustrated with finding stuff on the church
web site. Also I was frustrated that our Ownbey schedule and info were
not put on the MPUMC site, hence I designed our own at http://donredding.com/church.htm
I recently developed an index to almost 600 items on the MPUMC web
site (some are duplicates alphabetized in different ways such as "Sunday
School Class - Ownbey" or "Ownbey Sunday School Class").
The Index makes finding info on the MPUMC web site easier.
While much more needs to be on the MPUMC site, at least with the Index
one can see faster what is there and not there.
Listed also are subjects one would think should be there (such as "Baptism")
but are not covered on the MPUMC web site. "No Link" appears beside the
subject in the Index if not on the MPUMC web page.
The Index takes a while to load as it is large (over 300k) but it should
work ok after loaded.
The address to the index is http://donredding.com/m.htm
Hope to see you Sunday as William Webb starts the
new book by Susan
Howath called Wonder
Worker. Click on Ebenezer
or go to http://donredding.com/ebenezer.htm
to learn the meaning of this word and win a prize.
Wednesday 10/17/02