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 Lesson schedule is at  http://donredding.com/2003.html#current 

Version: 04/08/2003 11:13 AM

(on web at  http://donredding.com/20030406.html )

Ownbey Weekly Reader   Sunday, April 06, 2003.

I)                    Sunday April 06, 2003

A)     Hymn x

B)     General Announcements and discussion.

C)    Other Announcements

o        Order Easter Hams by 4/17 / help Children’s Circle. Forms @ front desk PLB.

o        Check Cornerstone for Easter dates I have not added to our back calendar yet

D)    Clipboard for 04/12 Party, Greeters,  Service Day.

E)     Thanks to Bob and Marilea, Linda, Harriette, Cristina and Mel, Bill, Wes and Ginny, and Margaret Schrum for Get Together help last week for Ownbey and Adults Plus.

F)     Birthdays  through 04/13: Elaine Collingwood 04/03, Nancy Pack 04/05, Jack Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman 04/13

o        Also Harriette Thompson 3/27, Joe Hamrick 3/27, Pat Culbreth 3/28, Frank Culbreth 3/30, Martha Sadri 3/30.

G)    Happiness  -Sadris – way to go guys – 50 and counting.

H)     Health–

o        Collingwoods – Thanks to Meal Committee for providing some meals  this week. Let Dsr or Ann Copeland / Ginny know if others can help.

o        McCullough, Sally and Dick,  address is 3398 Piperfife Court, Keswick Va 22947  804 296-2855. Email?s

I)        Web Site for Davidson United Methodist http://www.davidsonumc.org/   Buy James Howell’s books at Amazon

J)      Hymn.

K)     Collection $$ – During last hymn, 4 plates, one for each row.

L)      Lesson: Paul  starts  three sessions in the International Series. They are on the Easter story (Purifying the Worship Community - by Paul, New Meanings for Old Traditions – 4/13 Durward, and Triumph over Adversity – 4/20 by Don Hammer).  NC Christian Advocate has lesson discussion.



II)                   Article 6—Of the Old Testament


o        The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man, being both God and Man. Wherefore they are not to be heard who feign that the old fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the law given from God by Moses as touching ceremonies and rites doth not bind Christians, nor ought the civil precepts thereof of necessity be received in any commonwealth; yet notwithstanding, no Christian whatsoever is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral.

The 25  Articles of Religion  were written by John Wesley for the Discipline  of 1808.  According to Mark Edwards recently, they are what every Methodist believes and "you cannot be a Methodist without believing them all.


III)                 Attendance and collection

o        03/30/03    33        $36

o        03/23/03    60        $63     

o        03/16/03    41        ?          (Dr Willimon in JH)

o        03/09/03    47        $54

o        03/02/03    56        $44

o        02/23/03    55        $46

o        02/16/16    29        $20      Ice Storm, (Bonhoeffer )

o        02/09/03    46        $46

o        02/02/03    59        $70      New building, Photo (Usher Meeting in Sanctuary)

o        01/26/03                            No class, Open House

o        01/19/03    36        $32

o        01/12/03    21        $24 (Columbarium meeting in Sanctuary)

o        01/05/03    43        $51


IV)                Sunday 03/30/03:

A)     Announcements

1)      Stephen Ministry sign up for  9/5 training. William Webb will discuss on class. As you know our church has, perhaps, the best Stephen Ministry Program in the conference. As there is a need for additional Stephen Ministers, a new class is being formed. As the Bible says, we all have different gifts. If you feel called to provide caring ministry for the troubled in our church, please call William @ 704 366-4476 for information.

2)       Clipboard for party, Greeters, Project, Service Day.

3)       Parish Life Building broken into Wednesday night. Computers and candy taken, etc. Crowbars opened office doors. What a sad sight.

4)       Remember HUGH ATTIC SALE next Saturday, 4/05

5)       Spring Service Day 04/26/03 – Sign up

6)       Adults Plus! Trip to Columbia, 05/14,  Capitol, Zoo, and Gardens $89. lv 8:30 a.m.

7)       Ownbey Planning Session –6:30 or 7pm, May 21 after Hot Wednesday. Officers, Chairs, all- buy meal and meet.

8)       Adults Plus! @ Melvin’s Lake Estate on 06/18. Fun

9)       Program for Seniors –more than one Shepard’s Centers in Charlotte. Handout.

B)      Page 2 - Articles of Religion- #5.,

C)      Meditations for Lent, Our, William Webb does 4/6.

D)      Social4/12 Spring Fling. 41 so far .Sign up.

E)      Other Calendar I - 04/20 Easter afternoon 4/20 - Columbarium re interment,  05/01 – National Day of Prayer 12 noon, Sanctuary. Lunch, reservations.

F)       Birthdays this month: Elaine Collingwood 04/03, Nancy Pack 04/05, Jack Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman 04/13, Betsy Rasberry 04/16, Grace Elkins 04/18, Janie Jones 4/26

G)      Ownbey Job 1, 2, 3’s - (please return listing to Dsr)

H)      Blue Roster, Pictorial Directory, Thumbnail Pictorial Directory, and Handbook in draft form. distributed

I)         Volunteers for  April Greeters include 04/06 Fred and Martha Sadri, and Carol Needy and Linda Myers,  For the 3/30 Neighborhood Get together  Mel and Cristina Halpern, Harriette Thompson, and Dsr will help.

J)       Health and Happiness Report from Reatha and Don . The Grogans reported Dick and Sally McCullough had had some health issues lately. Dsr promised to provide address. We are checking how we can help the Collingwoods.

K)      Lessons: Marie Pearce under the weather and Bill is filling in. Thanks Bill. He  finishes Jesus and Courageous Women.

L)      On 04/06 Paul Guthery will start  three sessions in the International Series. They are on the Easter story (Purifying – by Paul, New Meanings – 4/13 Durward, and Triumph – 4/20 by Don Hammer).  NC Christian Advocate has lesson discussion


V)                  Ownbey Calendar (and Ownbey Volunteers needed in italics)

A)       Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics:

1)       Ushers for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair, know.

2)       New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

3)       Project Committee - need more names.

4)       HomeBound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

5)       Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull to work in Shop

B)      Future Dates

o          April Sundays - Greeters - Ownbey  Needs volunteers.

o         04/12/03 - Pick up flowers ordered 03/16/03

o         04/12/03 - Garden Party at Maxwell’s, Saturday, 3-5

o         04/14-16 - Lord’s Prayer, Three daily devotionals. Book by Peter Graves, led by Ron. 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 7 p.m.

o         04/16/03 - Wednesday - Adults Plus! - Ron Robinson on Lord’s Prayer, Book by Peter Graves (Dulcimer Music with John Mason “later”)

o         04/17/03 – Order Hams. Forms @in Lobby

o         04/20/03 - Help serve Easter Breakfast today, Easter

o         04/20/03 - Easter Giving Cross, drop off gifts by today, Easter

o         04/20/03 - Easter afternoon Columbarium Re interment

o         04/26/03 -Spring Service Day

o         05/01/03 - National Day of Prayer noon, lunch in Jubilee l

o         05/14/03 - Wednesday - Palmetto State Capital, Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Gardens Lv 8:30, back ? $89 by?

o         05/21/03 - Wednesday - Adults Plus - “Memories” with Dr. Aldridge

o         05/21/03 – Wednesday – Ownbey Planning Session

o         June - Curriculum Meeting

o         06/01/03  - Consecration of Parish Life Building and renovations

o         06/18/03 Adults Plus! @ Melvin’s Lakeside estate

o         July 4 (6/29 maybe) - Party.

o         09/05/03 -  Stephen Ministry Training

o         09/26/03 - Bar B Q at the Copeland’s

o         12/05/03 - Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)

o         12/14/03 - Breakfast at Thompson’s