to Don's Page updated 4/1/08
Items highlighted
in yellow require username and password. Ask don and think presidential.
2008 Football Season: Hall of
Fame Induction / /08, Homecoming 10/17/2008
2007 Football Season: Hall of Fame Induction 09/28/07, Homecoming
AHS Ash-Hi-Life 1955
AHS Ash-Hi-Life 1955 Select
our 1955 AHS
with related pages from 1952 1953 and
1954 - on Smugmug site.(Send Don current pictures)
AHS Ash-Hi-Life 1955 on
this site, above is more complete
AHSAddresslabels.doc Use this for
mailings, mainly here for Lloyd. It will use Avery 5277 or 5177.
AHS Addresses in pdf most
AHS Birthdays
in PDF (If yours not
here, please send to don.)
Birthdays on Yahoo
AHS Class Song (added 5/26/05)
AHS Emails
in PDF (If yours not
correct, please send to don.)
Email bounces
in PDF (If yours not
correct, please send to don.)
AHS Friday Night Lights! (2006.10.28 Ahs 35
Randleman 0)
AHS Graduation Program from 1955
HoF (9/18/04)
Pictures on Smugmug
AHS Videos on PhotoBucket
AHS Website (The High School site)
Reunion: Links
and Slideshows with Sound:
SECOND NOTICE---to those who read their emails only
AHS Class of '55
Winter Meeting
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
11:30 a.m.
Sagebrush Restaurant, Asheboro
Reservations not necessary, Sagebrush can accommodate one and all, so
2007.10.19 Homecoming Football Vs Trinity
Email from Emily Fritz Lage 9/25/07: Hey Stranger....would love to see you at the BBQ and at the game Friday October 19, 2007 Barbecue by Hop's Home Football Game (there will be a charge for the Game, although I went to School Administration across from Presbyterian Church and got a pass for AHS Graduates..don't know if you have to live in the city/county or not) AHS (Old Sir Robert's Motel) Time: 5:30 Cost $8.00 per person Reply ASAP to: Lib Nault. See separate email from don for address or call don or eddie. Check should be made payable to AHS CLASS OF 1957 Emily Fritz Lage 9/25/07---
We had about 36 people present for a fun time at the
Sagebrush in Asheboro on Thursday September 20.. We do not meet again
until January (again at the Sagebrush), but we should try to
participate in Homecoming October 19. Contact Emily Fritz
Lage Ask Eddie or Don for her email address.We heard of
classmates we need to keep in our thoughts and prayers (and send
cards) including Janet and David, Edwina, Joan"s sister, Barbara
Ward, Sylvia Moffitt. (let me know if I left a name
out.) We learened after the meeting Nolan Galloway has a new computer
and cannot get it to open emails. Nancy Hall has a new email address as
do several others; please check the listings on our web page.
Order the 50th DVD from Charlotte Maness We decided to send flowers to
Janet and David as a token of appreciation of what they have done in
keeping our class together all these years.Order Christmas
ornament featuring the High School building from the Asheboro Woman's
Club and Kim Hoffman and other members of the Club Please let
Lloyd Hamlett or Don Redding know of any address changes . Check the
info on the web page and let Don know if you can't. Hope to see
you 10/19 Please send corrections to these notes to me. Thanks don
2007.08.22 Calling all members of the AHS Class of '55!!! (8/22/07 email from Lloyd and Diana)
GOOD NEWS!!!! After an extended layoff, we will resume our
luncheons on Thursday, September 20. We will meet at the Sagebrush
Restaurant located in the mall complex on East Dixie Drive in Asheboro.
Plan to be there by 11:30. Sagebrush needs to know by September 15 how
many to plan for. Call Nancy Hall or email her if you plan to attend.
You may also call or email Lloyd Hamlet.
MORE GOOD NEWS!!!! You should have already received the information on
the DVD of the 50th reunion that Charlotte has ready. If not, contact
EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS!!!! We all know how special our class is. All of
you should know that Lloyd, Eddie, and Don Redding have stepped up to
the plate and have taken charge of arrangements (securing locations,
planning, and getting out information). They deserve our thanks for all
their hard work. They have truly been the driving force for the
resumption of our luncheons.
NOW YOU MAKE SOME MORE GOOD NEWS!!!! If you possibly can, come on the
20th. As usual, there will be the camaraderie that is so special with
our class. You don't want to miss out on that. If you know of someone
who has not been a regular, give him/her a call and urge them to
attend. Let them know what they will be missing. Be sure to mark your
own calendar and come with news and pictures. Most of all, however,
bring your love for the best class to ever graduate from AHS.
Blue Comet Love....Diana
Good News Fellow Classmates! Charlotte has the DVD of the 50th reunion ready for distribution. It runs 46 minutes, has 55 music in the background and includes every picture from Don, Eddie, Julia and all the still shots from Maxine. Her friend has worked endlessly on the project and she thinks you will be pleased with the professional quality of the DVD.
To order: send a check for $15
made payable to Charlotte To:
Charlotte Maness at her home address
Be sure to include your
return mailing address.
If you have questions, call or email Charlotte.
The Professional Video, Part One of four or
five: Click>>>¤t=ahs1111.flv
(If I missed something in the meeting, let me know to correct.)
you are interested, please check the links on this page so you
are familiar with what we have. If
you want to help with this site let me know. I am using Microsoft
Access for the
address list and birthday lists. I use a basic html editor for the web
pages (specifically WebEditor 6). Our pictures are on my
smugmug site at
(Click here)
Smugmug is the best site I have found for pictures. It give you a
chance to
view pictures in a lot of ways so mess around with various
For videos, I have found a new site called PhotoBucket which to me is
better than YouTube so check out at (Click
here) Unfortunately viewing Smugmug and Photbucket
without cable makes it too much of a chore, so be
warned. With cable it is reasonably fast. Notice you can make
pictures much
larger or much smaller on Smugmug by changing to "original" or
""small" etc.