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September 28 Ownbey Reader)


(On line Update at http://donredding.com/reader.html)

A)     9/28, Sunday:  Hymns,   Video on Budget, and Lesson – no announcements – Read Reader!

B) 50th Celebration changed to November 07.




Friday, November 07, 2003,


Jubilee Hall


Note Change in Date for 50th


C)    Next week: 50tth Celebration discussion, H and H and H H, Social, BBQ, Class Description, Membership activity, Membership policy, Lesson.

D)    Membership suggestion for Handbook.  Let Don know if not OK.

The Ownbey Sunday School Class is a welcoming Christian Community. Anyone who wants to be a member of the Ownbey Sunday School Class may be. Members remain on the roll – even if they seldom (or never) attend - unless they say they want to be removed.


E)     Class Description:  Suggested change:


The Ownbey Sunday School is primarily a discussion class of singles and couples ages 40 and up. It designs its own curriculum of Bible study, applied theology, life management issues, and other topics. The teachers are experienced in leading discussions and knowledgeable in the subject matter.


The Ownbey Sunday School Class is primarily a discussion class which chooses its own curriculum including Bible study, applied theology, life management issues, and a wide range of other topics. Knowledgeable teachers. Ages 40 and up. Singles and couples



F)     Class Objectives (No Change): 


The Objectives of the Ownbey Sunday School Class are to expand Christian beliefs through learning and discussion and to provide Christian fellowship.







G)     News: :

1)      Budget Issue: Sunday (9/28/03) after we viewed the Video on the Budget issue, several class members suggested that the Ownbey Class make  a contribution (in addition to any other individual gifts) as a show of support. The H and H  Committee will suggest action and discuss next Sunday. The video was 10 minutes 15 seconds long and included Murrey Atkins Chair of Administrative Board, Wayne Harrison Business Manger, and Dr. Howell, discussed an $80,000 shortfall in the Operating Budget and the consequences for the next years of current trends. 

2)      Grace Elkins writes: “Hi Don, .Syd and I will be moving Oct. 1 to Aldersgate.  Our new address will be:   Sydnor and Grace Elkins   3800 Shamrock Dr. Unit 3300 Charlotte, NC 28215. Tel:  704/532-7194.” Please change your rosters.

3)      Name Tag Day was Sunday  : “ tables  … set up at entrances to the church  this Sunday- …  fill out a nametag and wear it    tol give everyone a chance to get to know one another. “

4)      Nametags 2 – We will need Nametags for our 50th celebration for members, former members, and guests. It might be a good time to consider permanent name tags for Ownbey for the future. Some folks do not likle sticking pins in their dresses and some like the String one around the neck. Let us know your reference.

5)      Lessons:

·   Thanks to Ace Walker who taught 9/14 and 9/21and finished Jesus against Christianity. With the book, we had some rousing discussions and addressed tough issues. One quote from a member, “the God of the old Testament is violent, was a murderer, and a thief of property. In the New Testament God is love, is caring, offered the Kingdom of God … with full abundance and is here now  and today  ...  He cannot be both of those … I am choosing the God of Love, not the God of Violence.  Ace said, “and that is what Nelson Pallmeyer chooses, a non violent God …” Don has a tape of the discussion if you want to borrow.

·   We move to the International Series for two sessions with Paul Guthery (9/28) and Barbara Barden (10/05).  In today’s session on dealing with trials (and tribulations) we heard we should face them with  joy” and this led to a good discussion. One class member said

·   On 10/12 Jim Walters talks to us about our Sanctuary and its Symbolism.

·   Then 10/19 Chick Thompson starts a two class session on Speak What We Feel followed by Ace Walker on 10/26.


6)      Social:

·   50th Celebration: Date changed to Friday, November 07, for celebration. Planning continues; let Social Chair Jim Hatfield have your ideas. Note date is November 7. Sydnor Thompson will be our main speaker. Time tentative at 6:30. Mark your calendars for 11/07.

·   Thanks to our hosts Ann and Jack Copeland for sharing there home with us for our BBQ. Good food, fellowship, and desert!

6)      Health and Happiness:

¨       The Hatfield’s daughter, Amy, had a son Monday, September 22 and both doing well. Congratulations. See some neat pictures at http://homepage.mac.com/marcandamy/PhotoAlbum2.html

¨       Alan Maxwell has surgery 09/25. Ann Maxwell called and said, “Allen came thru surgery fine and is in ICU right now. He should get a private room tomorrow and be in the hospital about a week. Ann asked me to announce to folks tomorrow night about Allen -- but please DON'T send any food!”

¨       Virginia Gourley missed last Sunday (and the BBQ) and spent several days in the hospital this week with tests. She is home now but will have more tests next week.

¨       It was good to see Ruth Heintzelman at the BBQ Friday night. She is feeling better though tests still not conclusive.

¨       Dottie Tobias and Carol Needy were at the BBQ and looking good. Glad you are feeling better.

¨       Bill and Marie Pearce were missing 09/21 (and missed the BBQ) as Marie went to the Emergency Room Saturday night with back pains. Turns out that the shingles are causing that pain. Bill was back Sunday 9/28.

¨       Good to see the Witherington’s are back from  their  Wilmingon summer visit. Good to see Laura too.

¨       Please provide Reatha with other H and H

7)      Mission Response Center Help - Thanks to Joe Hamrick and Len Chason for helping load a truck at our conference's Mission Response Center in Mooresville Friday with flood buckets and health kits.  

8)      Habitat:

¨       (09/21) First Saturday of Blitz was 9/20 with several Ownbey folks helping including Willard, Jim Hatfield; Joe Hamrick, Durward Owen. (Let Don know the others).

¨       (09/14) Willard Gourley reported a good start with over 400 cars parked. He reminded us of the need for workers and especially traffic directors.

9)      Class Membership

¨       Reatha and Don attended the New Member Orientation Monday night, September 22. Next is in November. Need Volunteers.

¨        Requirements were discussed 9/14.

¨       Don felt our goal is to be a welcoming Christian Community and that any one who wants to be a member of the Ownbey Sunday School Class may be. Members remain on the roll– even if they seldom (or never) attend - unless they say they want to be removed.

Þ     Annually and often several times a year, data sheets are sent to and received from all members confirming their data information and desire to remain on the roster.

Þ     Some members who do not attend stay current with the class through emails, postal mail, and the class web page.

Þ     Some send Ownbey checks.

Þ     At times members who have not attended recently return as their life situation changes.

Þ     In discussions with Barbara about a membership policy and whether there should be some activity or financial requirements, she mentioned the Women’s group which had had activity requirements and even “dues” which, she felt, contributed to its decline in membership.

¨       A class member suggested having many members on the roll who did not attend hurts our percentage of attendance ratio and affects the allocation of space. Don indicated he did not think that was the case, but - remembering being wrong about opening the windows on Hot Sunday - will doublecheck with Barbara.

¨       In recent years there has been no Ownbey Sunday School Class Membership Committee or Chair. Individual members performed this function.  

10)  Helping Hands:  (09/21/03)

¨       The class agreed to purchase extra BBQ from the party Friday night (using Health and Happiness Project Funds) to use Saturday for lunch for the 15 Habitat workers. Ended up were 25 people and  said the Hatfields and Soules were seem buying bread and supplies at the last moment and making sandwiches as noon approached Saturday, September 27. Janie Jones and the Halperns helped with providing snacks; ask them about the reaction differences in Presbyterians and Methodists!

¨       On October 11 we help provide hospitality stations for our youth Champion Builders and six members have signed up so far. Skip encouraged more to sign to help us cover all 10 stations with two persons each. The Grogans already brought some treats to be used then.

11)  Class Talks:  On the heels of Dr Howell’s Church Talks, Ownbey has Class Talks before and after SS class No attendance Requirement. Your call. I will be here if you want to chat after 9:10 and 10:40

12)  Adults Plus!

¨       Plans a trip to the Barter Theater in Virginia December 3 and 4 Signup by 10/31. $140/180 double/single

¨       Day trip to Sanford to hear Stephen Ware in Rainmaker. $20 11/20. matinee performance

13)  September Birthdays:  Nancy Hatfield, 09/02, Anne Buker 9/07, William Webb 09/07, Ellen Chason 09/08, Dorothy Bridgeman 09/09, Linda Webb 09/11, Joyce Witherington 09/18, Heathy Walker 09/18, Evelyn Clark 09/27, Frank Gossett 09/28.

14)  October Birthdays:  Connie Owen 10/04, Tonsie Lee 10/10, Wes Soule 10/11,  Ginny Soule 10/17, Tom Stinson 10/18, Anne Lumadue 10/21, Helen Hackney 10/22, Ken Buker 10/23, Allen Maxwell 10/27, 


E)     Ownbey Calendar++++++++++++++++++++

¨       09/29/03 10/01/03 Adults Plus! Spiritual Life Retreat, Steve James, Lake Junaluska. 

¨       10/05/03 Dr. Howell on Prayer6:30 p.m. followed by optional study groups in following weeks.

¨       10/11/03 Ownbey helps Youth Builders with snacks and hospitality

¨       10/15/03 Adults Plus! Peter Smolowitz, Observer, Iraq War

¨       11/07/03 50th Celebration , Jubilee Hall 6:30

¨       11/09/03 John Holbert from Perkins SMU 9:45 joint SS  on Psalms

¨       11/11/03 Adults Plus! Planning Retreat, Tree Tops

¨       11/19/03 Adults Plus! Dr. Howell.

¨       12/03 and 4. Adults Plus! Trip to Barter Theater, Virginia

¨       12/05/03 Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)

¨       12/07/03 Adults Plus! Christmas Party with Les Ackerman

¨       12/14/03 Christmas Breakfast at Thompson’s

¨       01/21/04 Adults Plus! Bikin Mike Gordon

¨       Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

¨       New Member Orientation

¨       10/11/03 Ownbey helps Youth Builders with snacks and hospitality

¨       Habitat food and workers

¨       Treats

¨       Guides / Greeters Sunday Mornings

¨       Help get Library Started. See Barbara

¨       Youth need sofas, piano, keyboard

¨       Help Wanted in several Service Areas in the Church, 295-4841

¨       Urban Ministry needs towels and washcloths

¨       Family Partner needed for the Robinson’s Habitat House.

¨       CHAMP Volunteers needed -joe@mpumc.org

¨       Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney 

¨       Elementary School Buddies  343-5427 

¨       Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair. 

¨       New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

¨       Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

¨       Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - September 6+, see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop


Ownbey Sunday School Class, room 110 in Parish Life Building, would like the

Video this Sunday, 9/28/03.

don Redding

704 527 3510

9/25/03 10:20 a.m.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: MPUMC Business

Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 17:25:21 -0400

From: James Young <jyoung50@earthlink.net>

To: Dear Class Presidents:

The Finance Committee of MPUMC solicits your help in getting a message out to the people attending your class September 28, October 5 or 12.


The current end of the year projections for the Church budget indicate a deficit of about $80,000.  Costs associated with our new facilities together with reduced pledge payments have combined to create a serious cash crunch at MPUMC.  Our choices are few this late in the year and our best efforts to conserve cash have not prevented depleting cash reserves. 


Dr. Howell has produced a five minute video message for the benefit of the Sunday School class attendees and I have been asked to coordinate with you to have the video shown on one or more of the dates above. 


As serious as this cash crisis may be, we are all hopeful that a short term problem does not impede our planned progress for the future. To avoid this, we need to share a message of concern and promise with our most devoted membership rapidly, and have chosen to do so through the video presentation. 


Thank you for allowing us to intrude on your scheduled class lessons. 


Please respond to Carol Grinham at704-295-4818 with which dates (possibly two if your attendance would indicate it) you can utilize the video and whether you wish to have someone other than yourself available from the Finance Committee to introduce the video and answer questions.

Thank you,

Jim Young