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October 19, 2003 Ownbey Reader


Sunday Draft of 10/19/03

(On line Update at http://donredding.com/reader.html)


A)  This (10/19) Sunday:   Lesson 10/19 on Speak What we Feel with Chick Thompson leading,   Disaster Response teams, 50th planning 10/19 and 10/24, Sanctuary flowers, New Member Orientation, Christmas Party, High Blood Pressure and free meals, exercise, 11/04 Adults Plus! Election,  Administrative Board recognizes Ownbey, Library, Bloodmobile,  Turkey and Egypt trip, Youth Missions and Christmas Trees.

B)    50th Celebration November 07.


Friday, November 07, 2003,


Jubilee Hall



¨       Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming

¨       If you want to help plan, feel free to join Social Committee to plan the menu Monday (10/19) at 10 a.m. in the lobby of Jubilee Hall and to final plan Friday (10/24) In Jubilee Hall at 10. Join us for either or both meetings.

¨       We need addresses of previous members. We have written to all you have given us.

¨       Meal will be catered by Jordon’s Catering, the firm that does the large meal preparation for MPUMC.

¨       We would like some oldie pictures and material.

¨       Please signup soon. Cost is $8. Checks payable to Carol Douglas, 2110 Radcliffe Ave, Charlotte 28207-2406




C)     News: :   

1)      Lessons:

·   The lesson Sunday was lead by Chick Thompson as we discussed the book Speak What We Feel - Not what we ought to say - Reflections on Literature and Faith. The book cover says, "in this compelling book, the great contemporary spiritual writer Frederick Buechner plumbs the mysteries and truths behind literature    ...  focusing on  ... how to face morality, failure, and tragedy ...” Ace Walker finishes the book on 10/26.

·   William Webb 11/02/03 starts 3 sessions on  Beyond Belief, the  Gospel of Thomas followed by Willard  (11/09) and Gaston (11/16)

2)      Thanks for the Exercise survey. Classes will be lead by Physical Therapist Suzi Rosen and will meet Tuesday and Thursday in Westbrook Hall from 10:30 - 1130. First class free, then $4 or $5 depending on whether you pay by month or class. First class 11/04. 704 295-4836. Carol Douglas uses the same trainer and said she was “lot of fun, very good, loves seniors, does not work you too hard, and I would encourage you to sign up for class.”


3)       50th Celebration:  is Friday, November 07, at 6:30 p.m.


¨       Remember to get your checks in to Carol Douglas for the 50th Celebration November 07, to invite and let us have names of former members, and give suggestions for the event to Social Committee (Hatfields) or me. Planning continues: We are meeting to plan the menu Monday (10/19) at 10 a.m. in the lobby of Jubilee Hall and meeting to final plan Friday 10/24 In Jubilee Hall at 10. Join us for either or both meetings.

¨       We have received checks from some members already and also from former members including the Sales of Marietta Georgia. We are sending Readers and other info to them and former members Walthall, McCulloughs, Montgomerys, Glenn, Harvey, and Johnsons. Tell others about the event. Let us have more addresses, and we will put on mailing list.

¨       Please let us borrow some oldie (25 years+) pictures for a background slideshow.

¨       The class voted 10/05 to have the meal catered for the 50th Anniversary at a cost of $8 each. This was in lieu of a covered dish meal. Former members will be invited to join us (at the $8), but special guests will not be charged. Meal will be catered by Jordon’s Catering, the firm that does the large meal preparation for MPUMC.

¨       Give your money or mail to Carol Douglas, 2110 Radcliff Av, 28207-2406 soon to eliminate last minute rushing. Thanks.

¨       Over 50 people signed up already. 

¨       Sydnor Thompson will be our main speaker.  Harriette will be accompany us in some  Fifties songs (no, Syd will not be singing solo)

¨       Class members have volunteered to pay for Sanctuary flowers on the Sunday before the celebration; cost is $125, and we have three contributors and would like a couple more. Make checks to MPUMC and give to Don if you want to help.

¨       Anne Buker is working on the table decorations and I imagine she will be asking for some help. Thanks Anne.

6)      Christmas Party: The Social Committee, led by the Hatfields, has confirmed the host for our Christmas Party will be    ....  The       Hatfields! It will be a covered dish affair, and we will start getting sign-ups after our 50th is over. Keep the date open - it is Friday, December 5. The Hatfields have done a wonderful job this year leading our socials, and it is way beyond the call of duty for them to volunteer to be our December hosts as well. Thanks so much, Jim and Nancy. It will be a great way to      start the Christmas season.

7)      And remember the ever popular Breakfast at Thompson’s is scheduled for Sunday, December 14. Thank you, Harriette and Sydnor.

8)      News Flashes:

¨       Theatre Matthews – Arsenic and Old Lace 10/24 – 11/02

¨       New Flyer out on Childrens Ministries and Vocational Transition Support

¨       Plenty of booklets in Lobby on Sanctuary – the one prepared by Reatha’s father, Gil Adams

9)      High Blood Pressure and /or Cholesterol? Be part of a Medical Nutrition Therapy Study. 704 687-2317. Click  to  info at: http://donredding.com/20031015study.pdf

10)  Health and Happiness:

¨       We will miss the Halperns as they visit Buenos Aires through 11/11. After an uncomfortable flight, they have arrived safely. The Mother is almost 100 I think.

¨       Bun Collingwood has been in hospital and is coming home again soon.

¨       Please provide Reatha with other H and H news.

11)  Youth Ministry would like to talk to us in November about the mission trips supported by the Christmas Tree Sale.

12)  Helping Hands: 

¨       On 10/12 Skip Heintzelman thanked Harriette Thompson, Ann Copeland, Connie Owen, and Ruth Heintzelman for helping October 11 provide hospitality stations for our youth Champion Builders around the South Tryon Church area. See photos on Bulletin Board. The youth appreciated our help and the Helping Hands Project Committee is considering other ways we might help them. More later.

¨       As a reminder, Helping Hands is the Committee / function of the Ownbey Class whose purpose as approved 08/03/03 is “to identify and/or investigate service opportunities that could warrant financial or time participation of the class.” The chair of Ownbey Helping Hands is Skip Heintzelman and the members are Ellen Chason, Judy Stinson, Willard Gourley, and Don Hammer. The ex-officio members are the Class Treasurer and president.

¨       On 10/05/03 Skip announced we had repaired a wheelchair for the sum of $45 (lower than we had estimated). This is in addition to giving $400 toward purchase of a new one as well.

13)  Class Talks:  On the heels of Dr Howell’s Church Talks, Ownbey has Class Talks before and after SS class.  No attendance Requirement. Your call. I will be here if you want to chat after 9:00 and 10:40

14)  Budget Issue:

¨       Skip (10/12/03) reminded us of our commitment in the class to consider increasing our pledges or sending in an extra check to help reduce the 2003 Operating deficit.

¨       Skip (after class 10/19) brought us tidings of great joy and good news to the Ownbey Class.  .A class member has issued this challenge to the Ownbey Sunday School Class:

If the Ownbey Class and Class Members make contributions or pledges totaling $5,000 or more to help cover our anticipated 2003 operating budget deficit, the anonymous class member will match $5,000 of those contributions/pledges. The challenge period to pledge or make payment on this matchable contribution ends November 07, 2003, the date of our 50th Celebration. Results will be announced at the Celebration.

¨       The logistics of making a contribution or pledge are:

o        Deliver your checks, cash, or increased pledges to the office of Wayne Harrison, Parish Life Building, 2nd floor, room 250   or mail to Wayne Harrison at MPUMC, Box 6161, Charlotte 28207. His telephone number is 295 4844. Checks should be payable to the Church. In order that Wayne can identify that the contribution to the church's operating deficit reduction is coming from our class, please mark, “Ownbey Helping Hands."


¨       At the Administrative Board meeting Monday night the response of the Ownbey Class  to the Budget  situation was noted as  follows:

"Video Presentation on Finance - Mr. Jim Young (Finance Committee member):  In August, the Finance Committee decided there was a need to go to the membership about some sense of Crisis in the Budget situation, and a video was developed.

              With the video, we feel we are getting out the message in a positive way particularly to our core membership by showing the video in Sunday School Classes. The Ownbey Class, for example, which was one of the first classes to see the video, immediately created a challenge gift and posed a challenge to its members to go over and above their normal pledge this year to the church as a special gift. We also have had a number of first time donors and some significant gifts from people who have not even pledged before in their history of membership or attendance at this church.

          • The Board viewed the Video.

15)  The Minutes of the  Monday Administrative Board meeting are an interesting read this month as we discuss borrowing  $300,000 from the Wesley Trust Fund for a couple of months during this tight financial period until we receive  large (we hope) year end payments on pledges.  Minutes are at  http://donredding.com/20031013.htm

16)  Thanks to Connie Owen and her telephone committee for calling prospective new class members who joined the church recently. Don Redding and Bob Grogan will go to the New Member Orientation tomorrow night (10/20/03).

17)  Library Grand Opening is Sunday November 2. Thanks to Ownbey class members for all you did to get the library ready. Marie Pearce is Facilitator f the Library Team. (Get your Library Card now.) Also the Bloodmobile is same day.

18)  Adults Plus!

¨       Adults Plus! On 10/15 (re)elected Bill and Marie Pearce as President for 2004. Joyce and Ben   Witherington will be Spiritual Life Coordinators. I remain Historian. We had a good program with the reporter from the Observer, Peter Smolowitz, who was embedded with the troops during the Iraq War. Next program is 11/19/03 with Dr. Howell. Please plan to come

¨       Has new Web Page at http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/adults or http://www.mpumc.org/adultsplus

¨       Being asked to sponsor “meals on wheels” type function for Lakota Indians. Asking for info on how our previous gifts have been spent. See info at http://donredding.com/20031015lakota.html

¨       Skip Heintzelman told 10/05/03 and 10/12/03 of plans for trip to the Barter Theater in Virginia December 3 and 4. Signup by 10/31. $140/180 double/single

¨       Day trip to Sanford to hear Stephen Ware in Rainmaker. $20 11/20. matinee performance 

19)  October Birthdays:  Connie Owen 10/04, Tonsie Lee 10/10, Wes Soule 10/11,  Ginny Soule 10/17, Tom Stinson 10/18, Anne Lumadue 10/21, Helen Hackney 10/22, Ken Buker 10/23, Mary Katherine Vass 10/23, Allen Maxwell 10/27

20)  Disaster Response teams.  We are organizing Disaster Response teams to go to the coast right now.  The first group, scheduled for October 19-25, needs four more team members to join Bob Johnson and Ric Caponi.  We will remove damaged furnishings, wall board, insulation and flooring to assist with the drying out process, and there will be repair projects.  A second team will go east on November 7-10 - and this will work well for folks with only weekend availability.  This is a great opportunity to serve God and to give yourself in assistance to the folks whose lives have been so hurt by this disaster.  

21)  The Witherington’s shared a flyer of information about a trip  to the “Wonders of Turkey and Egypt” with their son  May 24 – June 3, 2003

22)  Charlie Justice, #22, died this week. We will talk about him a little on 10/26/03.


F)     Ownbey Calendar++++++++++++++++++++

¨        10/19/03 10/25/03 Disaster Reponses Trip

¨        10/24/0311/02/03 Arsenic and Old Lace, Theatre Matthews

¨        10/28/03 Flu Shots

¨        11/02/03 Bloodmobile

¨        11/02/03 Library Grand Opening

¨        11/07/03 50th Celebration , Jubilee Hall 6:30

¨        11/09/03 and 11/10/03 John Holbert from Perkins SMU 9:45 joint SS on 10 Commandments (Not Psalms as previously indicated), Sunday night, and Monday night.

¨        11/11/03 Adults Plus! Planning Retreat, Tree Tops

¨        11/19/03 Adults Plus! Dr. Howell.

¨        12/03, 4 -  Adults Plus! Trip to Barter Theater, Virginia

¨        12/05/03 Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s

¨        12/07/03 Adults Plus! Christmas Party with Les Ackerman

¨        12/14/03 Christmas Breakfast at Thompson’s

¨        01/21/04 Adults Plus! Bikin Mike Gordon

¨        Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

¨        Ushers

¨        Habitat food and workers

¨        Treats

¨        Guides / Greeters Sunday Mornings

¨        Help get Library Started. See Barbara

¨        Youth need sofas, piano, keyboard

¨        Help Wanted in several Service Areas in the Church, 295-4841

¨        Urban Ministry needs towels and washcloths

¨        Family Partner needed for the Robinson’s Habitat House.

¨        CHAMP Volunteers needed -joe@mpumc.org

¨        Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney 

¨        Elementary School Buddies  343-5427 

¨        Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair. 

¨        New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

¨        Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

¨       Goodness Gracious Gift Shop -  see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop


G)    Window of the Seven Christian Virtues - SEE writeup by Don in 10/12/03 Reader. Also pick up Gil Adams booklet in the Lobby of the Parish Life Center.