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Ownbey Weekly Reader Info

FYI: the Ownbey Weekly Reader works this way.

The Purposes of the Ownbey Weekly Reader (OWR) are to:

1.Communicate with class members

2.Provide more class time for discussing the more "interesting" items

3.Provide a reference for class discussion

4.Cut down class time discussing routine items.

5.Cut down on time and confusion of passing the clipboard.

6.Provide more info than time for during class

7.Provide a record of what we are doing.

8.Share class info with the MPUMC staff (Barbara) and others.

9.Summarize scheduled items of interest to the class

10.Encourage participation in class activities

11.Recognize / thank you for participation in church and class activities.

12.Help us  understand  what is going on at MPUMC

13.Someday maybe include a summary of the lesson as some classes do.

A)We will put information on the Ownbey Web site during the week and you can check it any time.  It will change it as the week goes by and we get more info from the church.

B)The link is  http://donredding.com/church.htm , then click on the "Lessons for 2003," then click on the date you want to see, either the one under construction or the one from the past.

C)An asterisk*  indicates new material for the Sunday date.

D)Underlined words almost always are a link to  other web pages. Click or double click to see. Recently a friend (not in Ownbey) could not read the Administrative Board minutes. I discovered he did not know to click on underlined words to go somewhere else. I know all Ownbey folks know this trick but in case you do not, remember to click on underlines to get more info. Color changes usually after you visit a link.

E)Occasionally early in the week we will send an email such as this with current info.

F)Non- email members. We sometimes send them copies but the time (and expense) of printing, stuffing, addressing, stamping, mailing is so much that we sometimes do not get around to it. Suggestions welcomed. Will send  this mailing to non-email folks and ask if they have an email address to let me have it. (Mel Halpern on 2/17 suggested the low cost Mailstation as an option. We will share the info with non-email members. For email folks, here is a link to the info he sent at http://www.donredding.com/mailstation.html. Thanks Mel.)

G)By Friday noon (maybe), we will send  an email with a full Weekly Reader. It also  will  be on line. Some of you cannot get it on line and the email and Sunday copy will have it all.

H)Copies will be printed (say) Saturday night and might include later info.

I)Copies will be available on class Sunday for pickup in a box begging "take one."

J)We will refer to the OWR  during class. Ok to glance over it while the Pres is talking but not during  the lesson, right William?

K)Sometimes the type might be too small in an effort to make copying and printing easier. If so let me know.  I recently bought new glasses that let me read very small letters and therefore am not as considerate about this as I once was..

L)Let us have info to include (anniversaries, new grandchildren  - or new children, retirements, awards, honors, joys, sorrows etc.)

M)Also, let us have info from various Teams or committees in MPUMC to improve communication of those activities.

N)Let us have suggestions.

O)Also, let us know if you do not want this info

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