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Version: 07/21/2003 1:40 PM




A)     Articles of Religion
  • Article 21—Of the Marriage of Ministers  The ministers of Christ are not commanded by God's law either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from  marriage; therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge  the same to serve best to godliness. 

B)     Half time for the Ownbey Season and who is in the top 25

  • Top 25 football Rankings  for in alpha order: Auburn, Colo. St. Fl. St., Fresno. St. Georgia, LSU, Md., Miami, Mich., NC State, N Dame, Ohio St, Ok., Ok. St., Purdue, So Cal, Texas, TCU, Tn., Va., Va. Tech Washington, Wisconsin. Who is # 1 and who will be #1 at year end?
·         Top 25 Ownbey attendance includes, really top 34 as 11 are tied for 23rd. In alpha order by last name they are Reatha, Ted, Anne, Len, Harold, Ann C. Carol D, Virginia , Willard, Bob, Gary, Marilea, Paul, Cristina, Mel, Don H, Jim, Ruth, Skip, Janie, Anne L, Bob L, Linda, Carol N, Connie O, Bill P, Marie P, Jane P, Don R, Ginny, Wes, Harriette, Sydnor, William W.
·         Top 5, really top six with 4 way tie for third, in alpha order by last name are Reatha , Harold, Linda, Marilea, Bill P., Don R. The top two are tied and are ? Based on % attendance since becoming a member, Gary would be near the top.
  • For first 6 months, member attendance averaged 41 compared with 34.4  last year and 37 for the previous 6 years. For 2003, after the excitement of the new building, our averages dropped: Jan 34, Feb 47, Mar 46, April 46, May 41, June 37. We had over 40 in Jubilee Hall 07/06

  • .
B)    Sunday July 20, 2003
  1. Attendance (A)– See page one.
  2. Attendance (B). Barbara needed a guess of each SS class Worship Service attendance habits. Based on survey 7/20/03 of the 33 people responding on class, the figures are 8:30/54.1 %, 9:00/5.4%, 11:00/40.5%, none/00% I earlier gave Barbara a breakdown of 8:30/30% 9/10% 11/35%, none/25%. I was close except I  thought more folks missed the services and none said they missed.
  3. Attendance (C)  well over 40 people 07/13 and 34 7/20. Thanks for supporting your teachers and class, especially during the slower / lower attendance months of the summer. Also, we are having good lessons!  Historically the second week after 7/4 (7/20/03) has very low attendance so do what you can to be present this month to support our teachers. It takes just as long for them to prepare in the summer as in the winter
  4. What a great way to learn about our minister as Bill Pearce got us off to a good start 7/13 with  Exploring Christianity by Dr. Howell. Good to see folks referring to  book during the lesson 7/13..  Sunday (7/20) in our regular room 110,  Carol D  continues Dr  Howell’s book followed by Don H (7/27). We  have books for sale for $13.98 before 9:45 a.m. and after class. Checks (preferred) payable to Goodness Gracious! .or cash (messy).See Carol D. In this day of high prices, this book is a tremendous  bargain. Any profits help some good causes. Thanks to Amy Grigg for having the books available.
  5. Hymn, announcements, reports, awards, and discussion.
  6. Carol Douglas made a Treasurer’s Report. Copy attached to 7/20/03 notes. and at . http://www.donredding.com/20030713$.htm
  7. Thanks for volunteering to help with Carol Needy’s yard work. We have  a good number. Schedule later.
  8. Register address  and picture on  Chuch Web page, limited access to directory with password. http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/members
  9. 09/13+ Willard reminds us of September (13, 15-20 +Saturdays till finished) Habitat Blitz and the need for help. Willard, Jim H, and Durward will help,  more  needed including traffic directors (no climbing,  7 – 9am most days).Contact Willard  376-2054 or at home 377-1774
  10. Jim Hatfield will do the Heartwalk 09/13/03 and trying to raise money. Send check to Jim or give at  http://www.kintera.org/faf/r.asp?t=4&i=14010&u=14010-6024968&e=17441843
  11. H & H: We have learned Carol Needy will have a mastectomy within the next few weeks. She is spending the week end with her daughter in Raleigh. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers Chip Billings (Carol N's son) hopes to move out of intensive care soon and to the Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation. Randy came home 07/10/03.
  12. Devotionals – Let Don know if you want to do one.
  13. Bulletin board and white board were in the room 7/13 (thanks Barbara) but not up yet.  The Maxwells will help get maintenance to hang.
  14. Birthdays: Fred Sadri 07/11, Ace Walker 07/19, Carolyn Reeder 07/21, Harold Clark 07/28.
  15. Visitors 7/13 included friends of Janie Jones, Charles and Patsy Bagnal, 221 West Spruce Road, Columbia,  SC, 29223. He is a graduate of West Point, Georgia Tech, and SC. Also, Catherine Gibbs, daughter of Carol Needy, was a guest.
  16. Thanks for the volunteers to help in  financing the biscuits 7/13. We  will figure out whether the coffee is decaf or regular. We were out of the 8:30 service early, and we  had more time for fellowship before class. Not sure that will continue but those few extra minutes were fun  together. I understand, however, Church in Round ran over so some folks missed our fellowship minutes and  were late to class..
  17. Skip Heintzelman said the artist of our pictures, Joe Del Casino, will visit our class soon
  18. 07/15/03 Commission on Ministry reviews Focus results.. Ownbey had 2 representatives, but of 180 wanted, only 28 would help.
  19. 07/27/03  Sun,  4-6pm Indep. High Gospel Choir Reunion Concert, Jubilee Hall,
  20. 08/03/03 Sign up for Blood Drive
  21. 2nd Hymn, Collection (reminder, one basket a row), and Lesson.

C)    Ownbey Calendar

Future Dates

·          07/15/03 COM Focus Results

·          July 17-19  Sale at Cokesbury

·          Sun 07/27 4-6pm Indep. High Gospel Choir Reunion Concert, Jubilee Hall,

·          Aug/Sept Bethel and Disciple, Christian Believers, Companions in Christ begin

·          08/03/03 Blood Drive

·          08/17/03 Les Ackerman Recital, Sanctuary.

·          09/13/03 Habitat begins  bconrad@carolina.rr.com

·          09/05/03 Stephen Ministry Training

·          09/26/03 Bar B Q at the Copeland’s

·          0?/0?/03 50th Celebration

·          12/05/03 Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)

·          12/14/03 Breakfast at Thompson’s

Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

·          Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney

·          Elementary School Buddies  343-5427

·          Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair.

·          New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

·          Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

  • Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop
D)    Sunday July 13, 2003
  1. 7/13  we started Exploring Christianity by  Dr  Howell.  Bill Pearce will lead the discussion, followed by Carol D (7/20) and Don H (7/27). 2003 Second half lessons below and  http://donredding.com/2003b.html.

·          book  for sale for $13.98 before 9:45 a.m. and after class. Checks (preferred) payable to Goodness Gracious! .or cash (messy).See Carol D.

·         Come early before all ham biscuits are gone for food and fellowship.

  1. Speaking of eating, what do you think of the Diet of Worms? I have tapes explaining if interested.
  2. Hymn, announcements, reports, awards, and discussion.
  3. Outstanding Member Name Tag Awards to Chick Thompson, Dorothy Bridgeman, Jack and Ann Copeland. Appreciation Award to Ellen and Len Chason for hosting the Wonderful July 4 party
  4. 7/4 party Friday night. Great food and fellowship .Big Thanks to our hosts Ellen and Len and to grand organizers Jim and Nancy.  Big hits included cake by Nhora, banana pudding by Dorothy Bridgeman, and deviled eggs by Judy Stinson
  5. H & H: Chip Billings (Carol N's son) hopes to move out of intensive care soon. Randy came home 07/09/03. The Soules are back from Hawaii (all 12) and had a great time. The Stinsons are away until August. Wilma will be away for a few weeks. Ace is away a few weeks. Carl and Frances having a good Florida visit. Harriette planning her benefit for 7/20 in Aspen. Saw lots of people at CPCC’s God’s Favorite Tuesday. Next is Footloose with Stephen Ware.
  6. The Summer address for the Witheringtons is 3761 Merestone Drive, Wilmington, 28412,910 397-2738
  7. Attendance – See page one.
  8. Devotionals – Let Don know if you want to do a devotional.
  9. Birthdays: Fred Sadri 07/11, Ace Walker 07/19, Carolyn Reeder 07/21, Harold Clark 07/28.
  10. 07/15/03 Commission on Ministry reviews Focus results.