<Last Next> Lesson schedule is at http://donredding.com/2003.html Version: 05/13/2003 12:27 PM (on web at http://donredding.com/20030420.html )
1) Hymn,
Announcements, and discussion
2) Thanks
to the Greeters: Marilea and Bob, Carol Douglas, and Don Hammer 4/13 and Carol Douglas, Cristina
and Mel, and Dorothy Bridgeman for today. Pearces
next week.
3) Birthdays : Grace Elkins 04/18, Jack
Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman
4/13, and Betsy Rasberry 4/16; Janie Jones 04/26.
4) Gold
Stars and Awards. Linda, Marie and
Ellen last week. Hatfields received Award
Certificate for SFFFWDT
5) Room 109: June
?? Fellowship will try 107 / 108
, and we try 110. / Bulletin boards inadequate, returned./
6) Ben
Witherington III
7) Clipboard for Service Day
4/26, Blood Drive 5/4.
Box: Plant
9) More Calendar: 5/14
Admin Board: slow
collections, maintenance high, William presented Stephen Ministry (Ken did at
Adults Plus!), Syd T on ecumentical, Wesley Fund
holding gifts, $9M attic sale, Focus groups
Pickup Handbook draft, blue
Rosters, Pictorials, thanks for help correcting
Happiness and Health - Thank you card from Collingwoods.
13) Hymn and Collection, 4 plates, one for each row
14) Lesson: Don Hammer finishes International Series on Easter
with “Triumph over Adversity”
15) More
Lessons: On April 27 Susan Mobley does Health and
Wholeness followed by Ace Walker
on May 4 with Craig Hill's book In
God's Time - the Bible and the Future
B) Article 8—Of Free Will
o The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he cannot turn and prepare himself, by his own natural strength and works, to faith, and calling upon God; wherefore we have no power to do good works, pleasant and acceptable to God, without the grace of God by Christ preventing us, that we may have a good will, and working with us, when we have that good will.
o The 25 Articles of Religion were written by John Wesley for the Discipline of 1808. According to Mark Edwards recently, they are what every Methodist believes and "you cannot be a Methodist without believing them all.
Prayer Session,
· Ron and Ownbey 1
D) Ownbey Calendar (and Ownbey Volunteers needed in italics)
1) Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics:
· Ushers for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair, know.
· New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers
· Project Committee - need one more.
· HomeBound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
· Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull to work in Shop
2) Future Dates
- Easter Breakfast
Today - Easter 2 p.m.
Columbarium Re interment
Today -
· 04/28.03 – Facilities meeting of Adult Ministry Team
June - Curriculum Meeting
June ?? Fellowship tries 107
/ 108, we try 110
1) Hymn
2) Way to go Sydnor and Big Orange!
3) Announcements and discussion: Associate Minister?-
4) Wednesday,
Ron, Lord’s Prayer,
5) Thanks
to the Maxwells for
6) Clipboard
for Greeters, Service Day 4/26,
7) 109:: Fellowship to try 107 / 108 , and we will try 110. / White boards returned, inadequate.
8) Birthdays this week: Jack Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman 4/13, Betsy Rasberry 4/16 Grace Elkins, 4/18, Janie Jones 4/26.
9) Happiness and Health -Sadris way to go guys, 50 and counting. Thank you from Collingwoods, he is better.
10) John
Bolen’s funeral Monday@
11) Pickup Handbook draft, blue Rosters, Pictorials
12) Gold Stars and Awards..
13) 5/21
Ownbey Advisory Session
14) Hymn and Collection, 4 plates, one for each row.
15) Lesson: Durward continues the International Series on Easter with “New Meanings for Old Traditions” followed by “Triumph over Adversity” 4/20 by Don Hammer. Advocate has lesson discussion, but nothing like Paul’s presentation last week!. More Lessons: On April 27 Susan Mobley does Health and Wholeness followed May 4 by Ace Walker on Craig Hill's book In God's Time - the Bible and the Future
Subject: Email Ownbey News and Reader
Hi Ownbey Email folks (
Remember the Good Friday Tenebrae
Service tonight (Friday) at
Also, we had a
3) Several class members attended John Bolen’s funeral. (Sorry I misspelled name earlier, someone should have told me.)
Remember schedule changes on this Sunday for Easter:
5) Giving Cross Sunday, if you help that.
6) Linda and Ellen and Marie won gold stars last week for being able (or trying hard) to get to all 8 of the links in the email (only 7 this week).
7) Come prepared for a good job by Don Hammer Sunday as he finishes the International Series on Easter. On April 27 Susan Mobley does a session on Health and Wholeness followed by Ace Walker on May 4 with Craig Hill’s book (1) In Gods Time -the Bible and the Future The pictorial of our teachers is at (2) http://donredding.com/teacherspictures.pdf Our lesson schedule is at (3) http://donredding.com/2003.html
Ben Witherington Ill will be on TV Sunday night talking
about his book on James, brother of Jesus, and the ossuary box. Discovery Channel Sunday
This week’s Weekly Reader is at (4) http://donredding.corn/20030420.html. It will
10) Little in
the mail box at the church Friday except a bank statement and a notice about a
Friday 4/25 Auxiliary Plant
11) Thanks to Don Hammer, Carol Douglas, Marilea and Bob for being greeters on 4113 and to Dorothy Bridgeman, Mel and Cristina, and Carol Douglas this Easter Sunday. Bill and Marie will help 4/27. For instructions see (5 hftp://donredding.ccm/greeterpage.html
12) Thanks to the Maxwells for a great party and to the Hatfields for organizing it.
13) Happy birthdays to Grace Elkins 04/18 (“we” forgot last week) and Jack Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman 04/13, Betsy Rasberry 04/16 last week and to Janie Jones 4/26.
14) We received a thank you card from the Collingwoods.
15) Administrative Board: Collections on pledges are running behind, expenses are over from maintenance as
16) reported
at the Administrative Board meeting Monday night Minutes are at (6) http://donredding.corn/20030414.hm. Had a group picture taken and you may see at (7) http://donredding.com/board.jpq. At the meeting William made a fine
17) Speaking
18) Adults
Plus! trip to
19) During the week a class member asked me to pass on a comment that the new outside lighting on the sanctuary is not exactly right (my words). I shared the comment with the Property Committee Chair Tom Hatley who acknowledged that was a legitimate point. Fyi.
20) Thanks for the helpful feedback on the Handbook. Lots of grammatical errors and too wordy at spots, and you are helping tighten it up. Aiming to have a good draft ready for our May 21 Wednesday night Advisory dinner meeting. After that we will get the results of the June Curriculum committee meeting and will add the lessons for the remainder of the year, and then print a “final.” Do look over it, especially any area you are responsible for or have a special interest.. Thanks
21) This week’s Weekly Reader is at (4http://donredding.com/20030420.html
22) Tell me if you do not want to be on this mailing list.
· See ya Tonight. donRedding Friday