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Week>> (Update 11/14/03 4:07 PM)
at http://donredding.com/reader.html)
A) This Week:
Library Open next door, 50 th, 2004 Every
Member Commitment Campaign Sunday 11/09,
Curriculum meeting, H and H, Adults
Plus!, Lesson
to turn in your 2004 Estimate of Giving today
B) News: :
1) Lessons:
(11/09) does the second of 3 sessions on Beyond Belief, the Gospel of Thomas followed by Gaston (11/16). Ace
Teacher today , Willard Gourley, is well
known to all of us. He has taught our class for years. I have known Willard back to
2) Challenge / Budget Issue: Skip Heintzelman, Chair of our Helping Hands
Project Committee, reported we raised
$7,210 through our Celebration, and the anonymous donor matched it for a grand
total of $12,210 from 33 families in our class to help with the 2003 budget
This is
a far cry from our initial step for the class to give $50 as we celebrate our
50th year plus individual gifts. What a wonderful response.
Business Administrator of the Church, Wayne Harrison writes, “I know your
class has its special celebration coming on Friday night. Please be sure and thank them immensely on
behalf of the congregation and staff for their leadership in this area. This has been a gracious and generous effort
by the entire class.”
3) Curriculum Meeting,
Hammer, 2004 Chair of Curriculum Committee, surveyed the teachers for
suggestions prior to the meeting Thursday night.
Schedule for the first three months of 2004 has been developed.
4) Nametags – Do we keep using them, and if so, do we have
any suggestions for who should be the “keeper of the Tags.” Give me
your feedback.
5) 50th Celebration: (more later)
If you
took pictures Friday night with film, try to have a CD made and I will pay you
for it. I did not get as many pictures
as I wanted.
Sunday night - NOT YET – My photos
will be on line at
. ID is don@donredding.com. And Password is UNC if
you need them. Look for Celebration… near top of menu.
See list
of attendees (will be a couple of days before current) http://donredding.com/celebration.html or http://donredding.com/celebration.pdf
Sydnor Thompson was our main
speaker. Harriette provided wonderful music and
accompanied us in some oldies songs (no, Syd did not sing solo but he did a
grand job examining the beginnings of the Ownbey Class and his reason for feeling our church “was
one of the best things to happen to me.”)
Lots of
folks helped make Friday night a memorable occasion, and too many to list
properly this late at night. Let me just say, it was a rewarding experience to
see how so many people pitched in and made a fun evening of “Christian
6) Christmas Party:
Believe it or not it is sign up time for our
Christmas Party at, where else, the Hatfields! It is Friday, December 5. The Hatfields have done a wonderful job this year leading our
socials, and it is way beyond the call of duty for them to volunteer to be our
December hosts as well. We are glad you did!
8) Remember the ever popular Breakfast at
Thompson’s is scheduled for Sunday, December 14. Thank you, Harriette and Sydnor.
9) News Flashes:
10) Health and Happiness:
sister, Claire, continues to
improve from knee surgery.
Good to
see Allen Maxwell Friday night and he is recovering from surgery, perhaps a
little slower than he expected.
Needy came through a procedure last Monday fine and was at our celebration.
Harris was at the Celebration and coming along little slower than she hopes
from cataract surgery last week.
provide Reatha with other H and H news.
11) Class Talks: After serving a useful purpose, we are backing
off from our formal Class talks before and after class Sundays. Continue to let
me have you thoughts, ideas, and suggestions as we gear to a change in our
Ownbey Administration through the end of the year. I still will be available
before and after class but not as early as before.
12) “..Creating
a Meaningful
13) Adults Plus!
Planning Retreat
11/11 Pine Tops
Next program
¨ 11/20 Rainmaker $20 Matthews
12/03, 4
- Trip to
New Web Page at http://www.mpumc.org/mpumc/adults
or http://www.mpumc.org/adultsplus
Asked to sponsor “meals
on wheels” function for Lakota Indians. Asking for info on how
previous gifts spent. See info at http://donredding.com/20031015lakota.html
14) November
Birthdays – Virginia Gourley 11/03, Ownbey SS Class 11/07, Bill Pearce 11/09, Joyce Gosset
11/14, Twala Kruger 11/15, Lou Bledsoe 11/17, Linda Myers
11/19, Jim Hatfield 11/21, Ted Bryan 11/21, Eleanor Harris 11/26
15) The Witherington’s shared a flyer of information
about a trip to the “Wonders of
12/03, 4 - Adults Plus! Trip to
Other Volunteers
Needed: Ownbey needs in italics:
Soup Kitchen Starts @
South Tryon Church, need
Habitat food and workers
Guides / Greeters Sunday Mornings
Help get
Library Started. See Barbara
Youth need
sofas, piano, keyboard
Help Wanted in several Service Areas in the Church, 295-4841
Urban Ministry
needs towels and washcloths
Family Partner
needed for the Robinson’s Habitat House.
CHAMP Volunteers needed
Visitors See Rae Haney
Elementary School
Buddies 343-5427
Ushers for Church in the Round. Tell Jan Nomina, Hospitality
New Church
Member follow-up. Need Volunteers
Home Bound and Hospital
Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
Goodness Gracious
Gift Shop - see Linda Shull
366-0403 to work in Shop