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Ownbey Weekly Reader
Sunday, March 9, 2003.
(on web at  http://donredding.com/20030309.html )
Lesson schedule is at  http://donredding.com/2003.html#current 
Version: 03/16/2003

Sunday 03/09/03 (* new this time):


A) *Announcements from the floor.

B)*Room in Inn Friday

C)*Articles of Religion

D)Health and Happiness –

E)*Health and Happiness Policy:(Reatha and Don H). Please review this week and vote 3/16/03.

F)*Meditations for Lent, Our Ken Buker did the 3/12, Mary Katherine3/25, and William Webb 4/6.

G)*Reatha, William, and Willard made thenewspapers recently..

H)*New Calendar Items:

·4/23/03 (Change)Adults Plus!Dulcimer Music

·Spring of 03 – Garden Party @ Maxwell’s

·July 4 Party (Maybe 6/29/03)Host Volunteer?

·09/26/03 – Bar B Q @ Copeland’s

·12/05/03 – Christmas Party (Tentative)

·12/14/03 – Breakfast at Thompson’s

I)Birthdays this week:

·Syd Elkins (3/8), Dick Hauersperger 3/9, Margaret Ann Schrum 3/10, Betty Campbell 3/11, Carl Hawn 3/13, Carol Needy 3/13, Laura 8Witherington  3/13, Winnie Culbreth 3/15

J)*New Church Web site 

K)*Delivered our list to Barbara 03/05/03.

L)*Administrative Board meets 3/10/03..

M)*Lessons:  Today Bill Pearce finishes  Why Religion Matters03/16 Carol Douglas starts three sessions on  Jesus and Courageous Women.

Articles of Religion

*The 25Articles of Religion were written by John Wesley in the Disciplineof 1808.According to Mark Edwards recently, they are what every Methodist believes and "you cannot be a Methodist without believing them all." 

Article 2—Of the Word, or Son of God, Who Was Made Very Man

The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead andManhood, were joined together in one person, never to be divided; whereof is one Christ, very God and very Man, who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men.

Last Sunday 03/02/03 (
* new this time):

  1. *Attendance 03/02/03 was 56 (55 last week). Collection was $44 ($46 last week).
  2. Thanks to Skip Heintzelman who brought two prints 02/23/03 with an offer to let us use in  the room. We have an offer to pay for framing 
  3. Health and Happiness Report *Laura Jones, sister of Mary Katherine Vass, passed away the night of 02/03/02 of cancer. She was an organist at her church, First United Methodist of Clemson for many years. She had three children. She was 79. Memorials may be made to the Music Ministry of Myers Park Methodist Church.
  4. *Guests – We welcomed Ms. Dora Botero (8230 Golf Ridge Rd, 28277) and Willie Hobson (3951 Arborway, 28211, Willieph@infi.net) to class.
  5. Social Report –*Social Report -- Jim and Nancy Hatfield, Social Chairs, reported 03/02 that we plan four socials in 2003:
1.Spring 2003, a Garden party, as a replacement for the canceledChristmas party, at the Maxwells.  Plan is to set a date later tocoincide with the blooming of the Maxwell’s Garden.

2.06/29/03around July 4th (Tentative), a Sunday breakfast/brunch similar to the Christmas breakfast at the Thompsons.  However, thiswould be with a 4th of July theme and, possibly, at a local restaurant near the church. 

3.09/26/03,Friday,Bar B Q at the Copeland's.

4.12/05/03(Tentative)- A Christmas party at the Hatfield's on Friday, Dec. 5th.

2.Also, remember that we will still have our traditional December breakfast, SS class with the Thompsons on Sunday Dec. 14th.

3.Jim encouraged the class to let them have suggestions for running the
events (covered dish, etc.) and other ideas.  Thanks to Jim & Nancy,
the Maxwells, the Copelands and the Thompsons.

  1. New Calendar Items: *03/04/03 -Walk the Labyrinth, Wednesday, Room 108, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m*03/26/03 - Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. - Children's Musical, "Tale of Three Trees." *04/04/03 - Huge Attic Sale by Youth. Drop off donations at Joe Hamby’s office. No, call him! *04/14-16 - Lord’s Prayer. Three daily devotionals. Book by Peter Graves, led by Ron. 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m.
  2. Lessons:  03/02 Chick Thompson did the 3rd session on Huston Smith's  Why Religion Matters... (The Fate of the Human Spirit in Age of Disbelief) and Bill Pearce finishes 3/9. Up next on 03/16 Carol Douglas starts three sessions on   Jesus and Courageous Women. 
  3. Birthday in March: Jane Gage (3/1), Syd Elkins (3/8), Dick Hauersperger 3/9, Gary Grogan 3/10, Margaret Ann Schrum 3/10, Betty Campbell 3/11, Carl Hawn 3/13, Carol Needy 3/13, Laura Witherington  3/13, Winnie Culbreth 3/15,  Willard Gourley 3/20, Oscar Boyette 3/24, Joe Hamrick 3/27, Harriette Thompson 3/27, Pat Culbreth 3/28, Frank Culbreth 3/30, Martha Sadri 3/30. 
  4. Received offer to pay for new collection plates after class last week. Some folks question need. Some think baskets tacky. Others say keep them small. Others say, larger. Fun!
  5. After class, received another volunteer for Project Committee. 
  6. on 2/23 8Dsr related his conversation with Barbara about the space issue. After class , several members expressed support for trying to move to the Fellowship Room with Fellowship to Library and Library to our present room. Don feels the room is tight over 30 as we are averaging 47. 
  7. The issue of the “whine” from the a/c remains, no matter how the room is used. It needs very heavy curtains, thicker glass, maybe hooded buffers as on the other sides, shutters, or some combination to cut down the noise. The main issue originally was the appearance of the a/c units, but we have learned there is a larger issue with the noise. 
  8. The room arrangement on 3/2 was changed again to unstack all the chairs, but put closer together, before class. Disruption was reduced. On 2/23, the new arrangement (teacher back to corner, space between chairs, about 10 chairs stacked) worked well until we began to get crowded. Church in the Round ran over, causing a number of people to be late for Sunday School. By then most of the unstacked seats w2ere taken, and as we added more it became crowded. Granted, after the newness wears off, we might not have as many in attendance, but we always have had more than 30 average with peaks. We are modifying the seating for 03/02 as we move the piano, un stack more chairs, and  put chairs closer together. Remember to move to seats away from door to leave room for others. 

Ownbey Calendar (and Ownbey Volunteers needed in italics)