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Ownbey Weekly Reader
Sunday, March 2, 2003.
(on web at  http://donredding.com/20030302.html )
 Lesson schedule is at  http://donredding.com/2003.html#current 
This Sunday 03/02/03 (* new this time):


A)*Attendance last week was 55, collection was $44.
B)*Received offer to pay for new collection plates after class last week.*Some folks question need. Some think baskets tacky. Others say keep them small.
C)*Thanks to Skip Heintzelman who brought two prints last time with an offer to let us use in  the room. Feedback was positive and we have an offer to pay for framing
D)*After class, received another volunteer for Project Committee.
E)*Last week Don related his initial conversation with Barbara about the space issue. After class, several members expressed support for trying to move to the Fellowship Room with Fellowship to Library and Library to our present room. Don feels the room is tight as we are averaging 47.
F)*The issue of the “whine” from the a/c remains, no matter how the room is used. It needs very heavy curtains, thicker glass, maybe hooded buffers as on the other sides, shutters, or some combination to cut down the noise. The main issue originally was the appearance of the a/c units, but we have learned there is a larger issue with the noise.
G)*The room arrangement worked well last week until we began to get crowded. Church in the Round ran over, causing a number of people to be late for Sunday School. By then most of the unstacked seats were taken, and as we added more it became crowded. Granted, after the newness wears off, we might not have as many in attendance but we always have had more than 30 average with peaks. See “list” below. We are modifying the seating for 03/02 as we move the piano (excuse my junk that was hidden behind piano, I will get it moved), ubnstacked more chairs, and  put chairs closer together. Remember to move to seats away from door to leave room for others.
H)Health and Happiness Report

I)*Social Report –Jim and Nancy Hatfield plan to report 03/02.

J)*Lessons:  Today, 03/02 Chick Thompson does the 3rd session on Huston Smith's  Why Religion Matters... (The Fate of the Human Spirit in Age of Disbelief) and Bill Pearce finishes 3/9.Up next on 03/16 Carol Douglas starts three sessions on   Jesus and Couragious Women.

K)Happy Birthdays March:Jane Gage (3/1), Syd Elkins (3/8), Dick Hauersperger 3/9, Margaret Ann Schrum 3/10, Betty Campbell 3/11, Carl Hawn 3/13, Carol Needy 3/13, Laura Witherington  3/13, Winnie Culbreth 3/15,  Willard Gourley 3/20, Oscar Boyette 3/24, Joe Hamrick 3/27, Harriette Thompson 3/27, Pat Culbreth 3/28, Frank Culbreth 3/30, Martha Sadri 3/30.

L)Remember to move to the seats away from the door to make it easier for people arriving late.

M)Will deliver list to Barbara by 3/9.

*Who said this and when:

That is Article 1 of the Articles of Religion written by John Wesley in the Disciple of 1808. There are 25 articles and are the basis of what Methodism is. According to Mark Edwards recently, they are what every Methodist believes and "you cannot be a methodist without believing them all." They may be found on page  59 of the 2000 Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. They may not be changed or at least not without a lot of trouble.

N)Future Dates (and Volunteers needed in italics)
1)*03/04/03 -Walk the Labyrinth, Wednesday, Room 108, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m..

2)03/6-8/03 - Cokesbury Special Sale.

3)03/06/03 - *Hot Wednesdays 5:30 -6:30. Call  704  376-5520, ext. 5200, by noon on Monday of the week.

4)03/12/03 - Wednesday, Defib Training - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Room 109. Call reservation line of 704 376-5520, ext. 5800

5)03/14-15/03 - Friday night,  Room in the Inn - Ownbey night.

6)03/15/03 - Saturday, Spiritual Life Retreat on Prayer, $25, with Duke's Dr. Willimon. Registration forms around and in Cornerstone.

7)03/16/03 - Young Methodist Singles Flower Sale - Place orders (to be picked up 04/12/03| - get form from Don

8)03/19/03 - Wednesday - The Hat Lady, Helen Turner, 10:30 business, 11 program, 12 lunch. call the reservation line at 704  376-5520, ext. 5200, by noon on Monday of the week,.

9)*03/26/03 - Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. - Children's Musical, "Tale of Three Trees."

9.1)03/30/03, Sunday, Neighborhood Get Together - from 2 p. m. until 4 p. m. in the Parish Life Building on Sunday March 30, 2003. Bring FRAN - friends, relatives, acquaintances,  and neighbors on that day. We will need to get together a booth. Need Volunteers

10)April Sundays - Greeters - Ownbey assigned. Need volunteers. The Sadris have signed up for 4/06/03, thanks

11)*04/04/03 – Huge Attic Sale by Youth. Drop off donations atJoe Hamby’s office. No, call him!

12)04/12/03 - Pick up flowers ordered 03/16/03

13)06/01/03  - Consecration of Parish Life Building and renovations

14)Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs initalics:

(a)Ushers needed for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair, know.

(b)New Church Member follow-up.Need Volunteers

(c)Project Committee - need more names.

(d)HomeBound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

(e)Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull to work in Shop

Last Sunday 02/23/03 (* new this time):

O)Attendance for the day was 55, collection was $44.

P)Received offer to pay for new collection plates.

Q)Skip Heintzelman brought two prints and for possible use in the room. Feedback was positive and we have an offer to pay for framing. Thanks Skip.

R)Received another volunteer for Project Committee.

S)Don said that Fellowship last year gave $500 to the Defib (we gave $500 including money from individuals). Fellowship had been asked to contribute to support of security guard and they are considering $500. Fellowship also has a scholarship program of about $1,000 last year plus other charities.

T)Don related his initial conversation with Barbara about the space issue. After class, several members expressed support for trying to move to the Fellowship Room with Fellowship to Library and Library to our present room. Don feels it is hard for the romm  to hadle more than  30 people, and we are averaging 47.

U)The issue of the “whine” from the a/c will remain no matter how the room is used. It needs very heavy curtains, thicker glass, maybe hooded buffers as on the other sides, shutters, or some combination to cut down the noise. The main issue originally was thought to be the appearance of the a/c units but we have learned there is a larger issue with the noise.

V)The room arrangement worked well until we began to get crowded. Church in the Round ran over, causing a number of people to be late for Sunday School. By then all most of the seats were taken and as we added more it became much too crowded. Granted, after the newness wears off, we might not have as many in attendance but we always have had more than 30 average with peaks and the room cannot handle more than 30. See “list” mentioned below. 

W)Jack Copeland is back from his mission trip to Bolivia and he gave a brief report. Joe Hamrick is off to Costa Rico this week.

X)*Health and Happiness Report - Bob Grogan doing fine 

Y)*Treasurer's  ReportCarol reported  we have $ 1660 in the Project Fund after paying $100 to the Tom Hayes Fund. We have $334 in the general account / Health and Happiness combined. We have had expenses of $22 for postage and $51 for food and flowers. Also $60 has been transferred to Health and Happiness in memory of Jack Needy, Don Lumadue (Bob's brother), and Clyde Jefferson (Joyce Gossett's brother). A new checking account has been opened at Wachovia with no fees.

Z)*Social Report – Let Jim and Nancy Hatfield have suggestions.

AA)*Thanks to the Maxwells who hung Dr. Ownbey and he looks great. Barbara says the staff has to close our door to keep from over saturation with him,  it is a neat location and gives  a good feeling to walk down the hall and enter the room.

BB)*Thanks to Anne Lumadue, Ellen Chason, Connie Owen for helping stuff labels on  the 18th

CC)*Lessons:  Today, 02/23/03,  the Honorable Sydnor Thompson continues  Huston Smith's Why Religion Matters... (The Fate of the Human Spirit in Age of Disbelief). On 2/16,  William got us off to a fine start and even made the book seem simple. Chick Thompson does the 3rd session on the book on 3/2 and Bill Pearce finishes 3/9.

DD)Happy Birthdays:  02/18 Sydnor Thompson, 02/18 John Rasberry, 02/29 Jean Hamrick. *Happy Birthdays March: Jane Gage (3/1), Syd Elkins (3/8), Dick Hauersperger 3/9, Margaret Ann Schrum 3/10, Betty Campbell 3/11, Carl Hawn 3/13, Carol Needy 3/13, Laura Witherington  3/13, Winnie Culbreth,  Willard Gourley 3/20, Oscar Boyette 3/24, Hrriette Thompson 3/27,Joe Hamrick 3/27, Pat Culbreth 3/28, Frank Culbreth 3/30, Martha Sadri 3/30.

EE)*Remember to move to the seats away from the door to make it easier for people arriving late.

FF)Room 109 -

1)Met with Barbara 02/14 as we are working on  noise from a/c, shutters, blackboards / whiteboards / bulletin board, storage, buffer, space if attendance stays up, surroundings, pictures, storage, tables, overhead light, etc.

(a)She asked us to give her a list of our "concerns."

(b)A major concern is the noise from the a/c units and the difficulty hearing the teacher and class discussion. *We learned that this was a big issue even before we "discovered" it.  The a/c was so loud  over in the Youth Building that they ALREADY have added buffers (notice the big hoods). They did not add a buffer hood toward our window because of the need for air and, I bet, the reverberation on the ground from it on our wall might have been worse. She suggested a microphone and I said I did not think so.  I see Fellowship now has one.

(c)*Let Bill, Marie, or Don R know your concerns to help draft our list next week.

(d)Room assignments are not permanent yet.

2)Chairs - We need to mark and number our additional 6 chairs giving  56 chairs.

3)Hymnals: We are supposed to have 40 (now three are missing). We will compile a list of the dedications.

4)Comments / suggestions / etc. Feel free to add to the discussion.

GG)Class Pictures  $5 payable to Ownbey SS (or  cash) and give to Carol Douglas.

1)Pictures  at  Photo Island and then click on "Ownbey'30202" on the left menu.

2)A big picture is on our web page at  http://donredding.com/church.htm

02/24/2003 12:39 PM