Ownbey Sunday School Class
Reverend Barden:
Attached is the response from the Ownbey Sunday
School Class to your questionnaire in
preparation of the Training Session September 13. This completed questionnaire
is on the web also at http://donredding.com/20030913.html.
Included separately are several attachments including our class handbook, our
pictorial, class roster, list of teachers, and schedule of lessons for 2003.
All our officers and chairs have had a chance to
review this response.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Donald Redding
President, Ownbey Sunday School Class
527 3510
Training Session Preparation for 9/13/03
(This questionnaire is on the web at http://donredding.com/20030913.html)
To: Class Presidents From: Barbara Barden
Re: Adult Leader Training Event September 13
I am writing you
to share the details of the event planned for all adult Sunday school class
leaders and teachers on Saturday, September 13 and to ask for your help in
making this the best opportunity for everyone that it can be by encouraging
your folk to attend and by completing the enclosed sheets and making sure they
are returned to me no later than Wednesday, September 3. I am sending this by
email (to those of you with email) and am also putting a hard copy in your
class box. This information will provide a great resource for exchange and
discussion in the small groups on the 13th. Here is the schedule for the
Click on Group
# for Survey and Ownbey's answers
Group 1 - Teachers/Curriculum
will be introduced to many exciting new tools both in print and online to
enhance your teaching and to help persons charged with selecting curriculum.
There will also be time to share ideas and ask questions.
Group 2 — Outreach/Special Projects —
participants will explore ways the importance of Sunday school class
participation in outreach. Learn about some of the many ways our church is
involved in outreach in our community and around the world and how classes are
already or can get involved.
Group 3 — Socials / Fellowship —
participants will explore together the importance of these formal and informal
gatherings both in and outside of class review the basics of how to schedule
rooms and make any special kitchen and maintenance requests review discipline
policy on what is and what is not appropriate for gathering that are publicized
and why get some
new ideas as classes share what they have done.
Group 4 — Membership! Hospitality!
Attendance/Greeters — participants will review the importance of
turning in weekly, accurate attendance figures, explore ways to invite and make
guests feel welcomed when they visit, participate in a discussion on ways to
improve the Sunday School greeter program and ways to make your room a
welcoming space. Also discussion will focus on ways to encourage regular
attendance, ways to follow up with visitors and absentees. This group will also
look at the important ways we care for those in our classes who are sick, in
the hospital, lose a loved one, and how we celebrate joys of members such as
birthdays. anniversaries, new babies, etc.
Group 5 — Communications — this group will
be led by two members of the web ministry team who are available to classes to
help set up and train persons to maintain a class web page. Participants ‘will
get to see what some classes have already done, learn some basics of web page
maintenance and explore other important ways to communicate class happenings
both with class members and others. Another important part of this group will
be to review the type and limits of support available from the education office
and procedures to follow to get information about your class in the
Cornerstone, bulletins, and web.
Group 6 — Other Issues - We summarized and added issues.
Group 1 Teachers/Curriculum back to top
Please attach a
list of teachers and studies from this past year (if you don’t keep a record
just list as many as you can). Also include a list of current teachers and
curriculum plans for upcoming weeks.
is or schedule of lessons for 2003. They are also on line at http://donredding.com/2003b.html
for last half of 2003. The first half is at http://donredding.com/2003.html and
2002 is at http://donredding.com/2002B.htmland
2001 at http://donredding.com/ownbeysundayschoolclass.html
How are teachers
selected recruited?
is a section from our class Handbook:
The Curriculum Committee Chair
maintains and supervises a staff of competent teachers, supervises the protocol
of Ownbey’ s discussion oriented format, selects a curriculum of varied topics
which are thought-provoking, challenging, and represent a broad spectrum of
point-of view.
Members of Committee: Class members who are teachers.
The President and Minister of Education are ex – officio members of the
Teachers teach at least two Sundays
a semester. Therefore, the class generally has 13 teachers. Since
each quarter generally has one or more special event Sundays, 12 teachers
suffice. When the number declines below 12 the Curriculum Chair places
this issue on the agenda of the semi-annual curriculum planning meeting or
calls a special meeting, invites committee members to bring suggestions and
prepares several suggestions personally. All candidates are put before
the committee and a candidate is determined by consensus just as the teaching
topics are determined by committee recommendation and formation of
The members of the class frequently
provide feedback to the chairman and class officers about the curriculum and
the teachers. The chair must be responsive and bring suggestions about
curriculum to the committee. If there is considerable feedback
concerning teachers who are not following the protocols of the class, for
example, (if they are) lecturing rather than following the protocol of leading
a discussion, then the chairman's responsibility is to discuss diplomatically
the matter with the teacher, offer suggestions and coaching, provide
encouragement, and supervise the teacher's growth until the feedback
subsides. We all have our gifts. If the unhappy feedback continues, it is
clear that the teacher’s gifts are not in harmony with what the class wants
from the teachers. The chair should discuss this with the teacher and lead him
or her into some work for the class which is a better fit for that person’s
Who determines the
topic of the lesson and which curriculum will be used?
have Curriculum Committee Meetings at least two times a year for six month
lesson planning, and the meeting is open to all class members as well as the
Curriculum Committee members.. The teachers / committee members recommend books,
discuss their merits, volunteer to teach, and assignments and dates decided.
Have you had some
particularly outstanding lessons/teachers this past year? Please list below and
give a brief description.
most. See list!
Other comments or
run over of the
need to limit more the overlap of special sessions and meetings of ushers,
crematorium info, long term care, etc., during the Sunday School hour.
the cancellation / joint sessions of the Sunday School classes in the
Summer months.
Please complete
and return to Barbara Barden on or before Wednesday, September 13.
Group 2 Outreach/Special Projects back
to top
Does your class
participate as a class in mission or outreach projects during
•the year?
Please all that you participated in this
past year.
class has supported various causes, more recently helping purchase a Defib
unit, a wheelchair, providing partial scholarships to students, providing
Stephen Ministers, giving to various causes such as the fund for the emergency worker Hays, contributing to
Medcad, Habitat, Room in the Inn, and Arosa House (not in 2003) a home for
children, and to other causes.
Does your class
have a special project to which you contribute financially? Please describe.
our Handbook:
Helping Hands Committee: (Projects Committee) Chair: Skip
Heintzelman Responsibilities To identify and/or investigate
service opportunities that could warrant financial or time and talent
participation of the class. Members 2003: Skip Heintzelman, Chair,
Ellen Chason, Willard Gourley, Don Hammer, Judy Stinson, President and
Treasurer ex – officio..
Ownbey Class Helping Hands Project Committee
Guidelines (approved 08/00/03)
Name: The committee and the class activities will be know as The
Ownbey Helping Hands.
Purpose: To identify and/or investigate service opportunities that could
warrant financial or time and talent participation of the class. Operation:
The committee is made up of five class members. The president and the treasurer
are ex-officio members.
All requests for class participation in any service
opportunity will be directed to one of the committee members. After
investigation, the committee will review the information and determine if the
project is appropriate for the Ownbey Class. Qualifying service opportunity
will be presented to the class for their approval. Funding: The
initial funding of The Ownbey Helping Hands resulted from an anonymous
contribution of $1,500. It is suggested that as the balance in the fund
approaches $0.00, the class. will finance any approved opportunity by taking up
special collections until the required money has been raised. Special
contributions to the fund such as memorials, recognitions of achievement,
special gifts etc. should be promoted and encouraged. Focus:
The financial commitment to any one project should not exceed $500. We will
seek out short-term projects (not to exceed 6 months duration). Our efforts
should be limited to class member assistance, our church and church supported
needs and those of the
• Other
comments, questions°
Please complete
and return to Barbara Barden on or before Wednesday, September 3
Group 3 Socials / Fellowship back to top
List and briefly
describe the formal and informal ways that your class members gather before and
after class and in settings outside the Sunday morning class time.
class the members gather to talk. Many like the coffee, some bring their own,
some make their own from the hat water, and some do neither. Occasionally we
have treats, paid for by individuals. Run over of the
class, many continue visiting.
from Class, we have several socials a year and in 2003 a BBQ, theater
together, restaurant meals, informal study groups, breakfasts at
members’ homes, a garden party, a fourth of July Party, Christmas Party,
Christmas Breakfast and Sunday School at a member’s home, Advisory meetings of
class with meals, meals after class, etc.
Who plans and
coordinates these activities.
have a Social Committee responsible for ideas and planning.
Other comments or
recognize contributions of members. Certificates have been given this year to
members for their service in various way including Room in the
several years we have dedicated hymnals in memory of deceased members.
important part of our class is our “Health and Happiness” activity as we want
to share the good times and bad times together. During periods of crisis, we
try to provide support through contacts, assistance, meals, etc. under the
guidance of the Health and Happiness Committee and The Meal Coordinating
Please complete
and return to Barbara Barden on or before Wednesday, September 3.
Group 4 Membership/Hospitality!
Attendance/ Greeters back to top
We needed a question about how we
encourage new Church members and people attending the Newcomer Orientation
to join a Sunday School Class.. The procedures have changed.
· In the
previous administration we received a memo with name, address, age, employment,
children, etc. Until the
Please attach a
current list of class members
Roster may be found at http://donredding.com/ownbeyroster.html
Also list attached
What is your average attendance?
1997 |
36.14 |
1998 |
36.16 |
1999 |
36.18 |
2000 |
36.12 |
2001 |
34.77 |
2002 |
33.73 |
2003 |
Before Jubilee
Hall |
January |
33.7 |
2003 |
In Jubilee Hall |
February |
46.8 |
March |
46.4 |
April |
39.0 |
May |
41.8 |
June |
36.6 |
July |
43.0 |
August |
42.0 |
September |
What criteria do
you use to determine who is a member of your class?
the persons says they want to be a member of the class or , if already a
member, say they want to remain a member, they are!
do a survey several times a year to confirm membership status and to get
feedback and suggestions.
Do you track
individual class members’ attendance?
Do you have a plan
of follow up for absentees?
we write, call, send info they missed and generally be sure we know why they
are missing and let them know the class misses them.
Does your class
participate as Sunday school greeters? Please give any feedback of how it is or
is not working along with suggestions for improvement.. (We assume this
question refers to the program of various Sunday School Classes serving each
month as greeters at doors between
participate each year as scheduled . The main issues the month (February) we
did it was the change in class locations and the information was not current.
a suggestion, we find that it better to
be a good distance outside the doors to get to people easier and be more
welcoming; also can cover both doors easier. Need two people at the Jubilee
Hall entrance as we noticed only one at times.
good maps.
special parking areas for Visitors.
Do your class
members wear nametags? Do you provide nametags for guests?
the past we used name tags and we have a board, etc. to do so; but no, we do
not now use that system.
occasionally give “Outstanding Member Name Tags” to members as recognition.
give “Outstanding Visitor Nametags” to visitors.
provide a pictorial of the class to members which helped more than nametags we
Do you have a
specific plan in place for greeting guests to your class and follow up after a
first time visit?
we learn their names, get their addresses and emails, have them sign our
Visitor Book, introduce on class, tell jokes about them if we know enough,
follow up with letters and information including the Reader in which they are
mentioned, provide class information, encourage class members to write,
sometimes visit, add temporarily to email list, and often send them pictures of
their visit.
Do you
recognize birthdays, anniversaries, births, and other special occasions? What
do you do?
we recognize many occasions with seasonal cards, birthday cards, listing of
birthdays for the month on the class bulletin board, recognition of birthdays
and other events on class and in our Reader.
communicate with birthday cards and seasonal cards to our “extended family” of
shut ins and parents.
When a
member of your class is in the hospital, recuperating at home, or suffers the
death of a family member how does your class show care for them?
important part of our class is our “Health and Happiness” activity as we want
to share the good times and bad times together. During periods of crisis
including death, we try to provide support through contacts, assistance, meals,
etc. under the guidance of the Health and Happiness Committee and The Meal
Coordinating Committee.
keep the class informed of members’ condition, as appropriate, by communication
through email, phone calls, on class announcements..
issues or concerns related to this area.
are procedures for class participation at funerals, such as sitting together?
return this completed form to Barbara Barden on or before September 3.
Group 5 Communications Web
page/emails/newsletters back to top
How does your
class presently communicate with class members?
of course
– About 75% of our members have Email.
Page – We put most communications on our web page found at http://donredding.com/church.htm
We also have a web page on the Church site that is not yet linked to the
MPUMC pages. It http://www.mpumc.org/ownbey/home
Committee at times calls everyone but usually members without emails. President
calls those missing several Sundays.
Mail – Mailings go to all members on occasion. After most Sundays, info about
the class activities often are postal mailed to members missing class.
Meetings are open to officers and members. Two were held in 2003. January
9 (mainly officers and chairs of class attended a dinner meeting) and May 21
(everyone invited, 26 attended a dinner meeting.).
Class between
or bi weekly class newsletter called the Ownbey Reader. It includes an outline
of class for the day, a summary of the previous class, a calendar of events,
Sunday School Class Handbook – Has about all one would want to know about the
class, its purpose, its objective, its history, teachers, members, and activities,
etc. Found at
to get feedback from the class. Four so far in 2003.
Health and Happiness Chair sends birthday cards to members and sends cards to
sick members and to our “extended family” of shut ins and parents.
How does your
class communicate with those who are not members
– The president and others in the class write and or call all visitors . We
email also.
have flyers about the Ownbey Class to give to prospects and place the flyers at
various locations at times.
participated in the Neighborhood Get together early in 2003.
comment above about new church member procedures.
Does your class
have a web page? If yes, who maintains your page?
Ownbey Class has two web pages at http://donredding.com/church.htm and http://www.mpumc.org/ownbey/home
are maintained by Don Redding for 2003.
What questions,
comments do you have related to the area of communications for your class.
there set procedures, guidelines, or time for material to be placed in the Sunday
School mail boxes prior to Sunday’s classes.
is Contact for help with the info on MPUMC web. We call Barbara probably too
not a Web training session.
instructions for the web page creation would be helpful. A manual is on line but
cannot one be printed for MPUMC specifically.
is of sufficient statute to use more current media facilites, at least radio if
not TV.
Please complete and return to Barbara Barden on or before Wednesday,
September 3.
back to top
above) Procedures for new Church members
and Sunday School information.
above) Run over of Church in the Round
into SS hour, combined SS classes, cut back of SS in Summer.
controls and procedures should be discussed. Last year we mentioned some items
for followup.
above) Need a copy of reports filed after SS class listing collections and
above) Web training and Instructions. Glad we will have a representative and
that is a start.
to contact for rooms (Tori Collins), meals (not sure), Web Page (Barbara?),
church emails, calendar, Cornerstone, Sunday Bulletin, wedding arrangements or
questions, funeral arrangements, etc. These could be listed on the web site.
above) What are procedures for class participation at funerals, such as sitting