<Last Next> Version:6 04/07/2004 8:36 PM
(on web at http://donredding.com/20030330.html )
Weekly Reader Sunday,
March 30, 2003.
Lesson schedule is at http://donredding.com/2003.html#current
Sunday 03/30/03:
1) Remember
HUGH ATTIC SALE next Saturday, 4/05
2) Spring Service
Day 04/26/03 – Sign up
3) Adults
Plus! Trip to Columbia, 05/14, Capitol, Zoo, and Gardens $89. lv 8:30 a.m.
4) Ownbey Planning
Session –6:30 or 7pm, May 21 after Hot Wednesday. Officers, Chairs, all-
buy meal and meet.
5) Adults
Plus! @ Melvin’s Lake Estate on 06/18. Fun
6) Program
for Seniors –more than one Shepard’s Centers in Charlotte.
E) Page 2 - Articles of Religion-
F) Meditations for Lent, Our, William
Webb does 4/6.
G) Social –4/12
Spring Fling. 41 so far .Sign up.
H) Other
Calendar I - 04/20 Easter afternoon 4/20 - Columbarium re
interment, 05/01 – National
Day of Prayer 12 noon, Sanctuary. Lunch, reservations.
this month: Elaine Collingwood 04/03, Nancy Pack 04/05,
Jack Copeland 04/07, Don Hammer 04/13, Ruth Heintzelman
04/13, Betsy Rasberry 04/16, Grace Elkins 04/18, Janie
Jones 4/26
J) Ownbey Job
1, 2, 3’s - (please return listing to Dsr)
K) Blue
Roster, Pictorial Directory, Thumbnail Pictorial Directory, and
Handbook in draft form. Some for pickup
L) Volunteers
for April Greeters include 04/06 Fred
and Martha Sadri, and Carol Needy and Linda Myers, For the 3/30 Neighborhood
Get together Mel and
Cristina Halpern, Harriette Thompson, and Dsr will help.
M) Health and
Happiness Report from Reatha and Don H
N) Lessons: Marie Pearce
is under the weather and Bill is filling in. Thanks Bill. He finishes Jesus and
Courageous Women.
On 04/06 Paul Guthery will start three sessions in the International Series.
They are on the Easter story (Purifying – by Paul, New Meanings –
4/13 Durward, and Triumph – 4/20 by Don Hammer). NC Christian Advocate has lesson
Article 5—Of the
Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation
The Holy Scripture containeth all things
necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be
proved thereby, is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as
an article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the
name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those canonical books of the Old
and New Testament of whose authority was never any doubt in the church. The
names of the canonical books are:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The
Second Book of Samuel, The First Book of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The
First Book of Chronicles, The Second Book of Chronicles, The Book of Ezra, The
Book of Nehemiah, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job, The Psalms, The
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or the Preacher, Cantica or Songs of Solomon, Four
Prophets the Greater, Twelve Prophets the Less.
*The 25 Articles of Religion were written by John Wesley for the Discipline of 1808.
According to Mark Edwards recently, they are what every Methodist
believes and "you cannot be a Methodist without believing them all.
Last Sunday 03/23/03:
A) Attendance
and collection:
(a) 03/23/03 59 $63
(b) 03/16/03 41 ? (Dr Willimon in JH)
(c) 03/09/03 47 $54
(d) 03/02/03 56 $44
(e) 02/23/03 55 $46
(f) 02/16/16 29 $20 Ice Storm, (Bonhoeffer in JH)
(g) 02/09/03 46 $46
(h) 02/02/03 59 $70 New building, Photo (Usher Meeting in
(i) 01/26/03 No class,
Open House
(j) 01/19/03 36 $32
(k) 01/12/03 21 $24
(Columbarium meeting in Sanctuary)
(l) 01/05/03 43 $51
D) Page 2 - Articles of Religion-
#4., Memorials a correction was noted in that Dsr left Frank
Miller of the list. Also we are checking on other names
E) Meditations
for Lent, Our, Mary Katherine
does 3/25, and William Webb 4/6.
F) Social -
The “2003 Maxwell Garden Party” details were announced by Social
Chair, Jim, Hatfield. It is to be Saturday April 12, 2003, 3 - 5 pm. A sign up
sheet was routed to sign up to bring “finger food.” 41 people
signed up. See the list at this link ?????. If you did not sign up, there are
two more Sundays when you can.
G) Birthdays this
week: Willard Gourley 3/20, Oscar Boyette 3/24, Harriette
Thompson 3/27, Joe Hamrick 3/27, Pat Culbreth 3/28, Frank Culbreth
3/30, Martha Sadri 3/30.
H) List to Barbara
03/04/03. http://donredding.com/20030304.htm.
She said in a recent email “I have read your report and I am taking it
to our Adult Ministry Team meeting … We will be discussing and defining
room assignment procedures as well as making some assignments to try to
expedite the growing list needed by our adult classes. Barbara reassured
the class today that we would move out of
109 “as it does not meet your needs.”
Ownbey Job 1, 2, 3’s - (please
return listing to Dsr)
Roster and Lessons - Current ones in class.. Check,
correct. Draft of new Ownbey pictorial directory displayed.
K) Health and
Happiness Report from Reatha and Don H. Mentioned Bun Collingwood.
L) Lessons: Barbara
Barden continued Jesus and
Courageous Women. Followed by Bill Pearce on 03/30.