We had another big crowd Sunday 02/09/03. 47 people (down from 60
the week before), and the regular collection was $46 ($70 the week
Information: (* new this time)
If you were not with us since January, remember when you come back to allow
time for new parking patterns, looking around, and getting "lost."
We are in room 109. Remember we like to visit and drink coffee up to 9:45,
start lesson at 10, and say our benediction at 10:40. Here is a link
to a location map - http://www.donredding.com/newbuilding.html
*Health and Happiness Report
*Treasurer's Report
*Neighborhood Get Together - Sunday March 30 from 2 - 4 p.m. Each
SS will have a booth. Need some volunteers to work on this.
Picture Taking -
*We will have the pictures on 2/16 which you ordered 2/09. Make
your check for $5 (or give cash) payable to Ownbey Sunday School Class
and give to Carol Douglas.
*If you want a picture and did not order, let me know by email at
don@donredding.com or tell me on 2/16. I will have extras
*Bill Pearce brought his pictures and they are good. Check them
out Sunday and bring any you had developed.
Happy Birthdays: 02/07 Cristina Halpern, 02/12 Bob Lumadue, 02/13
Nhora Moreno, 02/18 Sydnor Thompson, 02/18 John Rasberry, 02/29 Jean
Hamrick. *(Jack Needy's birthdate was February 14, Valentine's Day.)
Room 109
Thanks to many of you who have been helping get the room ready
and made suggestions.
After class last week several suggestions were made to make it easier
for late - comers to be seated by
encouraging people to come on in even if late,
asking folks to sit as far away from the door side of the
class to give late - comers better seat choices,
leave a larger aisle in front of the back row to make it easier
to walk to scattered seats.
Move chairs a little further to front to make getting a seat
late easier.
*Met with Barbara 02/14 as we are working on Shutters , Blackboards
/ whiteboards / Bulletin Board, Storage, noise from A/c, space if attendance
stays up, surroundings, pictures, etc.
She asked that we give her a list of our "concerns."
Don R and the VP's of the Pearces will be drafting our list next
Please let Bill, Maria, or Don R know your concerns either by email,
before class Sunday, or during class.
How is coffee? Do we need the hot water?
Remember room assignments are not permanent yet.
Barbara needs some help Tuesday02/18 with 4,000 labels.
Maybe we can help.
Chairs - As written last time, we now have 55 chairs, *thanks to
from Fellowship Class.
*Hymnals: We are supposed to have 40 (one is missing) and we are
working on compiling a list of the dedications.
Comments / suggestions / etc. Feel free to add to the discussion
The new Building has been named the Parish Life Building
For security reasons, the end doors of the Parish Life Building
will be locked when there are no scheduled events. After the child
care hours the Providence Road doors will be locked. At these times entrance
should be through the Lobby area.
The Goodness Gracious Gift shop is being funded for 2003 by sources
which will not reduce other contributions to MPUMC after their budget request
was declined for economic reasons. The funding will be for one manager
(of the shop and volunteers) and for inventory needs. Scheduled
to open in September. 130 people have volunteered to help in the shop with
30 being specific about the time. It will include a coffee shop,
gift shop and of the most importance a place to gather. We miss Betty Edwards'
office area where we all learned what was happening here. MPUMC is providing
the space and maintenance support but no money. After a track record is
established and progress toward profits shown, MPUMC will consider
budget items in future years. Any profits will go into Outreach.
Neighborhood Get Together - we are planning an event to share the
new facilities with the larger community around us.
It will be from 2 p. m. until 4 p. m. in the Parish Life Building
on Sunday March 30, 2003. Bring FRAN - friends, relatives, acquaintances,
and neighbors on that day
Had over 80 people present, the largest number since the Playground
session. Most ate as we have been encouraged to do.
The meal was super, I thought, and lots of it. Pecan pie was great.
*On Sunday March 09, we voted to give $100 out of the class Treasury
to the Tim Hayes Paramedic Fund.
*In addition, instead of a special collection, it was suggested that
class members who wanted to contribute more could send individual checks
to the fund.
Mr. Hayes is the EMS employee who lost both legs helping motorists
during the snow storm on I85.
*Help Barbara put labels on 4,000 envelopes Tuesday , 02/08/03, starting
at 9:30 a.m. for a training session for members of Methodist churches.
Has 5 volunteers and needs 5 more. (Grogans and Lumadues usually help,
I learn, but cannot Tuesday.)
*Booth for Neighborhood Get Together March 30
*Ushers needed for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair,
New Church Member follow-up.
SS Greeters in April for 4/13, 4/20, and 4/27. Sadris have signed up for
Project Committee - need more names.
Room in the Inn - we are ok per Willard
HomeBound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull to
work in Shop.
Future Dates
Defib Training - Saturday, February 15, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Room 103..
Call reservation line of 704 376-5520, ext. 5800
Al Staggs / Bonhoeffer - February 16, 2003 - 9:45 p.m. program in
Jubilee Hall. open to all SS classes. Ownbey schedule is for William to
start a new book on
Religion Matters. This and next event sponsored by Singles Class.
Dinner and Comedy Night - February 16, 2003 - 6 p.m. . Al
Staggs again on "Laughter for Life." Reservations required.
Adults Plus - February 19, 2003 10:30 in Jubilee Hall.
Dot and Alec Alvord, Missionaries to Africa, will speak. *Subject
is "Forever Forward -Backward Never"
*There is a new sign up procedure. Before noon on Monday February
17, call the reservation line at 704 376-5520, ext. 5200.
*Cost is $4.50 and you are responsible if you sign up and do not attend.
*Hot Wednesdays - February 19, 2003, 5:30 meal of chicken, $6, call
704 376-5520 x5620by noon Monday
Defib Training - Thursday, February 20, 12:30 . - 1 p.m. Room 109
(our room). Call reservation line of 704 376-5520, ext. 5800
* Dr. Wes Jones - Sunday March 2, 2003. Dr. Jones, son of Edwin
Jones of our church, talks to Luther Synder Class on experience in Bolivia
with Curamericas and all SS classes are invited. Our lesson scheduled that
day is our second session on the book by Huston Smith's Why
Religion Matters. (The Fate of the Human Spirit in Age of Disbelief).
and led by Chick Thompson.
Defib Training - Wednesday, March 12, 6 p.m. -10 p.m. Room
109. Call reservation line of 704 376-5520, ext. 5800
*Cokesbury Special Sale - March 8 + I think. Remind me Bill.
Room in the Inn - March 14 - 15, 2003 - Ownbey night.
*Neighborhood Get Together, March 30.
Greeters - April Sundays - Ownbey assigned. Need volunteers. The
Sadris have signed up for 4/06/03, thanks