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Ownbey Weekly Reader
Thursday, January 9, 2003.
Planning Session Minutes

(on web at   http://donredding.com/20030109.htm

 Lesson schedule is at  http://donredding.com/2003.html#current 

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Myers Park United Methodist Church

Ownbey SundaySchool Class Leader Team Meeting

Thursday, January 09, 2003

(Minutes may be found at http://www.donredding.com/20030109.htm)

The Ownbey SundaySchool Class Leader Team, consisting of class officers and committee chairs for 2003, metThursday, January 09, 2003, at Carol Douglas’ residence on Radcliffe Drive at 6:30 p.m. for dinnerfollowed by a business meeting from 7:20 p.m. to 8:29 p.m.

Present were the officers of Donald Redding(President), Bill and Marie Pearce (Vice president), Durward and Connie Owen (Secretary), and Carol Douglas (Treasurer). Also present were committee chairs ofWilliam Webb (Curriculum), Reatha Andrew and Don Hammer (Health and Happiness), Ann Copeland (Meal Organizing),Harriette Thompson (Music ), Jim and Nancy Hatfield (Social), and Connie Owen (Telephone). Missing were Ginny Soule (Meal Organizing co chair) and Harold Clark (Music co chair).

Reverend Bill Pearce gave the blessing and invocation.

1)       Mr. Redding mentioned the purposes of the meetingwere to understand better each leader's roles, provide feedback and ideas on areas in the class, make plans as appropriate, build a base for communication, and fellowship. 

2)       Class members were asked on Sunday, January 05, and some by telephone before the meeting, to provide feedback to the officers and chairs specifically for this meeting. Feedbackfrom class members for the meeting included:

A)     A suggestion by a class member that the“primary objectives of the class are to expand our beliefs through learning and discussionand to provide Christian fellowship.” Mr. Redding asked the Team to review these objectives for later discussion. 

* It was felt the word “Christian” should be inserted toread“primary objectives of the class are to expand our Christian beliefs through learning and discussionand to provide Christian fellowship.” in the event we want to adopt this statement as our official objective or mission. He noted it said nothing about service.

B)      “Being sure teachers have enough time for lesson,” was mentioned by a class member. Mr. Reddingacknowledged he knowingly broke the 10:00 – 10:40 rule Sunday in an attempt to set the stage for the year.

C)      Also the same person said,as long as they“have been members of the class, therehas been no indication that the class was highly structured. I do not think it needs tobe … becausewithfew written rules or guidelines … officers are free to create or revise as they feel appropriate … andbring anything new or revised before class for discussion and approval…”

·         Mr. Redding agreed with most of the statement buthoped during the yearthe class wouldfind or develop basic guidelines for each officer, committee,and chair role as a method of providing guidance for futurenominees and office holders without curbingany desire for creativity. Such information could behoused ina Class Handbook for present and future classes.

D)      Other class members expressed appreciation for the teachers and their contributions of talent and time, acknowledgingOwnbey has an outstandinggroup of teachers.

E)       Another class member noted the fine job done by various committees and suggested that more people be named to the committees to reduce the work load on the chairs or co chairs. During the meeting, Mr Reddingencouraged the chairs to solicit more committee membersif the need is apparent. 

3)       New Business included:

A)     New Ownbey Sunday School Facilities: 

1)       First Sunday will be February 2, 2003, and the Team designated it as “Official Picture Day for Ownbey Sunday School Class.” All class members will be encouraged to be present and bringcameras.

2)       New room / location:(Note: Much of this paragraph not known at the time of meeting but confirmed with Barbara Barden January 10, 2003. It modifies some information given at the meeting): The Ownbey class room will be on the first floor in the new building and may be reached from the front or the side near the (handicapped) parking. Entering from the parking lot, theroom is down the hall on the right. It is near the Chapel. It has windows. It is not a dividable room. Heating and Air Conditioning units will be outside some windows. Blackboards / whiteboards will be installed several weeks after the move and will paid for from the MPUMC Education budget. The piano will move with us. After the move we should contact Tori Collins to have it tuned when other pianos will be tuned on a visit by a professional. Although chairs are Church property (we paid for the Ownbey Chairs several years ago) we hope to retain them or improve.. Many chairs in the new classrooms will come from the present Church in the Round.

B)      Selection ofCommittee Chairs: The procedure for selecting committees and chairs was reviewed. The procedure is that the President selects committee chairs and,in conjunction with the advice of the chair for the committee, the membership.

C)      Projects Committee: It was decided we shouldhave a project committee. The procedure will be to ask for volunteers several Sundays. After a group of 5 is selected, it will select its chairman. It will be responsible for determining a name for this committee and for developing procedures for determining and approving requests for money of aproject type. The Class President will be an ex-officio member. After the first year the President will select the Chairman and, in conjunction with the advice of the chair for the committee, the membership. The time frame for having the 2003 Project Committee in place is 60 to 90 days. Vice President Bill Pearce has drafted some preliminary ideas on the subject and they will be shared with the committee. They are attached to these minutes. (eventually when dsr gets toit.)

D)      Nominating Committee: Previously the President appointed the Nominating Committee in the last quarter of the year. It was decided the President should select the Nominating Committee at the same time as selecting other committees. No officers willserve on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will make recommendations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President will select the Nominating Committee chair and, in conjunction with the advice of the chair for the committee, the membership.Reasons given for this change are to allow committee members to observe potential candidates during the year, to provide aforum where class members may recommend potential candidates or offer to servein advance of the new year, and to havemany positions filled well before the year begins. The time frame for selecting the 2003 Nominating Committee is 60 to 90 days..

E)       Membership: Average class attendance dropped by 5 persons over the last couple of years and the trend has been down more slowly for 6 years.

1)       Though we added members over the last few years, othersleft for various reasons offsetting the gains.

2)       Team members were asked to encourage current class members to return and to be looking for new members.

3)       Ideas for increasing attendance will be considered at a later time.

F)       Future Ownbey Leaders Team Meetings:Team members at a later time will consider whether further meetingsshould be held. 

4)       Old Business: None as this is the first meeting of the Team.

5)       Committee Reports:

A)     Curriculum: (Chair William Webb)

1)       Mr. Webbsaid that 

The Curriculum Committee has three primary objectives. First, we endeavor

to select books or church school lessons which lend themselves to provoking

a lively discussion among intelligent and mature men and women. Second, we

endeavor to provide books which deal with a wide variety of points-of-view,

since our class has members which reflect a wide range of beliefs. Third,

we are faithful to our protocols developed over decades to have teachers who

will lead discussions, not lecture, and will follow the rules, which are

written and familiar to the teachers. We indoctrinate new teachers in the

Socratic style of teaching and in the protocols. In addition, we believe in

starting at 10:00 AM and concluding at 10:40 AM. The teachers are the

members of the Committee. The President is an ex-officio member and

traditionally does not teach, since he has enough on is hands to be

President. (Bill could we add : The MPUMC Minister of Adult Education is an ex-officio member of the committee. )They bring recommendations for the curriculum to our semi-annual meetings and make the decisions about what will be taught. All members of

the class are invited to our meetings, to bring recommendations, and to

participate in the discussion. However, the teachers make the final

decisions about what will be taught.

2)       Mr. Webb noted also:

(a)     Although the church provides money for purchasing some books, at times the allowance is not enough and we do use our own treasury

(b)     We have about 13 teachers andare continuing to search for female teachers

3)       The class has a diversity of background and interest. Even with that diversity the Team feltwe are meeting the needs of the group most of the time.

4)       Mr. Hammer emphasized the importance of the teachers discovering possible books. He emphasized the teachers should befamiliar with the books they recommend. At times we have been burned whena book did not live up to its title.

5)       A suggestion was made that a class day be designated a open class meeting once a year. Some Team members felt best not to skip a lesson.A suggestion was that if a teacher misses a date, the time be used for the meeting. No decision was made and will be subject to further consideration.

6)       Ms. Andrew suggested we need to be aware of what is happening in other parts of the church as we plan our schedule. The Team acknowledged that some Church events are planned in the short range whereas we plan six months in advance. Mrs. Pearce noted that the Adult Ministry Team is encouraging Sunday School classes and groups to be more intentional in informing Barbara Barden about significant events which would be of interestchurch wide.

7)       Mrs. Copeland emphasized the importance of allowing the teachers sufficient time for the lesson

8)       Mr. Hammer noted that occasionally members made suggestions to him during 2002 for subject matter and that he encouraged them to attendCurriculum meetings to express their opinions.

9)       Mr. Webb emphasized he was very open to any suggestions for improving the Committee. A comment was made thatEmail may be used as a suggestion box.

B)      Health and Happiness: (Co Chairs Reatha Andrew and Don Hammer)

1)       Decision on expenses confirmed. (See 6 A 3 below)

2)       Several sets of guidelines haveemerged, some dated and some not, and Ms Andrews will use as a basis for updating for later approval.

3)       It was noted that the dollar guidelines need increasing 

4)       The Team confirmed the desire for cards to be sent to all regular and extended members on birthdays and on other occasions as appropriate.

C)      Social (Nancy and Jim Hatfield)

1)       The number of socials were discussed, and it was decided we should have at least four (and maybe more).

2)       Various possibilities were discussed including previous trips to Nassau, Camp Tekoa, and camping. 

3)       Currentpossibilities.

(a)     The Maxwells have offered a spring garden party (bring your covered dish).

(b)     The Copelands offered to host a barbecue with the best month being September based on previous experience. (Need to get with the vendor early)

(c)     Harriette Thompson extended an invitation for a Christmas breakfast the second Sundayin December.

(d)     We decided we do want a Christmas party

4)       Mr. Redding asked the Team members to give suggestions for socials andrestaurant menus to the Hatfields.Also, class members will be asked for their recommendations.

5)       Several other social possibilities were mentioned including the Myers Park Country Club(feedback was that it is a great meal but attendance has dropped), Queens College (menu might have changed with fewer choices now), Hotel Charlotte, Skyland on South Boulevard where you get soup and banana pudding whether you want it or not (is economical but in the news lately as the owner indicted for gambling). Also Green’s Hot Dogs was mentioned(and I think it was aserious suggestion).

6)       In planningSocials, the schedule of Adults Plus will be considered as well.

7)       The Hatfields will get with Cristina Halpern, previous co chair, for her guidelines and suggestions.

D)      Meal Coordinating Committee (Ann Copeland and Ginny Soule)

1)       The Committee in case of a death the class will do a meal

(a)     whatever the family wants – before the service or at night, etc

(b)     contacts the family and asks what is wanted and for how many.

(c)     contacts class members to volunteer meals. Some instead provide money which can cover some expenses such as meat.

(d)     The committee gets the meal tothe home

2)       Room in the Inn

(a)     The class historically has paid for the food for the night meal. 

(b)     Usually the food is purchased at a restaurant such as Bojangles

(c)     The first years the class prepared the night meals but changed the method because it was hard to gauge the number of meals needed in advance

(d)     The Committee picks up the night meal, delivers to the church,and later returns any containers.

(e)     Breakfast is prepared by class members. Connie Owen has been the coordinator for the morning mealrecently, and a new coordinator is being named for 2003. Connie will help as a contributor. Others mentioned as helping with meals in the past include ReathaAndrew, Joyce Witherington, and Marilea and Bob Grogan. 

(f)      After the meeting, several people recommended the class pay for the night (already done) and breakfast ( a change) meal, and we willunless there is opposition from other Team members.

(g)     Mrs. Copeland encouraged members to offer any suggestions for the function of the committee.

6)       Officer Reports

A)     Treasurer: (Carol Douglas)

1)       Ms. Douglas reported 

(a)     There is over $400 in our regular fund. 

(b)     We presently have a “savings” account and pay $4 a month fees. There would be no charge if balances are over a certain amount. Carol is investigating the charges and if another account wouldbe more economical.

(c)     At the December Christmas Party, it was announced that a member was giving $1,500 to the class. The giver wants to remain anonymous. There are no restrictions on the gift. However, the giver hoped the gift would be used as a matching fund to encourage other similar gifts. We have received $200 in addition to the $1,500 and Ms. Douglas said she expected more as details of the fund are developed. Ms. Douglas suggested we appoint a Project Committee (See discussion above in 3 c.)

2)       Expenses and reimbursements: Class members often spend money on behalf of the class and are glad to do so as a form ofadditional contribution. To give a clearer picture of the class expense level ,such contributions will continue to be encouraged and accepted; thegiver will make an equivalent contribution in cash / check to the class and also turn ina request for reimbursement which will be paid for by the class treasury. The net result of this procedure will be the same as the giver pays for the expense, but the class has a record of the expense. The procedure will be tested through March 31, 2003 before a final decision is made.

3)       Health and Happiness Committee Expenses: It was confirmed that the expenses for cards and stamps of the committee are to be paid by the class treasury. The Team confirmed the desire for cards to be sent to all regular and extended members on birthdays and on other occasions as appropriate. Ms. Andrews, Co Chair, is reviewing several guidelines from previous years and willprepare a new set of guidelines for consideration.

4)       Room in the Inn: Expenses of this project are discussed in 5 D 2 abovee.

B)      Secretary (Durward and Connie Owen)

1)       Maintaining attendance records is important in proving information 

(a)     to the church office for decision making 

(b)     and to help theclass followtrends in attendance 

2)       Attendance sheets for use for the year have been prepared and are done by the Quarter

3)       The class has maintained statisticsfor seven years on attendance. 

(a)     Attendance has dropped by 5 persons over the last couple of years 

(b)     and the trend has been down more slowly for 6 years.

4)       Efforts to encourage attendance were discussed and will be a focus of the year

5)       The Education Team of the church still is developing a system for providing feedback on members missing, say 4 classes, for follow up. In the meantime the Ownbey system does reflect this information and the secretary duties include providing such feedback to class officers as appropriate.

C)      Vice President (Bill and Marie Pearce)

1)       The Pearces are prepared to offer advice and guidance to the class and to fill in the absence of the President

2)       Marie will preside Sunday, January 19, as dsr goes to baptism of grandson in Wilmington.

D)      President (Don Redding)

1)       Mr. Redding expressed his appreciation for the willingness of the officers and chairs to serve.

2)       He encouraged the members to communicate with him at any time

7)       Follow up:  

A)     Project CommitteeSelection (Redding)

B)      Nominating Committee Selection (Redding)

C)      Decide on future meetings of Team (Team)

D)      Work on finding or draftingbasic guidelines for each officer, committee,and chair role (Team)

E)       Build Membership / attendance(Team)

F)       Class objective statement. (Team)

G)      Open Class meeting (Team)

H)      Contact previous Social chair (Hatfield)

I)        Social suggestions (Team, Hatfield)

J)        Health and Happiness Policyredraft (Andrew)

K)      Savings / Checking Account placement (Douglas)

L)       Picture Day 2/2/3 notify all class members (Redding)

M)    Did Don leave any out?

8)       The meeting ended at 8:29 am with a rousing round of applause for the hostess, her hospitality, and the meal. Thanks Carol.

Donald S Redding

Saturday, January 11, 2003 11 and Revisions 01/18/03, 01/24/03

704 527-3510

minutes may be found at http://www.donredding.com/20030109.htm

01/18/03corrections and changes indicated in red italics.- corrected day of meetingfrom Monday to Thursday, addedChristianto objectives, modifiedMr. Redding’s statement to reflect a desire for a location where the decisions could be retained not where they were made,changed reference to Christmas party from “around second Sunday” tosecond Sunday,ccorrected spelling of Bob and Owencorrected date for Marie to preside from 1/29 to 1/19changed 60 day time frames to60 to 90 days. 01/24/03 – Changedreference to Adult Ministry Team, changed comment on meal expenses to say class pay for night and breakfast at R-I-N