<Last Week
Week>> (Update 3/31/04 7:33 PM)
(Update at http://donredding.com/reader.html)
A) This Week: Youth Christmas
Tree Sale, Curriculum update, H and H, Budget Update, Year end giving,
Birthdays, Parties, Lesson.
B) News: :
1) First thing – We had a presentation from our Youth (Katie Lank and her dad, Dave) on
the Christmas Tree Sale (and how the
money is used – most for mission trips and Katie described a recent one
she went on). Get order in this week for delivery first weekend in December.
2) Lessons:
For Sunday, November 23rd: Everyone is urged to read Acts
1 - 8 in preparation for Marie’s lesson.
Notice the assignment is chapters not verses. I assume everyone has the book.
Marie Pearce on
11/23 starts 3 sessions on First
Christians followed by Carol Douglas (11/30) and Paul Guthery
Marie grew up in
Gaston (11/16)
finished Beyond Belief, the Gospel of
Thomas. Ace Walker 11/02 and Willard (11/09) got us off to a
good start.
2) Challenge / Budget Issue:
Members continue
to contribute to the 2003 budget and the last figure we have is $12,150. Skip
will report 12/07.
At Adults Plus!
Wednesday, Dr. Howell was enthusiastic about how the 2004 campaign is going.
3) Charge
Conference – 12/02 – Open to all members.
4) Fitness
Classes good - Marilea encouraged
class members to come, even if missed first few sessions.
5) Emergency
Winter Shelter begun and need volunteers through March beginning 11/27, 12/16,
01/22, 02/26, 03/25
6) Room
7) Year End Giving –
A member is
giving the church appreciated stock and will designate a portion of it to our
Helping Hands Project Committee. The Business office can keep up with this and
easily allocate by issuing a check to Ownbey. The giver wants to remind class
members of this type giving and hopes it will encourage other class members to
do the same.
11/23 was is a booklet discussing ways to give other than cash with tax advantages for the giver. Thanks to Dixon
Odom, CPA’s and Consultants, for the booklets. Pick up copy on class. At
end of the 11/23 Reader from our Class Handbook is a
section of procedures for giving stock to MPUMC. Carol Douglas reminds us we
need to get transcations done early, say middle of December .
8) Curriculum Meeting,
A questionnaire
will be given to class members for their ideas.
A schedule for the
first three months of 2004 is being developed and will be available soon.
9) 50th Celebration: (more later) – Several folks are asking about tapes. I tell you, the tape is good and you will
love hearing again the Lord’s Prayer, and Sydnor’s
“Reminisces.” Jim Hatfield’s routine,
Banner - Sign our 50th Banner if you
have not. Use permanent marker to help it last until the 75th in 2027. We want
all the ministers and staff to sign as well. Come to Room 110 anytime.
If you took pictures with film, have a CD made and I will pay
you for it. I did not take as many pictures as I wanted. Thanks to Paul for
already giving me some already – see a few above.
are now on line at Photo
Island ID is don@donredding.com.
And Password is UNC if you need them. Look for Celebration… near top of
See list of
attendees (will be a couple of days before current) http://donredding.com/celebration.html or http://donredding.com/celebration.pdf
10) Christmas Party: We have over 40 Signed up for Friday, December
5, Christmas Party at the Hatfield’s. Someone has signed up for ham and drinks so
mark that off your choices and bring your specialty. We again invited our
ministers and guests but all declined (Where is Julian when we need him?). Let
us know any special person you want to invite.
11) Sign up for Sunday, December 14, Breakfast at
12) News Flashes:
13) 11/09 Carl Hawn
announced he is moving to
14) Health and Happiness:
Carol Needy on
11/23 happily told of Chip’s progress with short term memory. Carol
received a great doctor report 11/26 so we have lots to be thankful for there.
Joe Hamrick had
surgery 11/10. Home and doing well.
Bun Collingwood
passed away 11/13 and the Service was 11/15 in the Francis Chapel. Flowers were
in the class room 11/16 from the Service at the request of Elaine.
Please provide
Reatha with other H and H news.
15) Thank Yous – We
received thank you letters for help with Habitat building and providing snacks.
Listed in the 11/16 Bulletin for the Sanctuary Services were the names of
Ownbey members under “Habitat 2003 Building on Faith” Willard
Gourley, Joyce Allen, Joe Hamrick, Jim Hatfield, Skip Heintzelman, Durward
Owen, and Don Redding.
16) Adults Plus!
Good program 11/19
with Dr. Howell.
¨ 11/20 Rainmaker Matthews
12, 4 - Trip to
New Web Page at http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/adults
or http://www.mpumc.org/adultsplus
17) November
Birthdays – Virginia Gourley 11, Ownbey SS Class 11/07, Bill Pearce 11/09, Joyce Gosset
11/14, Twala Kruger 11/15, Lois Wilson, Lou Bledsoe 11/17,
Linda Myers 11/19, Jim Hatfield 11/21, Ted Bryan 11/21, Eleanor
Harris 11/26
18) Visitors – (11/16) Karen Funderburk, Lou Jones,
Yvonne Witner
19) Bill Pearce presided in Don’s absence
11/27 Ecumenical
Thanksgiving Service, Dr. Howell preaching.
Emergency Winter Shelter begun and need volunteers
through March beginning 11/27, 12/16, 01/22, 02/26, 03/25
Tree Sale 12/05-06 delivery, Order during November.
Messiah @MPUMC
Charge Conference
12,03 04 - Adults Plus! Trip to
- 06 Tree Sale delivery, order during November.
12/05 Christmas
Party @ Hatfield’s. Sign up now
12/14 Christmas
Breakfast at Thompson’s. Sign up now
Service of Consolidation and Hope
12/17 Christmas Music with Les Ackerman and Adults
Other Volunteers
Hospice Thanksgiving Meals needed 335-3577
Soup Kitchen Starts @ South Tryon Church, need servers
Habitat food and workers
Treats for Ownbey Class
Guides / Greeters Sunday Mornings
Help Library. See Barbara8
Youth need
sofas, piano, keyboard
Help Wanted in several Service Areas in the Church, 295-4841
Urban Ministry
needs towels and washcloths
CHAMP Volunteers needed
Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney
Elementary School
Buddies 343-5427
Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality
New Church
Member follow-up. Need Volunteers
Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
Goodness Gracious
Gift Shop - see Linda Shull
366-0403 to work in Shop
We pledge to support MPUMC
financially when we join the Church. Gifts may be made in many ways. To give
appreciated stock, contact the Business Office. If both the giver and
MPUMC use the brokers, the usual procedure for stock held in a street name (at
the broker) is to obtain from the Business Office the broker’s name
(Quick and Reilly in 2003), account # (151-21014-19), and the DTC # (0158) for
a transfer to be made. If stock is certificated, it should be taken to Business
Office for assistance.
Here are Guidelines provided
by Wayne Harrison in 2003 for handling stock gifts:
Proceeds of Gift;
Donor will be credited with the net proceeds toward their designated fund. Net proceeds are what are left after our
brokerage receives the stock and forms, sells it, takes a commission, and sends
a confirmation of the remaining amount.
2. Donor has the right to determine the value of the stock
for IRS purposes themselves based on the high and low trading prices on the
date the stock was gifted to the church.
The church will provide its annual tax statement showing net proceeds.
3. If certificates are brought to the Church Business Office
Donor signs a
Letter of Authorization available in church office. The Church staff will add
the Date, Name of Stock, and Name or Names on certificates of donors,
Nancy Pryor or Ja
Donor must also
sign a U.S. Clearing form. Fill in # of
shares, whether common or preferred if stated or leave blank, the name of the
stock company being donated and all certificate numbers of the same company
being donated. If different stocks are
being donated the process must be repeated for each stock company.
Once all paper
work is complete and notarized, take stocks, Letter of Authorization and US
Clearing form to Quick and Reilly Office and direct them to transfer to MPUMC
account, sell immediately and notify church of completion and net proceeds.
If donor wishes to
give stock and uses a broker account with which the church has an
account established (list in Business
Office), provide the donor our account number at that brokerage and have him
instruct his broker to transfer stock to MPUMC account. Donor should advise us
when doing this and we will instruct broker to sell immediately and apply net
proceeds to donors records as instructed (i.e. pledge, bldg., etc.).
If donor does not use
a brokerage that MPUMC has an account with, he can have his broker electronically transfer his stock to the MPUMC
account at Quick and Reilly. The Church
Business Office will tell donor the Q&R acct. # and the DTC # along the
address. Once electronic transfer is
completed, Q&R will notify MPUMC and the Church will give instructions to
sell. Net proceeds will be applied per donor’s instructions.
If donor has no
broker and no certificates, he can be referred to one of our member’s
brokerages to establish an account.