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Sunday July 27, 2003 Ownbey Weekly Reader


The following  change in our Class Description was approved:


Last year we changed it to:


·         The Ownbey Sunday School Class is primarily a discussion class. This group designs their own curriculum including Bible Study, applied theology, life management and a wide range of other topics. Knowledgeable teachers. Ages 40 and up. Singles and couples.


It has been suggested that it be changed to:


·           The Ownbey Sunday School Class is primarily a discussion class which chooses its own curriculum including Bible study, applied theology, life management issues, and a wide range of other topics. Knowledgeable teachers. Ages 40 and up. Singles and couples



A)     Sunday July 27, 2003
  1. Lesson: Don Hammer finished Exploring Christianity by Dr. Howell. Discussion was lively. Thanks Don for a good wrapup to the book. Book still a bargain at $13.98, let Carol D know.
  2. Next week William Webb starts Jesus and the Land by Charles Page, followed by the Thompson brothers and then Durward.
  3.  Hymn, announcements, reports, awards, and discussion.
  4. Martha Sadri received Outstanding Member Name tag. (oh, so did Fred!)
  5. Register address & picture on MPUMC Web page, limited access to directory with password. http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/members
  6. Project Committee meets 07/29/03, 7:30 pm, room 123
  7. Sign up for 08/03/03 Blood Drive. A question about guidelines was raised, especially for people with a lot of medications. Don will check with the nurse..
  8. Class asked to review “final” draft off Handbook, especially officers and chairs, this week. Otherwise we assume your part is ok. Class members, let Don know if you need another copy to review. Copies were distributed to everyone who wanted one.
  9. Approved change of Class Description to :

·         The Ownbey Sunday School Class is primarily a discussion class which chooses its own curriculum including Bible study, applied theology, life management issues, and a wide range of other topics. Knowledgeable teachers. Ages 40 and up. Singles and couples

  1. Health Care Choices, 8/17, 9:45, room 251
  2. De Fib (AED) Classes are 8/21 @1 pm, 8/23 @ 9 am, and 8/27 @ 6 pm, room 109, 4 hours. $20. The DeFib unit was displayed during class.
  3. Hymn Sing  8/24 Sun 6pm
  4. Dr. Howell on Prayer 10/05/03 6 p.m. using his book. Study Groups will be formed for those interested in following weeks.
  5. Anne Copeland  received  volunteers to do meals for Carol Needy.
  6. H and H:  Carol Needy came through the Thursday operation well including reconstructive surgery. Home Saturday. Chip continues to get stronger
  7. Thanks to Barbara Barden, the MPUMC Maintenance Team, and the Maxwells for helping get our boards up.
  8. Skip Heintzelman introduced the artist of our pictures,
  • Joe Del Casino and wife Connie (414B Bridgewood Lane, Charlotte  28226) and her mother Edna Smell (276 Belringer Rd, Uniontown, Pa, 15401).
  1. Other guests included
  • John and Louise Miller (friends of the Bledsoes) 3101 Cloverfield Rd Charlotte, 28211
  • and Dr. Vera  Grigorieva, 104 Long Shadow Place, Durham NC 27713-9331 fiancée of Adrian,  son of the  Halperns.
  1. All Six guest received Outstanding Visitor Nametags.
  2. Last week.

·         Carol Needy received Outstanding Member Name Tag.

·         Carol Douglas led a good discussion on Dr. Howell’s book. Carol Douglas made a Treasurer’s Report. Copy attached to 7/20/03 notes. and at. http://www.donredding.com/20030713$.htm. Income for year of $2,390.27, expenses of $652, and we have $2,331.25 in the bank in project and operating fund. Carol Douglas collected money for sale of 16 books. Thanks Carol for 3 hits.

·         Willard reminded us Sept (13, 15-20 +Sat’s till finished) Habitat Blitz . Willard, Jim H, and Durward will help, more needed including traffic directors (no climbing, 7 – 9 am most days). Willard  376-2054 or at home 377-1774

·         Congratulations – Grogans married 52 years 7/21/03.

·         Skip Heintzelman said the artist of our pictures, Joe Del Casino and wife Connie visit class 7/27/03.

·          Birthdays: Fred Sadri 07/11, Ace Walker 07/19, Carolyn Reeder 07/21, Harold Clark 07/28.

  1. 2nd Hymn, Collection, and Lesson.

B)     Ownbey Calendar

Future Dates New

  • Sun 07/27 4-6 pm Indep. High Gospel Choir Reunion Concert, Jubilee Hall,
  • 07/29/03 Project Committee, 7:30 pm, room 123
  • Aug/Sept Bethel and Disciple, Christian Believers, Companions in Christ signup / begin
  • 08/03/03 Blood Drive
  • 08/17/03 Health Care Choices, 9:45, room 251
  • 08/17/03 Les Ackerman Recital, Sanctuary.
  • 8/21 @1 pm, 8/23 @ 9 am, and 8/27 @ 6 pm, De Fib (AED) Classes in room 109, 3 hours. $20
  • 08/23/03 Prep for couples  to enhance relationship. 9am-4
  • 8/24/03 Hymn Sing   Sun 6 pm
  • 09/13/03 Habitat begins bconrad@carolina.rr.com or call Willard.
  • 09/05/03 Stephen Ministry Training
  • 09/26/03 Bar B Q at the Copeland’s
  • 0?/0?/03 50th Celebration
  • 10/05/03 Dr. Howell on Prayer, Study Groups will be formed in weeks following or those interested.
  • 11/09/03 John Holbert from Perkins  9:45 joint SS session  on Psalm
  • 12/05/03 Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)
  • 12/14/03 Breakfast at Thompson’s

Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

  • Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney
  • Elementary School Buddies  343-5427
  • Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair.
  • New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers
  • Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
  • Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September 6, see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop 

C)    Articles of Religion

·         Article 22—Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Churches  It is not necessary that rites and ceremonies should in all places be the same, or exactly alike; for they have been always  different, and may be changed according to the diversity of countries, times, and men's manners, so that nothing be  ordained against God's Word. Whosoever, through his private judgment, willingly and purposely doth openly break the rites and ceremonies of the church to which he belongs, which are not repugnant to the Word of God, and are ordained and approved by common authority, ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of the church, and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren.  Every particular church may ordain, change, or abolish rites and ceremonies, so that all things may be done to edification.


D)    95 Theses By Martin Luther


E)     Attendance 

  • For first 6 months, member attendance averaged 41 compared with 34.4 last year and 37 for the previous 6 years. For 2003, after the excitement of the new building, our averages dropped: Jan 34, Feb 47, Mar 46, April 46, May 41, June 37. We had over 42 in Jubilee Hall 07/06, 51 on class 7/13, and 34 on 7/20.
  • Attendance. Barbara needed a guess of each SS class Worship Service attendance habits.
    • Based on survey 7/20/03 of the 33 people responding on class, the figures are 8:30/54.1 %, 9:00/5.4%, 11:00/40.5%, none/00% I earlier gave Barbara a breakdown of 8:30/30% 9/10% 11/35%, none/25%. I was close except I thought more folks missed the services and none said they missed.