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Version: 10/07/2003 4:02 PM


Ownbey Weekly Reader Sunday May 25, and June 1, 2003




Articles of Religion
  • Article 13—Of the Church  The visible church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the  Sacraments duly administered according to Christ's ordinance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the  same.
  • Article 14—Of Purgatory  The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worshiping, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also  invocation of saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the  Word of God.  

The 25  Articles of Religion  were written by John Wesley for the Discipline  of 1808 and remains in the Disciple as what we believe as  Methodists

A)Wednesday, May 21, 2003 Advisory Meeting Outline and minutes. (more complete minutes will be available later)

1)      Fellowship Thanks to the 26 officers / chairs / members who attended including Reatha Andrew, Anne and Ken Buker, Ellen Chason, Carol Douglas, Virginia and Willard Gourley, Bob and Marilea Grogan, Paul Guthery, Don Hammer, Jim and Nancy Hatfield, Nhora Moreno, Linda Myers, Marie and Bill Pearce, Don Redding, Ginny and Wes Soule, Judy and Tom Stinson, Harriette and Sydnor Thompson, William Webb, Ben Witherington, and Barbara Barden.

2)      Fine tune  for the remainder of the year

3)      Thank our Officers and Chairs and other contributors.

4)      Thank our teachers.

5)      Feedback from Officers / Committee Chairs.

·         Carol Douglas, Treasurer, reported we have $2,348 on hand. This year we have income of $2,243 and expenses / distributions of $588. Income includes anonymous gift in January. It was noted that the Handbook and Reader are being done at no cost to the class or MPUMC.

·         Marilea and Bob Grogan, Nominating Committee, reported the members selection for the Nominating Committee almost complete.

·         Nancy and Jim Hatfield, Social Committee, reported that John Rasberry had offered his Lake Wylie home as a site for our 50th Celebration. The group was excited about this offer.  Also,  the Hatfields announced a special Group rate night for performance of South Pacific at the Matthews  Theatre. Stephen Ware is performing in it.  Jim was to email members to see if there was interest in attending a performance, probably 6/17 for $14.

·         Mr Redding reported for the Project Committee. A brief organizational  meeting has been held, Skip Heintzelman was elected Chair, and Willard Gourley will be the fifth member. The group made assignments for contacting church staff for suggestions for the committee, it reviewed and discussed guidelines, issues , and causes with fuller discussions set for the next meeting. Information from Bill Pearce was distributed for review prior to the next meeting.,

6)      Discuss Suggestions received from Feedback Forms - Promote social activity before class: CPCC Theater, Symphony South Park; shorter announcements more lesson; continue to emphasize Bible related as opposed to sociology, philosophy, etc.; start on time regardless of C-I-R; push with new staff for 8:45 C-I-R start; count choir present on 3 a day, more no’s than yeses to service in objective; consider name tags; class bus trip; discussions on  how the  lessons pertain to everyday life; can’t improve on perfection.. The suggestions were discussed and will be considered as the year unfolds.

7)      Review, consider, revise, Ok Handbook draft. The group indicated support for the Handbook, but suggested a cut off time be selected. It will be modified and corrected until the second half Lesson Schedule is available and included.

·         ACTION: Clarified section on reimbursement for meals at time of death of member’s immediate family, clarified section on Selection of Teachers, will add section  to  count present choir  when do 3 a day (Easter, Christmas, etc.)will add Extended Family members names, will add recent books covered, made optional the  procedures suggested from the January Advisory meeting for recording expenses paid by members not expecting reimbursement by the class treasury. Ken Buker volunteered to help correct the History Section. The group was encouraged to  offer suggestions and corrections promptly. Though huge files, revisions are visible on line at or

8)      Revise any policies needed

9)      Begin planning for 50th anniversary celebration of the class John Rasberry offered his lake home for our celebration, and Jim will explore dates in the fall with John and review church and football schedules to determine a date. Other details are to be decided later.

·         Sydnor Thompson suggested we tie in our 50th celebration with a membership drive and that we let people know the uniqueness of our discussion oriented class.. This led to a general discussion of membership efforts. Don Hammer suggested we use  a display similar to the one prepared for the Neighborhood Get together and that we obtain publicity for our  50-th. Don Redding and Bill Pearce will discuss use of Cornerstone and Bulletin.. A related suggestion was that we work with the new ministers to develop an early notification system for new members, that the Ownbey new member Information flyer be further developed, and that the President or a Membership Chair follow up with new church members at the reception and other times. Further , the group discussed efforts to bring back members on our roll but  seldom attend. Some successes and failures were noted.

10)  Give class members an opportunity to be heard

11)  Etc., based on your feedback.


A)Sunday, May 25, 2003


2)      5/25/3 - 9:45 a.m.  Ben Witherington III on James Book at Sunday School hour. Preaches 8:30 and 11. Borders 5/23/3 2 p.m.

3)      VisitorsBen Smith on 5/18 as guest of Tom Stinson. Mr. Smith’s address is Fenton Place European Cleaners, 515 Fenton Place Cleaners, Charlotte NC 28207, 704 377-1711 or email of Drop him a note.

4)      Happy remaining May birthdays to Carol Douglas (5/28), and Ben Witherington (5/31). .

5)      5/29/3 - Sign up  with  Jim Hatfield for South Pacific and Stephen Ware

6)      5/17/3 - South Pacific and Stephen Ware on 5/17/3 at Matthws Theater.

7)      6/8/3 - Help Lighthouse Kids Vacation Bible School with donations of material by 6/8.

8)      5/25/3 – Sign up for MPUMC Picture Taking for Pictorial beginning 5/25/3

9)       6/1/3 - Present new framed prints (estimated)

10)  Thanks to Willard who on 5/18 led a lively discussion of God in Balance  in Time of Terror .  Ben iii is  5/25. God in Balance finish by Gaston 6/1 (SS at 9 a.m 6/1)

B)Ownbey Calendar (and Ownbey Volunteers needed in italics

1)       Future Dates 

·         5/25/3 – Sign up for MPUMV Picture Taking

·          06/01/03 - Consecration of Parish Life Building and renovations (9 - 10 a.m. Sunday School, Gaston teaches)

·          June - Curriculum Meeting

·          6/8/3 - Help Lighthouse Kids Vacation Bible School with donations of material

·         6/17/3 – South Pacific and Stephen Ware on 5/17/3 at Matthws Theater.

·         06/18/03– Adults Plus! @ Melvin’s Lakeside estate, $5.(295-4815) 

·          07/04/03- Party at Chason’s at 5:30

·          09/05/03 -Stephen Ministry Training

·          09/26/03 - Bar B Q at the Copeland’s

·          0?/0?/03 – 50th Celebration

·          12/05/03 - Christmas Party @ Hatfield’s (Tentative)

·          12/14/03 - Breakfast at Thompson’s

2)       Other Volunteers Needed: Ownbey needs in italics

·          Elementary School Buddies  343-5427

·          Ushers for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality Chair, know.

·          New Church Member follow-up. Need Volunteers

·          Project Committee - need one more.

·          Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney

·          Goodness Gracious Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull 366-0403  to work in Shop

C)Sunday 5/18/3 

1)       Hymn, Announcements, and discussion

2)       9:45 a.m. 05/25/03 Ben Witherington III on James Book at Sunday School hour. Preaches 8:30 and 11.

3)       Thanks to Fred, Bill, Marie, Ken, Anne B, Wes, Ginny, Barbara, Jim, Dottie for moving us, Genesis, and Fellowship

4)      6:45 p.m. 5/21 Ownbey Advisory Meeting.  Meal served 5:30 to 6:45 and $6. All Welcome. Will discuss suggestions for remaining 2003, 50th anniversary class celebration, Handbook etc. Call 376-5520 x5600. Details and invitation at Outline

5)       Suggestions received from Feedback Forms. See 5/21/3 minutes

6)       10:30 a.m. 05/21/03 - Adults Plus - Dr. Aldridge  “Ode to Retirement”. Call by Monday noon  at 376-5520 x5200

7)       Handbook – pick up latest and look over before Wednesday.

8)       Bethel and Disciple – register now

9)       VisitorsBen Smith  today as guest of Tom Stinson. Ms. Franklin Gaddis  last Sunday. Welcome..

10)    Signup for 6/1 meal at Consecration.

11)   Need help getting to Web, MPUMC, and Ownbey sites?. You should be able to reach our  page at from links in the email each Thursday. by clicking. If not, we make house calls - no charge. Also, tell us if you do not want emails.

12)   Missed class and want to hear what happened? Have audio tapes back for  two years.

13)  Happy remaining May birthdays to Carol Douglas (5/28), and Ben Witherington (5/31). .

14)   Present new framed prints 6/1

15)   H and H: Wilma  auto accident. Sore but OK, car not ok.. Randy at class last Sunday. Bun  trying to gain weight

16)  Project Committee: Mary Hope  (child mentioned by Ron Sunday). too big and permanent is one feedback. Another idea, security system, but some feel responsibility of church. Committee meets 5/18 after class and will elect Skip Heintzleman Chair.  Agenda

17)    Reatha, Chick taught elsewhere last week. We count teachers present when teaching other Sunday School Classes if they let  Secretary know before turn in the attendance report..

18)     Sydnor finished Craig Hill's book In God's Time - the Bible and the Future . in his usual fine fashion last week. Willard starts God in Balance  in Time of Terror  today, Ben iii on 5/25. God in Balance finish by Gaston 6/1 (SS at 9 a.m 6/1)