Last Update 3 15 03

NOTE: AS the new 

MPUMC Web Site 
develops, these 
links will be 
Right now 
many do not work
as they are to 
the old site.
Links that work
have  an *

This Index Home Page


A to Z Jump: 

 A  B   C

D E F G H-I-




New Building*

Home Page of Don*

Home Page of MPUMC*

About MPUMC*


1501 Queens Road West*
6th Grade Class*
7th Grade Confirmation Class*
8th Grade Class*

Back to Top vv

About MPUMC 
Acolyte/Crucifer Training (noLink)

Acobat Reader*

Addresses - Email*

Addresses - Staff
Addresses - USA Mail

Administrative Board*

Administrative Board - Attendance (Dsr Web)*

Administrative Board - Minutes etc. (Dsr Web)*

Administrative Board - Officers*

Adopt - A - Team


Adult Christian Education Sunday School Classes
Adult Classes*

Adult Discipleship

Adult Handballs

Adult Ministries Section

Adult Ministry *

Adult Ministry Team 


Adults - Single - Sunday School Classes

Adults Ministry Section Overview

Adults! Plus

Adults! Plus (Dsr web)

Advent Season

Advocate – NC Christian

Aeolian-Skinner Organ *

AIDS Interfaith Network

Alter Flowers (noLink)

Amazon Books

Annual Conference 2002 WNC

Area Coordinators

Arts - Fellowship of United Methodist Music and Worship Arts

Asbury Choir

Asbury Place

Asbury Place (Methodist Home)

Attendance Pads - Check

Audio Tapes *

Audio Visual (noLink)

Audits and Records Team

Autumn Academy (noLink)

BAck to Top
Bags- Worship Bags for Children

Bank of Metrolina (Now Second Harvest Food Bank)

Baptism (noLink)


Basketball Coaches

Bethel Bible Study

Bethlehem Center

Bible - Bible Study -MPUMC

Bible - Bible Study - not MPUMC

Bible Browser  Advance Page

Bible Browser Basic Home Page

Bible Gateway to 9 versions

Bible Study -MPUMC

Bible Symposium - Luther Synder

Bible: Book that Bridges the Millennia

Bibles and Retreat - 3rd Grade

Bishop Kammrerer (WNC Web)

Bishop  Kammerer (UMC Web)

Book Fair 10/16+ (No Link)

Boy Scouts Troop #3 *

Boy Scout Leaders

Builders Class - Sunday School*

Building, New

Building A Vision - Habitat Photos

Building on Our Beliefs (noLink)

Building Teams

Building Teams Mission


Burial (noLink)

BAck to Top
Calendar of events*

Camp Tekoa

Campus Diagram*

Care Teams*

Caregiver Support Group*

Caring Community - one of our Values

Caring Skills and Networking (CSN)
Carillon Tower

Carleton Towers Parking NO NO (no link)

Casserole Team

Celebration Ringers

Celtic Christianity

Center for Urban Ministry


Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir

Change for Change

Change for Change

Change for Change (noLink)

Charge Conference

Charlote-Mecklenburg Story

Charlotte Emergency Housing

Charlotte Green

Charlotte Sites - Links -

Charlotte Sites -Links

Charlotte's Web

Check Attendance Pads

Child Advocate Program

Child Care - Sunday Morning


Children - Welcome Worship Bags for Children

Children - Worshiper in Training - Children

Children and Family Ministry

Children's Class Schedules*

Children's Circle Rates*

Children Circle*

Children’s Circle Board Team

Children’s Ministry Team

Children's Celebration

Children's Choir

Children's Circle *

Children's Corner

Children's Division

Children's Ministries *

Children's Ministries Overview

Children's Ministry Section

Children's Music Programs

Child's Place

Child's Place (A)

Choir - Adult Handbells

Choir - Festival  Handbell Choir

Choir - Celebration Ringers

Choir - Chancel Choir

Choir - Children's Choir

Choir - Children's 

Choir - Chorale

Choir - Covenant Ringers

Choir - Flute Choir

Choir - Men's Chorus

Choir - Music Ministry Staff

Choir - UMW Choir

Choir - Youth Choir

Choir Staff



Christmas Schedule etc
Christmas Trees 12/07 (No Link)

Christian Believer

Christian Education Ministry]

Christianity 101

Church Calendar (noLink)

Church Historical Committee / Team 

Church in Round Singers (noLink)

Church in The Round *

Church in the Round - Preaching Schedule

Church Locator (WNC)

Church, the Methodist
Church Office Telephone

Church Organization - Links

Church Organization Links -

Circle Deborah

Circle Elizabeth

Circle Hannah

Circle Lydia

Circle Martha

Circle Mary


Circles - United Methodist Women

Classrooms / Offices*

Class Rooms - Maps

Classes for Single Adults

Cokesbury Books and Church Supplies

College Ministry

College Ministry Coordinator

Columbarium diagram(Don's Web)

Columbarium info (Don's Web)

Commitment Sunday (no link)


Communion *

Communion Committee / Team (No Link)

Companions in Christ

Computer Daze!*


Congregational Care Ministry

Congregational Care Ministry Team

Construction Updates - Photos

Contact Info- ministry

Contact Congress, president, etc. )

Contact Myers Park United Methodist Church

Contact Us

Contact Us - Email

Contact Us - Telephone

Core Values

Core Values - Youth and College Ministry

Core Values Youth and College Ministry - 


Costa Rica Building Team (No Link)

Council on Ministries

Covenant Ringers


Crisis Assistant Clothes Ministry

Crisis Assistant Ministry

Cross and Flame


Crucifer/Acolyte Training (noLink)

Cub Scouts (noLink)

BAck to Top
Dead Sea Scrolls

Deborah Circle

Defensive Driving Course (No Link)

Deliver Gifts to Visitors


Disaster Relief (no link)

Directions and Parking *
Directions to Church at Myers Park United Methodist Church *

Directions to Classrooms *

Discipline, the

Discipleship - one of our Values
Disciple Classes

Disciple Classes 2002-2003

Disciple Classes don's page

Disciple I

Disciple Il

Disciple Ill

Disciple IV

Discovery Class - Membership

Discovery Seminar

District Office (No Link)
Divorce Support Worship (noLink)

Double Oak Learning Gallery

Back to Top
Ecole Initiative

Elections of MPUMC Teams

Elizabeth Circle

Email Addresses - Staff

Emergency Disaster Relief (no link)

Emergency Housing

Epworth Place (Methodist Home)

er Teams

Evangelism Ministry

Evangelism Ministry Team

Back to Top
Faith and Reason Class - Sunday School

Faith And The Arts Team

Fall Family Festival 10/30 (No Link)
Lall Service Day 10/26 (No Link)
Family Center (no link)

Family Life Council Team


Family Ministry*

Fax Number 376-0423

Feedback *

Fellowship Class - Sunday School

FELLOWSHIP OF Christian Athletes

Fellowship of United Methodist Music and Worship Arts

Festval Handbell Choir

Finance Committee / Team 

Fish Bowl - Youth

Flame and Cross - History

Florence Crittenden Center

Flue Shots *

Flute Choir

Food Bank

Foundation Class - Sunday School*

Friendship Trays

Fundraising Coordinator

Funeral - Usher - 3755227 BobMoore (no link)

Funeral (no Link)

Furniture and Appliance Ministry

Back to Top
General Board of Global Ministries

General Services Ministries

Genesis Class - Sunday School*

Gifts and Talents Workshop

Girl Scouts

Giving Gifts (noLink)

Go Carolinas

grade - K -12 Sunday School

Greeters - Before Sunday School

Back to Top



Handbells - Adults


Hannah Circle

Happening Holy Events - Kids

Headlines - What's Happening

Health - Service Opportunities*

Health Education*
Health Cabinet

Health Ministries*

Health Ministries Team

Health Ministry

Heart and Hand Teams

High School - Sunday Morning Options (SMO)*

High School Small Groups

Historical Committee / Team 

History - Cross and Flame

History Myers Park United Methodist Church

Holy Communion*
Home Companion Volunteers

Home Page of Myers Park United Methodist Church

Homebound Visitation*

Hope Haven


Hospitality - one of our Values

Hospital Visitation*

Hospitality for New Members

Hospitality House of Charlotte

Hospitality Opportunities

Hospitality Volunteer (no link)


Hot Wednesdays

Hot Wednesdays Meals Schedule

Hot Wednesday Reservation # is 3765520X5600

Hours of Services

How to become a Member of MPUMC

Hunger Ministry

Hurricane Disaster Relief

Hymn Sing (noLink)

Back to Top
Infant Toddler Nursery Sundays


Infants - 12 grade Sunday School - 

Infants, Toddler Nursery / Sundays

International House

Back to Top
John Wesley - Links -

Johnston YMCA

Join Church of Myers Park United Methodist Church

Jubilee (noLink)

Jubille Gifts (no link)

Jubilee Team

Back to Top

Kammerer, Bishop (WNC Web)
Kammerer, Bishop (UMC Web)
K -12 grade - Sunday School -

Kids - Sunday School

Kid's Korner

Back to Top
Ladies Bible Study (noLink)

Lakota Indian Children's Ministry HTM

Lakota Indian Children's Ministry PDF
Lakota Indian Web Page
Lay Delegates

Lay Delegates

Lay MInistries *

Lay Ministries Team*

Lay Ministries Team
Lay Rally (no link)

Lectionary Texts

Lenten Season (no link)

Library - MPUMC (noLink)

Library - United Methodists

Links - Charlotte Sites

Links - Church Organization

Links - John Wesley

Links - Publications

Links - United Methodist Church

Links - Worship

Liverpool Mission Trip

Loaves and Fishes

Local Outreach Ministry Team (COLO)

Locate Church (WNC)

Location and Parking

Logos Class - Sunday School*

Love, Inc.

Luther Snyder Bibe Symposium (No Link)

Luther Snyder Class - Sunday School

Lydia Circle

Back to Top
Mail Address Box 6161, 28207 
Map to MPUMC
Maps *
Maps - New Building

Maps to Class Rooms

Mary Circle

Marshall Pickens Wellness Center

Martha Circle

Mecklenburg Ministries (direct)

Mecklenburg Ministries

Medical Equipment Closet*

Medical Mission Teams


Membership Discovery Class

Men's Chorus

Men's Group (noLink)

Men's Shelter

Message - Senior Minister 

Methodist Church, the 

Methodist Church and advocacy  the

Methodist Home

Methodist News Service

Metrolina Food Bank (Now Second Harvest Food Bank)

Middle School Small Groups

Middle School Small Groups Leaders


Ministries Contacts

Minutes Administrative Board (Dsr)


Missions / Outreach *
Mission of MPUMC
Mission Building Teams

Mission Society Representatives 

Mission Society Representatives 

Mission Trips - Youth

Mountain T.O.P. (noLink)

Music *

Music Ministry*

Music - Adult Handbells

Music - Celebration Ringers

Music - Chancel Music

Music - Children's 

Music - Chorale

Music - Covenant Ringers

Music - Festval Handbell Choir

Music - Flute Music

Music - Handbells

Music - Men's Chorus

Music - Music Ministry Staff

Music - UMW Music

Music - Youth Music

Music Ministry Staff

Music Ministry Team 

Myers Park United Methodist Church History

Myers Park United Methodist Church Sermons

Back to Top
NC Christian Advocate

New Building Diagram(dsr)*

New Life Class - Sunday School*

New Member Information

New Member Interviews

New Members

New Members Hospitality

New Members Sunday

New Parent Visatation*


News Service - Methodist

Nicodemus Project

Nominations and Personnel Committee / Team 

North Carolina Christian Advocate *

Numbers - Telephone


Nursery Care*

Nursery Care Volunteers*
Nursery - Sunday Morning -

Back to Top
Office 376-8584
Older Toddlers off

Ongoing Activities - Children's Ministries

Opportunities for Service-Health*

Opportunity Fair - Children's (no Link)
Options - Sunday Morning

Organ *

Overview of Myers Park United Methodist Church

Ownbey Class - Sunday School*

Ownbey SS Web Page by Dsr

Ownbey Sunday School Lessons

Back to Top
Panther friendly - we are! (no link)
Parables of Jesus

Parent Ministry Team (noLink)

Parish Life*

Parish Nurse*

Parking *

Parking and Directions *

Parking and Directions*
Parking NO NO at
Carleton Towers (no link)

Partners in Hope

Passenger Drop-Off

Passion for Servant Ministry

Pastors' Info

Pathways 30s - 40s

Pathways Class - Sunday School*

Pathways Newsletter

PDF files *

Permanent Men's Shelter Greeters

Personnel Committee /Team 

Phone Numbers

Phone Visitors

Photo Album


Prayer Ministry

Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program  (no link)

PREP Approach (noLink)

Presbyterian Hospital


Profession of Faith - New Members

Property Committee Team

Publications - Links

Publications - Links -

Back to Top
Quest  (no Link)

Reachout Ministries

Re-affirmation of Faith

Reception Committee / Team 

Red Cross Bloodmobile


Reservations - Administrative Board

Reservations - HOT Wednesdays 3765520X5600


Resources - United Methodist Links

Room in the Inn

Rooms - Maps

Ruth Circle

Ruth Fisher Class - Sunday School*

Ruth UMW Circles

Back to Top
S. Peter's Homes (noLink)

Sacrament of Baptism (noLink)

Salvation Army

SAM (Single Adult Ministry)

Sanctuary Organ

Sanctuary Services *
Sanctuary Windows


Schedule - All Choirs

Schedule - Children's Choir

Schedule of Preaching


Second Harvest Food (Formerly Metrolina Food Bank)

Seigle Avenue Preschool Cooperative

Senior Minister Message*


Sermons 2003 *

Sermons on Tape

Servant Ministry  - one of our Values

Shalom Zone

Shelter Food Preparation

Shelter Ministry

Shepherd's Center

Singers - Church in Round (noLink)

Single Adult Ministry *

Single Adults Class - Sunday School

Single Adults Classes

Single Class Schedules
Skinner Organ

Small Groups - Youth and College

Small Groups Ministry

Sojourners Class - Sunday School*

Sound and Video (no Link)

Sound and Video Technicians (no Link)
Southeastern Jurisdiction District Offices
Southside Church (noLink)

Special Events*

Special Worship Services *
Spiritual Formation Ministry Team
Spiritual Gifts - one of our Values

Spiritual Life Retreat (noLink)

Sports and Recreation Coordinator

St. Peter's Homes  (no link)

Staff Addresses

Staff Emails

Staff Information

Staff Pictures *

Staff Telephone Numbers *

Staff-Parish Relations Team  *

Standing at the Cross Roads (NO Link)

Stephen Ministry

Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship Ministry Team 

Stewardship opportunities

Stewardship Survey

Summer Fun Days

Summer Fun Days - Day Camp Kids

Summer Sunday Schools - Children

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Experience*
Sunday Morning Options for Youth  (no link)

Sunday Morning - Child Care

Sunday Morning - Nursery

Sunday Morning - Services

Sunday Morning - Worship Care

Sunday Morning Youth Options

Sunday Night Supper Committee / Team

Sunday Schools*

Sunday School - All

Sunday School - Builders Class*

Sunday School - Faith and Reason Class - Sunday School*

Sunday School - Fellowship Class - Sunday School*

Sunday School - Foundation Class - Sunday School*

Sunday School - Genesis Class - Sunday School*

Sunday School - Infants -12 grade

Sunday School - K -12 grade

Sunday School - Logos Class - Sunday School*

Sunday School - Luther Snyder*

Sunday School - New Life*

Sunday School - Options for Youth (no link)

Sunday School - Ownbey*

Sunday School - Pathways*

Sunday School - Ruth Fisher*

Sunday School - Single Adults

Sunday School - Sojourners*

Sunday School - Trinity*

Sunday School - Wesley*

Sunday School - Young Couples*

Sunday School - Youth Options   (no link)

Sunday School - Young Methodist Singles*

Sunday School Class Rooms - Maps

Sunday School Classes

Sunday School Listing and Locations Ministries

Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School Teachers List

Sunday School Teaching

Sunday School Training 8/24/02

Sunday Schools*

Survey Stewardship

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T.O.P. (noLink)

Talents Workshop

Tape Ministry *

Tape - Sermons *
Teachers - Sunday School - List

Team Audits and Records

Team Children’s Circle Board Team

Team Children’s Ministry Team

Team Congregational Care Ministry Team

Team 'Council on Ministries 

Team Evangelism Ministry 

Team Faith And The Arts

Team Family Life Council

Team Finance Committee

Team Health Ministry

Team Historical Committee

Team Jubilee

Team Lay Ministries

Team Local Outreach

Team Music Ministry

Team Nominations and Personnel Committee Team 

Team Personnel Committee

Team Property Committee 

Team Reception Committee

Team Spiritual Formation

Team Staff-Parish Relations

Team Stewardship Ministry

Team Trustees

Team Website Committee 

Team World Outreach Ministry

Team Worship Ministry

Team Youth Ministry


Teams at Myers Park United Methodist Church

Tele Care Ministry

Telephone Numbers

Telephone Numbers

The Methodist Church

Third Grade Bible Presentation

Third Grade Bibles and Retreat

Tower Carillon

Training SS 8/24/02

Transfer of Membership

Trinity Class - Sunday School*

Trustees Team 


Tutoring Wilmore

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UMAR (no link)
UMC Colleges and Seminaries



UMW Calendar

UMW Choir

UMW Circles

UMW Circles

UMW Circles Deborah

UMW Circles Elizabeth

UMW Circles Hannah

UMW Circles Lydia

UMW Circles Martha

UMW Circles Mary

UMW Circles Ruth

United Methodist Church, the

United Methodist Church - Links -

United Methodist News Service

United Methodist Publishing House

United Methodist Women

United Methodists- On Line

Upcoming Events *

Upcoming Services *

Upper Room

Urban Ministry

US Mail Addresses - STAFF Myers Park United Methodist Church

Usher - Funeral - 3755227 Bob Moore-no link

Usher Plate Committee / Team (noLink)


Ushering Instructions

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Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School Teachers

Vacation School Teachers

Valle Cruises (noLink)


Values Defined

Video and Sound  Technicians (no Link)

Video and Sound  Video Technicians (no Link)
Vision Statement (don's web)

Vision Statement (MP Web)*

Visit Prospective Members

Visit to New Mothers

Visitors - Phone

Visitors Gifts - Gifts

Volunteer Opportunities

Back to Top
Website Committee Team

Weddings (noLink)

Welcome Worshipers*

Welcome Worship Bags for Children*

Wesley Choir

Wesley Fund

Wesley Place(Methodist Home)


Western NC Conference (WNC)

What's Happening
Windows in Sanctuary

Wilmore Community

Wilmore Community Center

Wired 4 Ministry

Witherington III, Dr Ben

WNC Scandinavian Caravan
Women Circles

Wonderful Wednesdays

Wonderful Wednesdays (noLink)

wonderfully Made- 5th Graders

World Outreach Ministry *

World Outreach Ministry Team


Worship Services *

Worship - Links

Worship (not MPUMC)- Links -

Worship Bags for Children

Worship Care Volunteers*

Worship Ministry Team

Worship Readiness Class Teachers

Worship Section

Worship Services*

Worshiper in Training - Children

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YMCA - Johnston

Young Couples Class - Sunday School*

Young Methodist Singles*

Young Methodist Singles 20s - 30s

Young Methodist Singles Class - Sunday School

Youth Class Scedules*

Youth Line 3328693

Youth Options - Sunday School  (no link)
Youth Ministry
Youth and College Ministry - Core Values 

Youth and College Ministry - Core Values 

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