July 30, 2001

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All Ownbey Email Bishops

Subject: A Perry Mason Ending

Years ago Perry Mason was one of my favorite TV shows with Lawyer Mason often winning with a surprise ending.

I felt I was watching "The Case of the Expanding Playground"  Monday night as the Charge Conference  voted overwhelmingly to include for playground space not only the controversial Providence Road area but space in the Queens Road Parking Lot as well.

From their meeting late last week, a "Motion from the  Facilities Oversight Committee"  recommended  the Charge Conference approve the plans "including the redesigned playground on the Providence Road side of the property" and that the architect "present a possible modification to the plans" as the "next best alternative location of the playground."

The architect presented Alternative # 8 which adds 3,735 square feet of playground area in the parking area on the Queens Road side. The Facilities Oversight Committee did not  review this "next best alternative" before the meeting. The additional playground space does not change the plan to build the playground area along the Providence Road side; It will be used and the staff will decide which age group will be assigned each location.

After a request for an amendment to the motion passed 54-20 to include "alternative #8,"  the amended motion passed 54-13, and we all had punch and cookies.

(See various related links below)

Don Redding

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Summary of vote at Charge Conference  Monday 7/30/01

Alternative #8 blueprint (approved 7/30/01)     Alternative #8 memo from "representatives for an Alternative Playground Site"

Link to Jim Thompson's letter of 7/24/01   Link to Cindy Furr letter/memo of 7/18,25/01     Link to Dow Bauknight letter of 7/24/01

Building on Our Beliefs Web Page

email me at drsr@mindspring.com