+<Last Next> Lesson schedule is at http://donredding.com/2003.html
Version: 05/13/2003 11:04 AM
109 was busy last week:
· The 25 Articles of Religion were written by John Wesley for the Discipline of 1808. According to Mark Edwards recently, "you cannot be a Methodist without believing them all.”
1) `
Announcements, and discussion
5/21 Ownbey Advisory Meeting.. All
Welcome. Will discuss suggestions for remaining 2003, 50th anniversary
class celebration, Handbook etc. Call 376-5520 x5600.Details and invitation
letter at http://donredding.com/20030521letter.html.
Outline at http://donredding.com/20030521.html
Reviewed report of WNC
Methodist showing (new Minister’s church) Davidson Methodist #1 in 4 of 6
growth categories.
Discussed party at
Green’s Hot Dogs. It is good eating
Forgot to pass signup for
6/1 meal at consecration.
Need help getting to Web and MPUMC
and Ownbey sites?. You should be able to reach our web page at http://donredding.com/church.htm from
links in the email each Thursday or Friday by clicking on the links. If not, we
make house calls - no charge. Also, please tell us if you do not want emails.
Happy remaining May birthdays to Randy
Harris (5/17), Carol Douglas (5/28), and Ben Witherington
Move from 109 to 110 on 5/15, need movers. Will present new framed
prints after move.
10) H and H: Wilma Miller had auto accident recently. Sore but OK, car not ok.. Randy Harris better after pneumonia and a fall. Was in
class. Bun Collingwood continues
treatment and trying to gain weight
11) Mark Barden of the local District office reminds us gifts to UMCOR go 100% to causes including current tornado relief.
12) Project
Committee: Suggestion - help Mary Hope (child mentioned by Ron Sunday). Might be too big and
permanent is one feedback. Another idea, help with security system. Committee
meets 5/18 after class and will elect Skip Heintzleman Chair. Agenda is
at http://donredding.com/20030518project.html
13) Barbara concurs to count teachers in our attendance totals when teaching other Sunday
School Classes. Teachers, let our Secretary know before we turn in the
attendance report that day. Reatha and Chick today were teaching elsewhere and
they are “present.”
15) Thanks to Ace Walker for 5/4 start of Craig
Hill's book In God's Time - the Bible and the Future
Other Volunteers
Needed: Ownbey needs in italics:
Ushers for Church in the Round. Let Jan Nomina, Hospitality
Chair, know.
New Church Member
follow-up. Need Volunteers
Project Committee
- need one more.
Home Bound and Hospital Visitation Teams - See Rae Haney
Goodness Gracious
Gift Shop - opening in September, see Linda Shull to work in Shop
Future Dates
June - Curriculum Meeting
Announcements, and discussion
Big 50
Adult Ministry
Team 4/28 decided we move to 110 by 6/1.
Reminder for 5/21
Advisory Meeting.
Teaching Calendar, Sydnor and Lou
switch to Sydnor 5/11 and Lou 6/15.
Classes, signup in May, classes Sept,
includes “V”
With sympathy we
note Mel Allen lost his brother (Claude Allen) 4/17. A transfer to our Project
Fund has been made in Claude’s memory.
Thanks to
Greeters Bill and Marie and Gaston and Jane for help 4/27
10) Happy birthdays to Len Chason (5/2), Chick
Thompson (5/3), Don Redding (5/5), Skip Heintzelman,
(5/10) Randy Harris (5/17), (5/28) Carol Douglas, and
(5/31) Ben Witherington.
11) 109 response
from Barbara at http://donredding.com/20030304.htm
12) Thanks to Susan Mobley for session last week on
“Coping Skills and Dealing with Chronic Illness.). Links to her handouts
under stress. After class a suggestion was made that we have at least a show
and tell of say 5 minutes on the Defib.
13) May 4 Ace Walker starts Craig Hill's book In
God's Time - the Bible and the Future