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(Update 4/9/04 9:38 AM)

Sunday, December 28, 2003


(Update at http://donredding.com/reader.html)





























Thanks to Chick Thompson
"Owed"”  to Ownbey

(Thanks to our resident Poet, Bob Lumadue)

What a fabulous year with Don Redding!

yes, his leaving we surely are dreading

But with new “heads” Marie and Bill Pearce,

Maybe things do not look quite so fierce!


Think of all the good times we have had­

Really, ALL good -  and not any bad!

So, though Don’s depart makes us all sad,

We have much about which to be glad!


Think  of Spring in the Maxwell’s fine garden -

Think Adults Plus!, and Barbara Barden!

July fourth with hosts Ellen and Len-

Better  times we just can’t ‘member when!


On to Autumn and great Bar B Q

With the Copeland’s, our annual “to do”

A tradition we look forward to

Super Baked Beans, fried pies, and slaw too!


What about that most fabulous fifty

No way that could  have been any more nifty!

Victor Borge’s weird sister “Victoria,”

Whose renditions put us in euphoria!


Then the Christmas bash with Jim ant Nancy—

Just “tres elegant” -     not overly fancy!

and to top off  the year, Harriette  an Syd

Put on 2003 a great "final lid."


Now, today, our spell binder, Lou Bledsoe!

No one else ever entertainingly read so!

(Of course Lou is just one of a cast

Of the gifted folks who teach our class!)


Our minds stretch as we listen to each -

(There are none we would move to impeach!)

Though they give us diverse points of view,

(With theology sometimes “askew”).


All in all what a fabulous year –

2F for what more could we ask, make this clear -

Than to spend  it with folks we hold dear -

and look forward to more, without fear!

Merry Christmas, and happy New Year!




“Final” Handbook with your name on it available in Class (room 110). Please come by any day to pick up to save postage. Please!

Copies of the Audio of the 11/07/03 Celebration available in class.

Scrip of the 11/07/03 Celebration available. As Sydnor suggested, we wanted to have a good record for the Celebration in 2027. We will print more if the small supply runs out.

If you received this Reader in the usmail, bring to class 12/28; (we will have more if you forget.)



This Week: Thanks, Hymns, H and H, HH, Award, Lesson.

Our Leader today is Don Hammer for our mystery session to end the year.  He promises it will be Artistic and Linguistic, Biblical and Theological, and Historic and Folkloric. Can’t wait

Don grew up in Marblehead Massachusetts (north of Boston) and went to Williams College in western Massachusetts (Williamstown) and then obtained a Master’s Degree at MIT in Management. Worked at Eastern Kodak in Rochester for four years.

Medical School followed at the University of Rochester. Interned at several places including Charlotte Memorial in 1971. Worked in Emergency Medicine for 23 years (normal shifts, 12 hours a day). Joined Ownbey around 1987 and three years later was elected president for the first of at least two times.

Now works part time in the primary care family practice and does this in various cities. 

Has three children. Enjoys classical music and photography.

Poem by Bob and Thanks by Don – see at end of Reader



We end the year 12/28 with Don Hammer’s “Teachers Choice.” Thanks to Lou for another wonderful Christmas Reading; it is a blessing to us all.

Hope all will try to attend our December classes - bring house visitors with you.


We have given out most of the awards already this year and thanked most of you. We gave the Outstanding Teacher Awards around our May Advisory meeting, the officers and Chairs were thanked 12/07 and I again thank you today,  and members received your outstanding Member Name Tags during the year (if not, see me after class.) One year end award remains.

The last Award was to be for perfect attendance. Alas, not one of us in the class is perfect. But we have the next best thing - only one miss in 2003. Linda Myers would you come up here for your award for missing only one of our classes this year. I want to mention that last month Linda was recognized at Bank of America for 30 years of service. Linda is a Vice President there and it is a pleasure to give her the Ownbey Attendance Award for 2003.


New church wide study event for leaders (that is all of us as far as I am concerned) January 10, 2004 based on book, Transforming Congregational Culture, by Anthony B. Robinson.  Are you curious, as I am why some church authorities object to endowments? Or why “Discernment” is recommended over “democratic” decision making in churches. Might be a good book for us to study, quick read at 136 pages. See a review or order for $13 at Amazon or get at Goodness Gracious for $18


Health and Happiness:

Nancy Hatfield’s mother passed away on Monday morning 12/22. Her name and address:  Nellie Fugate, 2324 Washington Ave St Albans,  W. Va  2517

Marie Pearce had knee replacement 12/23

Marilea Grogan had an operation 12/18 to strengthen some eye muscles and did well; made scheduled trip last weekend.

Ellen Chason broke a rib 12/11 carrying the trash out because Len hurt his back cleaning out their Lake house. She was at the Church helping decorate the next morning, and had a follow up doctor check 12/18. Both at SS 12/21.

Carol Needy writes that she was sorry to miss Lou’s Readings, but she is trying to get healthier for Christmas trip to Raleigh. Still has a cough which makes her ribs ache.

The Bukers are fighting a bug but were with us 12/21.

Connie Owen is recovering from the  fall she had while delivering casseroles to shutins a couple of weeks ago.  Her hip is very sore, but she is up and around.

Mel Halpern is to have a “simple” operation on his foot February 02.

Let Reatha know other H and H news

December Birthdays 12/02 Frances Hawn, 12/04 Reatha Andrew and Wilma Miller and Joyce Allen, 12/06 Oscar Moreno, 12/07 Judy Stinson, 12/11 Mrs. Ownbey, 12/15 Mel Halpern, 12/25 Jesus, 12/25 Bob Grogan, 12/31 Mel Allen.



Happy New Year – Do you remember ’03 ? (Script for Video Script from the Class of December 07, 2003, Thank You Presentation by Don Redding)

Happy New year almost, but let us remember ’03 for a moment and be thankful for much of it tho it has been tough for some of us. I want to thank some friends and remember some of the year in the next 7 min and 22 seconds.

In some ways this has been a fast year as the weeks rolled together as we tried to stay on top of happenings at MPUMC and in the Sunday Schools.

Can you believe we started the year in the Youth Building as the youth really took over the building?

We had to move two times until we found this wonderful room? I have come to love this room

and it killed me when I thought it was abused by the photographers and the Monday Morning Bridge Club, when the chairs are not straight, When they were too close together, when they were too far apart, when the Bulletin Board is not current, when all do not see the clipboard, latecomers have no easy seat, I forget birthdays, there are not enough Readers, the Readers are not picked up, permanent markers on the whiteboard, visitors miss signing the Guest Book, I forget the hot water, 9:45 conflict changes too late for us to participate.

We  remember Ownbey Picture Day, Ribbon Cuttings, Consecration Sunday, Neighborhood Get Together that was a bust but we tried just invited no neighbors, the Ten Commandments, Leaders Training Sessions 

Changes with Julian Aldridge, James Howell, Stephen James, Ron and Heidi.

We heard Ben Witherington on James Jesus’ brother,

Remember Victoria, mowing days, Greeters.

Remember visitors to our class …. Old (meaning previous) members coming back to class, new members joining, and over 110 folks old and new  at our celebration, Chimney Rock Cinnamon rolls, Krispy Kreams,  sausage biscuits, Wonderful Wednesday meals and classes together,

We remember  Nelson-Pallmeyer, Charles Page, James Howell and other authors we studied, two Advisory meetings, Outstanding Member name tags, name tags for every one, Challenge gifts, Project team dilemma, deaths of Jack and Bun,

a look at the Sanctuary, weddings planned, trying to find lost chairs Bible and Hymnals,  Grandchildren born, church break-ins, Carl Hawn moving to Florida, Barbara Barden, the handbook  finished silently but never really finished, new prints, welcoming and thanking the print artist, whiteboards, bulletin boards,

the roar of the a/c units, stacking the room with people, after I called all of you asking you to come, to make our point with Barbara that we were crowded, wanting to tear down the walls in 109 or in Library so we could move there, wanting to build a Berlin Wall to keep the A/c sound out or at least I did, changing 109 room layout every Sunday and never making it work, we tried, as we received a million suggestions and tried half of them, Hot Sunday and Don would not open the windows in 110 as Virginia suggested. She was right, I was wrong, it was much cooler outside.

Remember the Weekly Reader, then the Ownbey Weekly Reader, then the READER and the Handbook. READER and Handbook produced and mailed at no cost to the class treasury thanks to many contributors.

Dedicated officers and chairs as Carol and the Owens and the Pearces as Treasurer Secretary and VP provided strong backup and guidance to us and the class.

Thank to Reatha and Don Hammer for H and H, Anne Copeland and Ginny for meals in need, Victoria Thompson and Dick Clark our music leaders and I especially thank them for working hard to adjust the music to the time left before 10 a.m., the Grogans for getting the Nominating process organized early,

And the Hatfields again for the Socials and for a great punch and the Sheriff’s Celebration Routine on the 50’s with Reatha winning all the prizes, and for planning so much of the Celebration.

Again I thank Ted Bryan for his patience and guidance as we prepared for the 50th, Gary Grogan for faithfully helping  with the hymnals and other needs each Sunday,

The Maxwells for help in hanging Dr. Ownbey and the prints, all the folks working on the celebration,

 Help with stamps from  Helen Hackney, the Stinsons, the Owens, the Bukers, the Hawns, the Rasberrys, the Copelands and many others for unsolicited help with postage, the Handbook, the flowers, the Banner, the nametags,  snacks, and other expenses as we left the Class Treasury alone.

To the moving team in February and again in June. Thanks to the  Telephone Committee of Connie

We thank the (Copelands Bar B Q) (Maxwells Garden Party) (Chasons July 4 party), (Hatfields Christmas Party) all were wonderful and fun and great Christian Fellowship. And we thanks the Thompsons for the Breakfast and lesson.–

A dozen great teachers we thank and not one missing a class – in the picture beginning left top Lou, Chick (I still owe Chick 3 minutes), Bill Pearce, Paul, Gaston, William Webb, Carol Douglas, Barbara, and Marie. And to the ones that had to leave early that night in June of Willard, Don Hammer, Durward, Sydnor, and Ace.

I must thank again our outstanding Curriculum Chair of the last year and last few years, William Webb who releases the reins to the capable Don Hammer.

Room in the Inn and Habitat under the guidance of Willard we thank him,  Wheelchairs, the Challenge, the Helping Hands activities thanks to Skip’s leadership, to the Soules for suggesting we really help with the budget deficit,

Many Mr. and Ms Anonymous, and to many more I should have mentioned, thanks.

Most of all I want to thank so many of you for the friendships we have developed this year. I was touched and motivated by the unselfish response in money and otherwise to our needs. Your encouragement meant a lot during the year and I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate it.  It truly has been a year of Christian Fellowship for the Class,  at least for Don Redding, and I thank you for it.

(12/28) To this I add Thank you to Bob Lumadue for our “Owed to Ownbey” poem. And thank you, dear  class, for the beautiful Norfolk Pine. I will take care of it and be reminded of your friendship as the years pass. Amen, friends.