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October 12, 2003 Ownbey Reader


Final Draft of 10/12/03

(On line Update at http://donredding.com/reader.html)


A) This Week:  Champion Building; Operating Deficit; Helping Hands purpose; New Adults! Plus Web Page; 10/15/03 Adults Plus! Peter Smolowitz, Observer, Iraq War; Exercise;  Disaster Response teams; Lesson on Sanctuary.

B)    50th Celebration November 07.


Friday, November 07, 2003,


Jubilee Hall



Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming. We need addresses of previous members.

If you want to help plan, contact the Hatfields or Don Redding or join in the Class Talks before and after Sunday School.



C)     News: :

1)      Budget Issue: 

¨       10/12/03 Skip reminded us of our commitment in the class to consider increasing our pledges or sending in an extra check to help reduce the 2003 Operating deficit. Indicate it is to be included as part of the Ownbey effort. Send to Wayne Harrison, Business Administrator.

¨       Several class members suggested the Ownbey Class make a contribution (in addition to any other individual gifts) to help cover the expected Operating deficit. 

¨       (10/05/03) Skip Heintzelman, Chair of the H H Committee, led a discussion of the suggestion. The class approved the following:

Þ     To help cover the projected Operating deficit and as an encouragement to other Sunday School classes, the Ownbey Class will contribute $50 to the Operating fund of the Church (in recognition of its 50th anniversary year) and encourage class members to increase their pledge or give an additional amount. Such gifts may be designative as part of the Ownbey effort.

Þ     Wayne Harris, Business Manager, said any increased pledges or gifts may be marked “Ownbey Effort” or something similar to reflect our class effort.

Þ     A rough approximation of the  support of the Ownbey Class so far is $1,800


2)      Lessons:

·   On 10/12 Jim Walters talked to us about our Sanctuary and its Symbolism. Thanks for a grand session, Jim. If you have the 25 Anniversary 32 page booklet, the 117 page 50th Anniversary yellow book from 1975 (“A Narrative Compilation of News  ... of  ...MPUMC, ” or Rev. Gilreath Adams book on the Sanctuary(“Artifacts in the Sanctuary of MPUMC”), please look over and bring. The last two  are on line at http://donredding.com/sanctuary.html

·   Then 10/19 Chick Thompson starts a two class session on Speak What We Feel followed by Ace Walker on 10/26.

·   Thanks to  Barbara Barden (10/05) for a good lesson from the International Series. It always is lively when she is with us.


3)      10/05 Approved new Membership policy and new class description. See in Reader below. A class member suggested a short way to express our view on membership is  “Once a member, always a member, as long as you wish.”

4)      Exercise Classes –Survey class (10/12) about an exercise class for the over 55 folks to be held Tuesdays and Thursdays. No cost for the first session and then it is either $4 or $5. Filled out survey 10/12. Carol Douglas uses the  same trainer and  said she was “lot of fun, very good, loves seniors, does not work you too hard, and I would encourage to sign up for class” and loves seniors.

5)      Ushers Needed. See Jerry Brady.

6)      Nametags 2 – We need Nametags for our 50th celebration for members, former members, and guests. It might be a good time to consider permanent name tags for Ownbey for the future. Preference from members seems to be for the ones with elastic strings around the neck. Thanks to Bob Lumadue who did the last nametags which now have become yellowed and many missing. Not sure who did the wooden Nametag Holder but it was during Betty Campbell’s presidency.


7)       50th Celebration:  is Friday, November 07, at 6:30 p.m.


¨       We have received checks  from some of you already and also from former members including the Sales of Maritta Georgia. I am sending Readers and othe nfo to former members Walthall, McCulloughhs, Montgomerys, Glenn, Harvey, and  and Johnssons. Tell others about the event. Let me have more addresses and we will put on mailing list.

¨       The class voted 10/05 to have the meal catered for the 50th Anniversary at a cost of $8 each This was in lieu of a covered dish meal. Former members will be invited to join us (at the $8), but special guests will not be charged.

¨       Give your money or mail to Carol Douglas, 2110 Radcliff Av , 28207-2406, and the sooner the better to eliminate last minute rushing. Thanks.

¨       Let Don and the Hatfields have addresses of previous members to invite.

¨       Over 50 people signed up already. We hope for 100.

·   Planning continues; let Social Chair Jim Hatfield have your ideas. 

·   Sydnor Thompson will be our main speaker.

·    Suggestion we pay for Sanctuary flowers on the Sunday before the celebration; cost is $125, and we are looking for contributions to do this. Need four and have two 10/13.

6)      News Flashes:

¨       Environmental Task force meeting

¨       United Methodist Women to Bethlehem Center on 10/20 and 10/22 – day trip.

¨       Flu Shots on 10/28

7)      Health and Happiness:

¨       Alan Maxwell is home and recovering  from the removal of his gall bladder.

¨       Bun Collingwood is feeling worse lately and we should keep him in our prayers.

¨       Virginia Gourley is feeling stronger, thanks to a blood transfusion following a bout with anemia, and was in Church 10/05

¨       Good to see in class 10/05 some folks who have been under the weather recently  including Marie Perce, Randy Harris, Dottie Tobias. 

¨       Good to see the Witherington’s  back from their Wilmington summer visit. Good to see Laura too.

¨       Winnie Culbreth’s mother,  Alma Warren died recently.

¨       Please provide Reatha with other H and H

8)      Helping Hands: 

¨       On 10/12 Skip Heintzelman thanked Harriette Thompson, Ann Copeland, Connie Owen, and Ruth Heintzelman for helping October 11 provide hospitality stations for our youth Champion Builders around the South Tryon Church area. See photos on Bulletin Board.

¨       As a reminder, Helping Hands is the Committee / function of the Ownbey Class whose purpose as approved 08/03/03 is  “to identify and/or investigate service opportunities that could warrant financial or time participation of the class.” The chair of Ownbey Helping Hands is Skip Heintzelman and the members are Ellen Chason, Judy Stinson, Willard Gourley, and Don Hammer. The ex-officio members are the Class Treasurer and president.

¨       See #1 action above on the Budget issue.

¨       On 10/05/03 Mr Heinemann announced we had repaired a wheelchair for the sum of $45. This is in addition to giving $400 toward purchase of a new one as well.

9)      Class Talks:  On the heels of Dr Howell’s Church Talks, Ownbey has Class Talks before and after SS class.  No attendance Requirement. Your call. I will be here if you want to chat after 9:00 and 10:40

10)  Thanks to Connie Owen and her telephone committee for calling prospective new class members who joined the church recently.

11)  Adults Plus!

¨       Has new Web Page at http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/adults or http://www.mpumc.org/adultsplus

¨       Being asked to sponsor “meals on wheels” type function for Lakota Indians. See info at http://donredding.com/20031015lakota.html

¨       10/15/03 Adults Plus! Peter Smolowitz, Observer, Iraq War . Bill Pearce announced the meeting will be at 10:30 and in classrooms after which we go to Jubilee Hall to eat. Call 376 5520 x5200.

¨       Skip Heintzelman told 10/05/03 10/122/03 of plans for a trip to the Barter Theater in Virginia December 3 and 4. Signup by 10/31. $140/180 double/single

¨       Day trip to Sanford to hear Stephen Ware in Rainmaker. $20 11/20. matinee performance 

12)  Bill Pearce told the class that Marcus J. Borg was going to be spealking at the Myers Park Baptist Church Friday night (10/17/03) at 7:30 and other times over weekend.

13)  10/05/03 night Dr. Howell did a session on Prayer. Optional study groups meet 3 times for 1½ hours each in future weeks. Using Dr H book, which is available in Goodness Gracious! Ownbey well represented.

14)  October Birthdays:  Connie Owen 10/04, Tonsie Lee 10/10, Wes Soule 10/11,  Ginny Soule 10/17, Tom Stinson 10/18, Anne Lumadue 10/21, Helen Hackney 10/22, Ken Buker 10/23, Allen Maxwell 10/27

15)  Disaster Response teams.  We are organizing Disaster Response teams to go to the coast right now.  The first group, scheduled for October 19-25, needs four more team members to join Bob Johnson and Ric Caponi.  We will remove damaged furnishings, wall board, insulation and flooring to assist with the drying out process, and there will be repair projects.  A second team will go east on November 7-10 - and this will work well for folks with only weekend availability.  This is a great opportunity to serve God and to give yourself in assistance to the folks whose lives have been so hurt by this disaster.  

A)     The following was approved by voice vote with no objection on 10/05/03.

The Ownbey Sunday School Class is a welcoming Christian Community. Anyone who wants to be a member of the Ownbey Sunday School Class may be. Members remain on the roll – even if they seldom (or never) attend - unless they say they want to be removed.


A class member suggested a short way to express it is “Once a member, always a member, as long as you wish.”


B)    Class Description:  The following change was approved 10/05/03:

The Ownbey Sunday School is primarily a discussion class of singles and couples ages 40 and up. It designs its own curriculum of Bible study, applied theology, life management issues, and other topics. The teachers are experienced in leading discussions and knowledgeable in the subject matter.


F)     Ownbey Calendar++++++++++++++++++++


¨        10/15/03 Adults Plus! Peter Smolowitz, Observer, Iraq War

¨        10/28/03 Flu Shots

¨        11/07/03 50th Celebration , Jubilee Hall 6:30

¨        11/09/03 John Holbert from Perkins SMU 9:45 joint SS  on Psalms

¨        11/11/03 Adults Plus! Planning Retreat, Tree Tops

¨        11/19/03 Adults Plus! Dr. Howell.

¨        12/03, 4 -  Adults Plus! Trip to Barter Theater, Virginia

¨        12/05/03 Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)

¨        12/07/03 Adults Plus! Christmas Party with Les Ackerman

¨        12/14/03 Christmas Breakfast at Thompson’s

¨        01/21/04 Adults Plus! Bikin Mike Gordon

¨        Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

¨        Ushers

¨        Habitat food and workers

¨        Treats

¨        Guides / Greeters Sunday Mornings

¨        Help get Library Started. See Barbara

¨        Youth need sofas, piano, keyboard

¨        Help Wanted in several Service Areas in the Church, 295-4841

¨        Urban Ministry needs towels and washcloths

¨        Family Partner needed for the Robinson’s Habitat House.

¨        CHAMP Volunteers needed -joe@mpumc.org

¨        Hospital Visitors See Rae Haney 

¨        Elementary School Buddies  343-5427 

¨        Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair. 

¨        New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

¨        Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

¨       Goodness Gracious Gift Shop -  see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop


G)    Window of the Seven Christian Virtues (Draft and Rough!)

There is a story about a businessman visiting Charlotte who would sometimes hire a taxi to drive him down to the intersection of Queens and Providence road. There he would ask the driver to stop in the Myers Park Hardware lot and he would look out the window at the Myers Park United Methodist Church. What he was looking at was the gorgeous stained glass window facing that intersection. I do not know is this is a true story or not, but many times at night as I drive by the church I think of that person, real or not, and I hope he found a source of beauty and strength there as many our church members have over the years.



The windows are known, collectively, as the Window of the seven Christian Virtues and was given "in memory of Mrs. Alfreta Chrisman Snyder by the members of this church." Of course the question is, who was Mrs. Snyder. No Snyder name appears as one of the founding members and we hope to figure this out someday. In 1989 the window along with the others was restored. A plaque downstairs in the Sanctuary just inside the doors from the Narthex on the Queens Road Side says it was restored “in honor of Christian Harris by Jay Hendrix.”

The  window has a wealth of detail and history in its seven large window panes and its 25 smaller panes. The smaller panes start with the symbols of the "A" and "O" for the Alpha and Omega at the very top on either side. Jesus said I am the Alpha and the Omega ( location). On our left is a United States Soldier and on the right is a United States Sailor. In the middle is the United States flag. The soldier and sailor are from World War I or before as the windows were created by 1925 or so. The flag would have had 48 stars at that time for the 48 states.  X was added as a state in xxx and Hawaii in  xxxx and Alaska in 19xx.


Next are- left to right: Symbols of Seven Virtues
The windows include scales of justice; donkey for humility; angel saying “God is my strength” for courage; angel saying, “Who is like unto God?’ for Divinity: angel saying, The sword of the Spirit” for faith; anchor for hope and purse for charity (love).

CENTRAL FIGURES: (From left to right)

These include Justice: Martin Luther, leader of Reformation

Humility: St. Francis of Assisi, founder of Franciscan monks

Courage: Stephen, the first Christian martyr

Divinity: Christ the King (Crown on his head,)

Faith: Paul the Apostle

Hope: John Wycliff, translator of Bible into English

Charity (Love): John Wesley, founder of Methodism

FIGURES NEAR BOTTOM: (from left to right)

Justice: Solomon ordering the soldier to cut baby in half, when two women claimed to be its mother

Humility: Feed the poor, clothe the naked

Courage: David with sling shot, killed Goliath

Divinity: Angel says “God is Light”

Faith: Ark on the flood waters

Hope: Daniel in the lion’s den

Charity (Love): Helping people in debtors prison

Note: Above the head of Jesus, “Come Unto to Me” and below His feet: I am the King of the World