April 25, 2004
REMEMBER: In your thoughts and
prayers these folks, others you know, and their caregivers...
>Wilma Miller and her mother, Ethel
Park Broome.
>Dorothy Bridgeman and her sister.
>Mel Halpern continues to recuperate from his
foot surgery.
>Mack Aldridge had an MRI that showed no
growth earlier this year. Having completed his fellowship, he has
accepted the position as an Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
at Duke Medical School and Chief of Surgery at the VA hospital, thus
enabling him to remain close to his physicians.
>Others you know...
>>A great attendance for LOW SUNDAY;
visitors included Ellie Roberts.
>>William Webb recovered from the discovery
that he was the teacher, introducing Anthony Robinson's Transforming
Congregatrional Culture and presented a thoughtful, challenging
review with good participation from the class.
>>Steve Eason, pastor of Myers Park
Presbyterian Church, presented an interesting and informative program
concerning the conversion of John Wesley, the father of Methodism, at
the monthly Adults Plus! meeting last Wednesday. You missed a
great program if you weren't there!
>>A CLASS MEETING will be scheduled in the
near future on Hot Wednesday Night!
THIS WEEK: 4/25 - 5/1/04
>>>Birthdays: 4/26 ~ Janie Jones
>>>4/25 ~ Skip Heintzelman
will present the recommendation of the Helping Hands Committee
regarding support for the Minister's Discretionary Fund. YOU
get a vote if you are present!
>>>4/25 ~ Louis Bledsoe
will conclude the review of Transforming Congregational Culture
this Sunday morning.
>>>4/25 ~ Clarence Jordan
will be the featured personality for James Howell's
series on Saints and Heroes tonight at 7 p.m. in Jubilee
Hall. Jordan was the author of the Cotton
Patch Gospels, founder of Koinonia Farm, and Christian
agriculturalist who inspirted Millard Fuller to start Habitat for
Humanity. NOTE: I have been informed that modifications to
the sound system have been significantly improved in Jubilee Hall this
past week. Come and see for yourself!
>>>Read the announcements &
opportunities in the Sunday Worship Bulletin.
>>>>The Class President
is working on a date for the Class Meeting.
>>>>5/2 ~ Willard Gourley
will introduce the review of Jane Marie Thibault's A DEEPENING
LOVE: The Gift of God in Later Life. The book is
available in Goodness Gracious, the gift shop. Remember
that all profits from sales in Goodness Gracious go for
mission projecs.
>>>>5/4 ~ James Howell &
Rabbi Murray Ezring (Temple Israel) will talk
about theological times and how we observe our faiths at 7 p.m. in
Jubilee Hall.
>>>>5/9 ~ Jack Copeland
& Joe Hamrick will lead us into a second-hand
experience of Mission Trips, drawing on their experiences. This
should be an exciting adventure!
INVITE a friend to come to class with you Sunday!